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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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"I like it like that" single

10 replies

Is it out? I’m confused about the release date...

...and where is THE MAN, btw??

I ordered it from CDON I got it two days ago... so I guess it’s out.

The release date is changed. It will be released on May, 24 instead of May, 17

Per is in New York chatting EMI up about Rox and SOAP.

@tev: I “thought” I knew “for sure” that Per got back from USA...Now seriously: he got back

...and guys, the whole single-story is weird...if some of you have it already, then it’s out! isn’t it?

I just bought it - hope it comes soon :)

Tev though he’s back already - must be going EXTEMELY good then!!

I also received the single, even though on EMI website as well as CDON and ginza it says that release date is May 24.. It was initially planned for 17, so my guess is that it was “on the paper” delayed until the 24th because of Marie’s “Sommaräng” - but it was shipped anyway for the 17th.

Oh, thanx! Good. So it’s out if you ordered it and it’s not out if you didn’t. Got it.
Now another question: is it worth to have it ordered? I mean, I am not even home, I don’t know if I really should get complicated with ordering it in other place...If Plumber in Progress #2 is just as...not-interesting as the P in P #1 was, I will just drop it. So my question goes to those who have it: how is P in P #2? Better than #1?

It’s the same, but with different songs.


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