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Marie 's illnes

10 replies

Hi everybody! Im a new member!
Im a big big fan of roxette, since the biggining..... but Im do not know very well what happened with Marie’s health..... can you please tell me what happened exacttly? thanx......

Marie was diagnosed with a brain tumour in Sept. 2002 and underwent cancer treatment for an unspecified amount of time, but she announced that she was free of cancer in October of last year. While she was still recovering, she released “The Change” and of course she will release a new album in about 3 weeks from now. There, you’re all caught up! (-:

Welcome and enjoy this place...

Hi Pachuj! I don’t know how much you heard about it before...but on September 11 2002 Marie went jogging with her husband. While she was in her bathroom she suddenly felt strange, and lost vision in her right eye. She wanted to lie down, then suddenly she fainted and hit her head on a sink. She woke up on the floor with Micke screaming her name. He called an ambulance and she went to hospital, where a brain scan showed she had a tumour in the back of her head. The doctors couldn’t remove it because she had such a bad concussion from hitting her head. So a few weeks later she had the surgery and the tumour was removed, but it was cancer. She did radiation and chemotherapy for 6 - 8 months, then she was on cortisone for over 2 years.

Welcome to this site!

Thank you! I was reading in the old articles....... I’m happy that Marie is better now.......


She was jogging with Micke?? Heard it for the first time...

Crashroxer: It’s old news:

“Marie still dizzy at times and in some pain”

Marie Fredriksson | By Lars-Erik_Olson on 9/22/2002 09:55 | Aftonbladet

****Marie’s still suffering from a concussion, caused by fainting and falling last week after jogging. ****

She’s still feeling dizzy at times and has occasional headaches.
It’s still uncertain what kind of treatment she’ll receive for the tumor, since it hasn’t yet been determined for certain that it is cancerous. “Nothing’s definite yet. We’re still not sure about what kind of tumor it is,” says Marie Dimberg, Roxette’s manager. “Marie’s in a positive mood,” she added.
The alternatives would include an operation to remove the tumor, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy.
During this past week, numerous tests have been carried out, including another MIR (computer imaging using magnetic and radio waves) and a brain x-ray.
Karolinska Hospital, where Marie is being treated, is fully prepared and – as TDR reported previously – has a sterling reputation for quality care and cutting-edge medical knowledge.

Yeah I knew about the jogging thing....

That’s actually the first I heard about her illness when reading this site this morning. Gladly she’s beaten it & I hope she has a fantastic year following her birthday - many happy returns & stay well Marie!


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