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Just Waiting For A Hairstyle Change...

28 replies

Something (stupid, for some of you) is running through my mind, these days: a hairstyle change for Marie! I think it would be great to see her with a long and straight hair, in a ponytail style... like Dido’s hairstyle...

Maybe we’ll see it at least in a new clip from the next album, when she will be wearing a wig...

PS.: I think I’m not offending Marie for imaging it...

Sounds simply great!!

I can’t see it happening....

Then again, I thought I would always have short hair have done since I was about 8 years old... and finally its long again!

So you just never know!

LOL, I’ve been thinking that for 14 years. Then again, I hate people telling me what to do with my hair so I imagine Marie feels the same. I read an interview where MF said Josefin (who was around 7 at the time) asked her to grow her hair long and leave it the natural colour so Josi could see what she really looked like. Marie said she wouldn’t change her hair for anyone, not even her daughter. Even after her chemo, she just grew her hair back to the same old spiky blonde. She even thought her bald chemo head was cool cos she likes short hair. Not even cancer can make Marie Fredriksson change her hair!!!

Love her hairstyle/cut for the Ballad Hits/A thing about you shoot.


Yeah, ballad & pop hits style was GORGEOUS!!!!!

I adore the TBH/TPH cut as well. To imagine longer hair, just watch the June Afternoon video!

Yes, Marie would look nicer with a longer hair, just like Dido or Sharon Stone nowadays (mmm). I think it would give her more possibilities and she would look less “hard” for the comeback...

I understand her not changing the colour and wanting to be “that singer with short blonde hair”; but after several years with the same length, ey, it´s time for a change.

I´m convinced that with a good stylist the change would be easier to find.


(MMM, I love to be frivolous sometimes...)

@PolicarpoAroca, I couldn’t say anything better than you did... I totally agree with you!

If I was her I’d be soooooooo bored of the same look day after day. In the same time period that Marie has had her hair (since 1995) I’ve had short blonde hair, short black hair with a really long fringe, a blonde bob, long brown hair, long brown with fire engine red streaks, short brown with blonde streaks, and right now growing short hair into long again. I can’t stand it being the same for too long!!! How does Marie do it??

Hmm, maybe she’s more balanced than you? ;-P

Look at it this way:

She saves on shampoo. A little dab ’ill do ’er!
Doesn’t have to buy a comb / brush.
Wind? BRING IT ON BABY!!!! This hair ain’t movin!
Run a towel through it, FWIP! Dry!
Takes anywhere between 2 - 5 minutes to mess with. The longer time is for when you need to shower.

If she’s anything like I am, rubbing the head is stress relief. When I had really short hair, I’d run my hand across it and it was S-O-F-T and fuzzy and it made me feel good. I still like having my head rubbed. It’s relaxation for me.

i think marie should stay SHORT and BLOND (hey, it’s her brand ;) but different ... maybe a bit longer and wilder. i found a picture in my archive ... i am sure, marie would look awesome with that hairstyle: (a little bit like in the dangerous video, but more modern)

what do you think?

Looks nice, would suit her quit well. But honestly it doesn’t matter in which hairstyle Marie finally reappears – as long as there is a comeback!

LOL Sascha, you say balanced, I say boring! Who wants the same old look for 13 years? After 1995 it’s hard to tell what year a photo of MF is from because she pretty much looks the same. If she’s next to Per it’s easy...1989 pineapple hair, 1992 black combed back hair, 1995 long bon jovi get the idea...

It would be great to see some “fake” Marie pictures in that ponytail hairstyle (or any other)... just for fun!

PS: Please tell me when my words start to get offensive to Marie...

@ Joyrider
That’s an awsome hairstyle. I think it would fit Marie perfectly!

@joyrider: This woman looks great (-: She reminds me a bit at a girl from “Germany’s next Topmodel” (Janina - she was MY favourite!!!!)

Well, I think FOR Marie it’s again - to long!! I love her hairsytle during ballad & pop hits. Those hair a little bit longer would be gorgeous on her. I don’t know how she would look today if she wouldn’t be ill the last years...

And by the way: There are some interesting threads in the R2R forum about Marie and Madonna....LOL

2 crashroxer: i had to photograph this girl for a hairstylist (it’s not the girl form G.N.T.). yeah, she looks great, but she didn’t want to smile once ...

Are there more pics from her?? She looks really good!!!

I never thought I would grow my hair long... but I did, now I happy to say I don’t think it will be short again for longggggggg time....

“Please tell me when my words start to get offensive to Marie...”

Marie doesn’t read here, so say what you like! I really think she would be a little annoyed by this topic, but it’s not going to majorly offend her. We are just discussing how nice she would look with something different!

That photo Joyrider posted had a great hairstyle that would rock on Marie, but maybe she’s getting a little old for that kind of funky look? I think she’d look great with the Ballad Hits hair in a darker colour. I think the white blonde is making her look really old now, because it looks like white grandma hair and not white rockstar hair like in 1989. She should listen to her daughter and go back to her natural colour. Also bleach is not good for you, it absorbs into your skin and it’s been linked with cancer. After what happened to her, I would not be putting chemicals on my head.

I asked you, guys to “tell me when my words start to get offensive to Marie” simply because they would be pretty offensive to the most of us, too, since we like her so much!

Here’s a new Marie pic from yesterday @ a opening-party:

Thanks Crash! She looks great, but same old hair...

I know from the first day Roxette poped onto the music scene Marie’s hair was always a topic.

I never heard anyone complain about her hair...just complements

with every new cd one of the things people look at is her hair

I’m sure she would look GORGEOUS with the ballad/pop hits hair!!!!!

Yes! A Hairstyle change would do her good to surprise everybody in her return at Roxette and Per also should try something new and young about his haircut ! It´s always the same.....


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