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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The most awaited points with new Rox

6 replies

My the most awaited points with new Rox

- new songs
(if new songs will be sound like something between Little Miss Sorrow & Something In The System (demo) and / or Wish I Could Fly & You Don´t Understand Me, I´ll be the happiest person under the sun)
- new video
(like to see video like Queen Of Rain or You Don´t Understand Me if new single will be ballad or video like Fingertips 93 or She Doesn´t Live Here Anymore)
- booklet
(like to see some new promo pics and mix of pics from last 20 years with some biography)
- many articles in Europian press
- new single becames big chart hit
- the same with album
- possitive revies in press

...and yours?

I want only one thing - the new single must be released in UK and get some good promo there, which last happened with TBH in 2002...

I would like to see the greatest hits and the single both get into the UK top 30 the top 10 or even top 5 would have me sobbing uncontrolably on the floor but i dont think we could be lucky enough for it to make that high.#16 would do me nicely with the album getting to #9....

but i would like to see them do something upbeat but not like opportunity nox and more like Joyride or hotblooded or even sleeping in my car

@davidc4 - Keep dreaming matey!! That’s never gonna happen unfortunately. I expect the album to perform better than the single though. The Rox Box ain’t gonna do nothing though :-( But then again, it’s not really made for the charts I think

depends on the prom in UK and emi its self.

ROx still COULD make a decent chart with the right song in the UK. WICF showed that - altho I doubt they will if Marie doesn’t want to tour - I guess that means promoting internationally too !

beside new stuff (single, pix, etc.) i would love some TV-shows & maybe an official hit-remix => maybe in the tv-show they first play the remix, then the new single *dream*


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