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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Was Per on drugs???

12 replies

... that can be the only explanation for that horrendous hairstyle he had on the MTV Unplugged session back in 1993, what on earth was he thinking??!!!!!


I don’t know. I was thinking about the same. Just horrible. Why Marie didn’t said anything :) ?

I guess he decolorized the black color with looots of chemicals. That “style” looked kinda rusty ;)

Hey it was kinda John Lennon-ish!!!

I liked it way better than the girly joyride look!

lol i just think to much hair spray and hairdryer me thinks :-)

I guess it’s pretty much the same style he had on the Fingertips video / Almost Unreal single cover.

And it rocks!

MUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! At the time I thought he looked cool, but now it’s like eeeeeeeeeeek!!

I still like it :)

is it 1991 all over again?

He was growing his hair from the spikey Joyride days, to Crash! days. Yeah, it looked a bit weird. At least it wasn’t on a album cover though :-o

Well, not yet anyways! ;)


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