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Sticker on SOAP CDS in SPAIn

9 replies

Hi everybody:

Yesterday I was looking for CDs at FNAC store in the centre of Madrid and in the section of “NEW” (along with new Pet Shop Boys, Belle and Sebastian and so on) there was SOAP. But I realised all the CDS have a big blue sticker on it, with the face of Per (in that famous very first photo from SOAP, taken under the sun in the Grey Aerosol Machine) and the sticker said:


So, at the end, Emi Odeon Spain did the same strategy as when TWATG. By the way, I think it´s a positive step...just to tell people that the ROXETTE´S COMPOSER is still alive and kicking.

Would be cool if someone can make a scan of this!!

I would do it!!

Bu the problem is that I´ve already bought to copies of SOAP via CDON.COM and right now I have no money for another copy...although I would byanother just for that sticker hehehe.

I think somebody else explained about this sticker.. I knew about it at least.. maybe somebody commented it here or in the Spanish list or.. wherever. I’ll see when I go to spain in some weeks ;)

I was in Spain last month and I shot this CD with my phone. I will add a link.

OK, here is a link:

I take orders ;) :D

I don’t understand why that sticker is written in English. If that CD was made to be sold in Spain, the sticker should be in Spanish...

Arguing over what language the sticker on the front cover is? At least the album was released in Spain!!! It’s never gonna see the light of day in the UK!

cool sticker!:-)
hope the south-african copy is like that too

This is not an argument. But a sticker in Spanish makes more sense to me (just consider it’s for sale in SPAIN).

When “The Lonely Boys” was released here in Argentina (the Dutch release, in fact), it featured a sticker in Spanish. It says something like “Banda de Per Gessle, cantante de Roxette” (Per Gessle’s band, singer of Roxette). I don’t remember if that’s exactly the text (the CD is at home).


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