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It's not easy but We Need 'Sommaräng' Video Please

9 replies

Marie It’s Not easy for you work a lot but one video for all fans around the world plase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just One!!!

Sorry but you sound selfish.
You have a new single, you have a new album and you have some new Rox material coming up with Marie.
Isn’t that enough?

would love a video too, but its not going to happen. Seems Per and Marie and EMI dont think its worth the money to make a video for a sweden only release. Per only made the SOAP videos when the singles were released internationally. They are probably right anyway. What is the point in making a video that is not going to be played? I’m sure we will see Marie in a video for the new Rox single this year anyway.

marie has done videos for her swedish albums, tro, antligen, det som var nu just to name a few

Just take the Sommaräng performance at tv-huset and imagine this is the video. Problem solved.

Aye but some cannot even view that!

Why not? There are two links on the “Marie @ tv huset!!!!” thread. If this doesn’t work for you I could upload it somewhere else if you want. Just tell me where.

@ally77: you can see it here

Ally did you try ? They had it there the last time i checked!

Yeah, on Bunio does his best :-)


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