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Any UK Son Of A Plumber news?

7 replies

is there any news on a uk release for SOAP yet?or am i just getting my hopes up?

No chance sorry. EMI UK lost interest in all Roxette based projects a long time ago. We’ll get the GH this year, but i doubt we’ll get the rox box or the single to promote it either

But that is an import :(

Nah, ain’t gonna happen now. Per says he’s busy with Rox 20 now, so even if it was released, he wouldn’t do any promo for it

If the Roxbox don’t come to the UK, then my entire collection can go in the bin and a letter of disgust will go to EMI!

How they can even think of not releasing it here is beyond me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well they released the ballad hits and the pop hits so why wouldn’t they ?

I don’t know but with EMI you never know!


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