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Have you ever wondered what their names ’mean’ and if they just chose their childrens’ names or did they look up the meanings of names...?

I was playing around on some name-sites and thought I’ll see what their names mean too....

No meaning whatsoever for ’Per’, soo.....
Hakan: means ’noble; highborn; fiery’ and is from Norse/Turkish/Scandanavian origin

Marie: means ’ Star of the Sea’ and is from French origin

Asa: means ’healer;goddess’....mhmh....and is from Old-Norse/Scandanavian origin

Josefin: means ’ Jehovah increases’ ... o_O.... and is from Hebrew origin

Titus: means ’defender of the giants’ and is from Greek origin.

Gabriel: means ’ God is my strength’ and is from Hebrew origin


Wonder if he has a fiery temper......

I always thought that Per was a swedish version of Peter/Pierre??

Could be ...... but, I looked under international names too, but couldn’t find any; but I have to admit I didn’t dig very very very deep......

If “Per” really comes from Peter (no doubt about that as far as I can imagine), than its origin is Petrus and means “stone”. Not mentally or physically slow but constant and reliable.
As always: correct me if I‘m wrong. My knowledge is just a schooldays-leftover.

Per means “mountain” in Sweden.

Thank you!
Indeed a strange name...

Hmmm, so I am a mountain... how fun... Suddenly I feel like I have to loose some weight! ;)

Is Per a strange name?!?! Not more strange than a lot of others in the rest of Europe and the world! :-)

Where does the mountain info come from? I can’t find that anywhere?

Per is actually the Swedish form of Peter or Pierre, not such a strange name. It’s incredibly common in Sweden at least, though I haven’t heard it on a non-Scandinavian.

If I would ever have kids, I would name them Per and Marie


Thank you to you all!

Where did you get from that Marie means that and is of French origin?? :O

Marie is a Hebrew name, Jesus’ mother was called that (and that is why is popular) and there was not such a thing as “France” by then. The only French connection of Marie is that is the French version of Maria / Mary...
They all derive from Hebrew name “Miryam” which means either “wished for child”, “bitter” or “rebellious”.

The fact that Jesus’s mother’s name was ’Mary’, doesn’t necessarily make it ’Hebrew’....

Did you mean ’Marie’ or ’Mary’?

I found the meaning and origin on
and I just double checked must have typed in ’Mary’

I just checked on
and they also say French.............and English and Hebrew is the origin, but according to them, the meaning is ’bitter’.

Oh, and there was a France, probaply just had a different name then, like Deutchland then was known as Germania............

I just found Per’s name at jivebaby.....

And, yes it means ’A rock’ and yes it is from ’German’ origin and yes it is a form of ’Peter’. ;-)))


Can’t you see that Marie comes from “Maria” and it’s well-known in France because Cristianity spread it over there??? It is just adapted to French language...

Do you know the Latin word for “Rock” is “Petra, -ae”, like you can see in today’s daughter languages of Latin like French (“Pierre”), Italian (“Pietra”), Spanish (“Piedra”), Catalan (“Pedra”)?? How can you say the origin is Germanic??? :OOO

You know, words do develop, and names are words... ;)

Btw, I checked the site you said and it’s plain wrong. i did it for my own name, of which I know very well the etimology, and it’s not right. You shouldn’t trust much these sites.

For mine “Santiago”, it says that it means “Saint James”. This is not true, it means “Saint Jacob” by means of “Sancti-Iacobus” which is latin, which comes from the greek name “Iacobus” which is the name of two mates of Christ in the bible in hebrew (so it all comes to be hebrew ). What your site says is that in Spanish James is said “Diego” and Santiago comes from “San Diego” meaning it “Saint James”. While Diego is Spanish as well it doesn’t relate to the other names the way they said, it derives all from Latin Iacobus (Hebrew “Jacob”) thru the name “Yago”. Anyway, it’s not quite right.

For Marie, it clearly states that is the “French variant of Mary” (mind the word VARIANT, which is the most important even if not highlighted), being according to
them “Mary” a Latin name meaning something that has to do with the sea... I guess they relate it to “Mare” which means sea in Latin. But I doubt this, since in Jerusalem, despite being under Roman rule, latin was not spoken, that people from there (like the Virgin Mary) would adopt a roman name just like that... If you read a bit further it says exactly the three meanings I gave you relating the name to Hebrew Miryam, which is the most probable case

Check it out here:

You shouldn’t trust these sites much. It goes well that Mare means “sea” as they say, but how “ee” came to mean “star” according to them is something that still puzzles me. Cheap etimology works like this, they can make you believe whatever if you’re not especially careful and know a bit about languages (btw, I studied Latin at high school... like every other Spaniard).

Anyway, I still remember I read once in one of these sites about a name I know, that is Milena (the name of a good friend of mine and of one of my fav singers, Mylène Farmer). You know, the singer is Canadian from Quebec. So the site said this name (Milena) is French’s short for “Marie Helene”, which nearly made me laugh! :D
While Mylène Farmer is actually called Marie Helène Gauthier in real life, it is also true that she adopted Mylène as a nickname. Milena is in fact a Slavonic name, femenine of Milen and Milan, that comes from “Mil” which in Slavonic languages means “nice”.

I just tell you as an example of what cheap etimology and lack of languages knowledge can do. Be alert when it comes to this, on the internet there is much information but there are no quality controls and therefore there are many lies as well.

I just checked “Milena” at your site and while it says a believable (to me at least) meaning it says Melanie is a variant... this can’t be worse!!! Melanie comes from Greek “melanos” which means black!! How could they relate???? :DDD

Wow, never argue with Santi cos he really does his homework. My name is Marie and when I look it up it usually says it’s the French derivative of Mary. I’ve read different meanings for it but usually it’s “Much longed for child.” The baby name websites seem to think it means bitter sea. Pff, much longed for sounds a lot nicer than bitter!

Josefin’s first name is really Inez after Marie’s mother, but no idea where the Josefin came from! Anyone know Micke’s mother’s name? I always wondered if Oscar is named after the perfume...I’ve heard of people naming their kids after the perfume they were wearing when they met the baby’s father. I wonder if Marie was wearing Oscar Delarente in Sydney 91? ;)

Thank you!
Sorry, I didn’t think to check up on more sites, didn’t think there could be such a difference...

Never mind, it was nice to look that up! :D ;)

Yeah, you get some weird names and meanings.....;-P


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