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re.: Roxette's management message to the fans

27 replies

(I had posted this same question in the comments section to the corresponding front page article ( ) but perhaps it went unnoticed for it was posted a bit late so I thought I’d re-post it here at the forum...)

Quote from Roxette’s management message to the fans: “We hope that the existing websites will be sufficient communities for the fans and through these we will do our utmost to supply information and activities to keep everybody happy.”

Perhaps someone can enlighten me about who’s the “we” in that sentence and what actually do “they” have to do with (as in what are “they” responsible for in regards to) the mentioned sites? (I ask this solely because, from the start, the idea I had was that that complex of sites - which include,, and - was indeed owned and financed by Per personally, for personal promotion, as well as the people responsible for creating and managing the sites were as well “hired” (I put “hired” in quotes as I do not wish to mean this word in its “financial sense” whatsoever) by Per personally. Or maybe I got a wrong idea all along?...)

Um, what is the question again? :S

I am a bit confused as well by your question. Maybe you can explain a bit more? :)

Shortly, the question is just that: aren’t the mentioned sites, Per’s sites? Created by Per, by his own individual iniciative, and owned by him? And by this perspective, where then does the management of Roxette fit in in there, in hoping that the mentioned “existing websites” (which are to be Per’s personal property, if I understood it right from the start?) “will be sufficient communities for the fans”?

Still not sure what you’re aiming at, but yes they are Per’s sites. is supposed to start up more when Rox20 really kicks in, and to be frank, I think TDR does a decent job covering Rox, don’t you? :)

I think what’s being asked is:

Who is this “we”? Is it “we” as in Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson? Or is it “we” as in Roxette’s management (Marie Dimberg and those affiliated in that fashion). Or is it “we” and that includes both artist AND managment?

Of course, someone could just have a mouse in their pocket ;o)

If the question indeed is what Spooks says, then the “we” are Roxette’s management and Per. Marie has never had any interest in the Internet ever. Remember when I asked her if she surfs? “God no!!” was her response. :)

“I think TDR does a decent job covering Rox, don’t you? :)”

Of course, it is the first place to look for Roxette-related news.
If it can’t be found here, it can’t be found anywhere!

Keep up the good work!

at least she knew what you meant :D “internet? what?” :D

But just because Marie does not surf the internet or doesn’t do much (if anything at all?) on the internet, sure that doesn’t mean that the management is not including her when they say we in their statement, just because their statement was made on the internet?

In fact I did and do take that as a message of the management of Roxette, addressing on behalf of the artist Roxette, to the Roxette fans. (After all, wasn’t that a message concerning the decision over the fanclub? And isn’t that after all part of the role of a management, to represent the artist?)
And this independently of the amount of interest that either of the members of Roxette, Per or Marie, personally has or not in the Internet or in surfing it or not. I don’t see it that one thing is to be a condition or a prerequisite for the other. And I don’t see it either as that’s their part of the job anyway, for the matter.
I mean, when they have their music finished, they don’t head to the plant for pressing the discs. And they don’t take these to the stores, and sell them to the costumers. As that’s not their part of the job. Or when there’s a concert, they don’t sell the tickets. And they don’t carry the instruments, and set the stage. Again, that’s not their part of the job. As it isn’t to make and have it running, a website for divulging and promoting their work. Ain’t their part of the job. As I see it, at least.

(Not saying that the iniciative can’t or shouldn’t part from them, nor that they can’t or shouldn’t then be also involved in it, though. Different things, there.
Then again, and concerning Marie in particular, and even for as much as she may not be, as confessedly she isn’t, an active participant of it, I don’t see it neither that she is someone self excluded from the Internet reality. I mean, for instance, hasn’t she previously shared personal photos of the recording sessions for “The Change”, via the site Or for instance again, hasn’t she lately, as times before, given an exculsive interview to this very news site, TDR, for the occasion of her art-exhibit?
And all such are in the end no other than also ways of getting “involved” within the Internet community, I believe at least, thus again, I don’t see it that Marie is someone who keeps self locked apart from the Internet reality or ignores it whatsoever, also again regardless of whether she personally may or may not be keen on surfing it. As I say, I don’t see it that one thing is to be a condition or a prerequisite for the other.
As I also don’t see it that any of it is due to justify the affirmation as that Marie is antecipatedly to be presumed as excluded from Roxette’s management message since it regards the Internet.)

So for this what keeps bugging me is, how come the management of Roxette comes to “hope that the existing websites will be sufficient communities for the fans”, when in fact the sites mentioned are indeed Per’s? I mean, yes, certainly, is a Roxette dedicated site, but, as said, it’s Per’s, thus not Roxette’s. (Well, just the same thing like, which, yes, is a GT dedicated site, but, it’s Per’s, thus not GT’s. But at this point I’m not discussing GT, but Roxette.)

And then, yes, there is certainly TDR, which I too certainly not only agree that has always done and keeps doing an outstanding job, covering Roxette and related, as I too for sure join up in thanking for the ever priceless effort and contribution of the team for the fans community, during the years! :) In a word more, I can only say: long live TDR! :) But then, also TDR, being a Roxette dedicated site, it also isn’t Roxette’s. (Neither was it actually among the sites mentioned in the message by the management, but even if it had been, and even being indeed supported by them, as I say, TDR isn’t anyway a site which is Roxette’s.)

So, at the end of it, I don’t quite see it how the management of Roxette “includes in the picture”, so to speak, for coming to “hope that the existing websites will be sufficient communities for the fans”, this when in reallity all of the referred sites are actually Per’s, and in reality there actually exists no site to be Roxette’s. (In shorter words, how can, coming to Roxette, and in the words of the management, how can the existing be hoped to be sufficient, when in reality it exists nothing?)

Too much text!! :O :)


Can that be edited so it’s easier to read? I got lost twice about mid-way through.

What a read... my eye’s have gone funny :-p

The way i see it, it doesn’t matter who owns the site, it could be Per/Marie/EMI/D&D, in the end Roxette have the page as their official site along with the forum, also TDR and not forgetting a decent amount of fansites.

So long as is kept up to date and has everything that a fan or other person might need, i don’t see the problem with D&D’s reply to the fanclub situation.

Also Roxette can’t actually own a site, as they *technically* aren’t anyone, but rather a product to a degree (if you can understand where i’m coming from), unless they own it under “Roxette Recordings” maybe??

Unless they’re a partnership.

Sweepi could you add some full stops and .. dunno, paragraphs to make it easier to read? I got lost in the middle of the text :S

thanks :D

Sorry for the inconvenience of initially posting all the text sequentially. Not my intention whatsoever to cause trouble to anyone with reading it. :( It’s just that, the thinking came in sequence, and the phrasing did too. Sorry again, my fault, for not noticing that the text ended up so long. :S Edited already, and thank you, for your patience and understanding. :)

thanks!! :D

*goes and reads again* :)

Sweepi: Thanks! I appreciate that. Now I follow what you were saying there :o)

Well, Rob, I suppose it does must “matter” something, who owns the site. At least that’s how I was led to understand it, from all explanations and statements always made in regards to it, always being affirmed that all of those 4 sites referred are Per’s sites, owned by him, and to be about his projects. Which I always understood as the sites being for introducing Per’s career as a musician. Well, let’s say, something being in the lines of: “Hey I’m Per. I’m a musician and have a solo career ( and now I just released a brand new solo album “Son Of A Plumber” ( Also in my career I am also part of the duo Roxette ( and the group Gyllene Tider (” So basically, it’s a complex of sites of Per where him and his career and work are presented, this is as I always took it at least(?)... (And also the reason why I wasn’t, and still ain’t, seeing how the management of Roxette fits in this picture to come to “hope that the existing websites will be sufficient communities for the fans” as referring to those 4 sites of Per...)

Guess the next question that pops to mind then is: is so supposed to be the one official site of Roxette?...

I think I see what you are saying, the Roxette internet community is dominated by Per projects and there’s almost nothing for Marie except Is that right?

I agree there should be more about Marie, but she chooses not to and Per is just more active about promoting his career. She was never terribly involved with the FC or the Roxette Review either, remember those dreadful interviews she did with “Yes, no, maybe” answers to the questions? I also heard the FC used to email her, and she would forward it to Per’s email with comments like “I can’t be bothered with this,” and when Per sent it back with answers, Marie’s comments were still on there LOL! Marie could easily arrange for MaryJane to be an official and updated site, but she doesn’t. So it’s Per or nothing as far as websites go. is Roxette’s official site, yes.

Thanks Sparvogamarie for that story about Marie’s email. I think that’s hilarious too!

I remember seeing them interviewed on some Canadian TV show when the “How Do You Do!” video was first shown. Per was commenting about about radio formats, their music being categorized in the US etc. and said “ Sweden we don’t have those formats - you can listen to the radio and hear Led Zeppelin and Nana Mouskouri back-to-back...” to which the interviewer replied “that I’d have to hear! HAHAHAHAHA”

The look on Marie’s face was hysterical! She was so obviously not taken with this guy and couldn’t have cared less about doing yet another promo interview for the song.

I’ll begin by saying that I love Marie to death - but the woman has behaved appallingly in her career at times!!! I have one Russian TV interview where she is slumped down in her seat with a bored annoyed look on her face like an insolent teenager. She clearly did not want to be there. She spends most of it looking at her nails while Per talks. When the interview asks her a direct question, she looks like a kid who’s been called on by the teacher while daydreaming in class. Then she snaps out a quick answer and goes back to her nails.

What I am saying is Marie has never particularly cared about promotion, interviews or anything to do with her career. Although her cancer was a horrifying and awful experience, it has had the one advantage of giving her an excuse never to bother with that promo rubbish again!!

“fantastic fantastic” “thank you thank you” - anyone remembers The Roxette? I think that pictures what you explained Marie D perfectly!! :D:D

TDR is the best at providing the news.... the other sites even the official ones taylor off...

Jud: I have no idea what you just said. Did you mean The Flumeride? Or something else?


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