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SOAP release dates?

17 replies

When was SOAP & singles released in which countries?
I think
SOAP was in Sweden 23. 11. 2005
Cmon/JoAnna - 9. 11. 2005 (SWE)
Hey Mr DJ - 1. 2. 2006 (SWE)
ILILT - 17. 5. 2006 (SWE)
but other countries?

In Germany it was April 28th. The released single is “Joanna says”.

I have emailed EMI-Odeón Argentina, regarding SOAP. Still no response (no big surprise). All I want to know is SOAP will be released here or not. Yes or NO, it’s not so hard to say. They must know. But they are keeping the secret, apparently. I will wait for a few more days, considering last monday was a holiday.

It would be nice if other fans from Argentina do the same. At least, just to bother the company a little.

The email is: [email protected]

In Portugal the album “Son Of A Plumber” has been released on April 3rd.

same in switzerland.

I saw about 10 copies of SOAP in a huge store in Stuttgart on Saturday...a nice feeling! Of course I didn’t miss the chance to buy a copy!

Huge store in Stuttgart? Does that mean Saturn has it? ;-)

I bougth this cd online. At this moment arrived is my pc. :)

any release date for the U.K yet?...................................................thought not..........:(

I bought my CD at amazon and it arrived this Monday. I payed only 9.99 EUR. This was the price some months ago and amazon actually delivered the CD for that price although it now costs over 20 Euro;-)
I also saw the CD - 2 pieces - at a local drogstore (Müller). It was presentet as “TIP 4 YOU”.

Did anyone notice differences between the Swedish edition and the German one? They are almost the same - same order number, same copyright year (2005), same country of manufacture. Anyway I found 2 differences:
1) The notice about the copy protection on the back of the jewel case is written in a thicker font at the German release.
2) On the back side of the booklet the German edition contains the order number and “SON OF A PLUMBER” at the botton. The Swedish edition misses the order number.

Are these really differences between the Swedish and the German edition or have these changes also been done for the newly produced Swedish CDs?

By the way, a small printing mistake was kept: The copyright text at the back of the jewel case contains the text “informationis” without a space before is.

Now you can vote for Jo-Anna on the SWR3 listener charts:

Feel free to do so :-)

According to EMI Music the Netherlands the album will be released 25th of May, DJ will be out on the 12th of May in the Netherlands.

it did quite well in the charts in its first week, reached #8. second highest new entry, beaten only by the runner-up in the german “pop idol” (dsds3).
keep on voting!!!

i live in leipzig and have not seen a single copy of sop in the big stores. that’s kind of sad i think

I’ve seen one(!) copy of SOAP at a MediaMarkt store here in germany. I also asked for the single but they had no information about it. They also looked at the PC for any releasedate or a possibility to order the single but without any result, just the album...

According to EMI Brazil site, SOAP won´t be released here in may (and probably never)...
It seems it´ll be the first time ever EMI BR won´t release a Per/Marie related album (sung in english, of course).

@Mr_Floppy: The single won’t be released in Germany unless it’s a big hit on the radio - which means it will never happen...


Ah I see, then I don’t understand why Per is trying to promote the album in germany. It makes no sense. That won’t work... that can’t work... oh bloody EMI... so stupid.


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