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diana ross?

4 replies

now i love per as much as the next person, but does anyone see a striking resemblance between the chorus of hey mr. dj, and the diana ross song touch me in the morning?
someone was playing it in work, and i said ’oooh son of a plumber’, and they looked at me very funny. so has anyone else noticed this? im not trying to cause controversy, just asking if anyone has noticed this, or is it my ears only!

mmm no lol

You wanna hear songs that remind you of Per/GT? Take a listen to Tom Petty’s greatest hits and tell me Per doesn’t “borrow” from other artists.

C & S has gone bonkers!!


hey i likes me some tom petty, i think if you check out the first line of the chorus to each song u may see what i mean, its not the whole thing, but a phrase pretty much note for note. not that it was meant to be a copy, it happens


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