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ATTN Aussie Fans

36 replies

Can anyone please tell me if on a recent episode of Channel 9’s 20 to 1, whether or not they featured Roxette?

Apparently they showed clips of ABBA aswell and other artists. Also it was recent episode as Bert Newton was hosting.

My mum watched it and said they were around the #4 mark. She recognised Marie and the other guy (Per).

I checked the 20 to 1 website on NineMSN but they only episode they featured that could possibly feature Roxette were “One Hit Wonders”. Checking the list, they’re not on there.

Roxette did appear on a Dame Edna show, but I watched the segment on the “Outrageous TV Characters” and they weren’t on that either?

So what’s the go? Anyone know? Really bugging me!

I don’t watch the show so can’t answer your question, but what was the Dame Edna show you mentioned?

in 1993-ish Roxette, along with one of the dudes from ABBA, were special guests on the Stockholm edition of the Dame Edna Everage show.

I got a pic of Per, Marie, Edna and Bjorn (or the other guy) raising a glass of champagne. There was an article about it in TV Week years ago.

May have been 1994. Around that era.

Don’t watch that show, sorry. I’d be quite surprised if they didn’t pop up somewhere on that show though, seeing how popular they were back in the early 90’s.

Although they did play some of ’the look’ on “where are they now?”. I missed the show, but saw the credits “The Look by Roxette, courtesy of EMI”

Yeah they were going thtough the 80’s on WATN an the last clip for 89 was the look, the voicer over was something like ” and finally in 1989 Roxette came out with the look... something like that.

Took me by suprise.

Are you sure you werent getting WATN and 20 to 1 mixed up.



Cheers matey,

you’ve solved this headache I’ve had for 24hrs LOL

Was it literally 2 seconds or was it worth it?

If anyone taped it, I would love to have seen it.

Thanks once again guys. Big help!

But yes, was it simple voice over and vision of The Look? Was it negative?

Wow, can’t believe I missed the Dame Edna show. I was such a dedicated fan in those days.

I had a feeling they would be on. They counted through the 80’s and in 1989 they showed Roxette’s The Look for about 4 seconds. I tuned out like ditroia with the vision and sound of Roxette on prime time tv and didnt fully catch what they said! Maybe they showed Roxette because Madonnas Like A Prayer(No1 for ’89) was always banned on tv.

Was the Dame Edna show ever aired? I remember clipping out the TV Week photo and keeping an eye out for Dame Edna shows for years after that. I never actually saw the Rox episode. I also swap videos all over the world, and I have literally hundreds of hours of Rox footage, and I never came across it with any of my swappers. Strange...

I wouldnt mind seeing the Dame Edna show, Id love to know what Per and Marie think of her. Hey Ditroia - dont spose youve got a copy of it hanging round anywhere?

Aussies are totally taking over this board hahaha! Crikey!

Yeah I’d be very interested to hear from anyone who has a copy of the Dame Edna show, though like I said I’ve never met anyone who has it and I’m not entirely sure it ever aired in Australia.

Nope no Dame Edna video, Can someone scan that photo for me?, does anyone know who produced the show, what network was it on? maybe we can find a copy.

P.S. I don’t have ANY roxette performances on ANY Aussie TV show on video or on my PC :(

I’m still pissed at the fact that i didn’t tape an interview that Molly Meldrum had with Rox on Hey Hey before the CBB release.

I remember watching Hey Hey when that interview came on. I was in my bedroom but raced out to the lounge room where the vcr was and I think I managed to record the last 30 seconds or sthing like that (dont know where it is now tho) - Im not sure if I was p’d off cause I missed half the interview racing between rooms or excited that I got a few seconds that I watched over and over etc!!

Yeah I remeber it too, but no recording :(

I have the Molly interview! Marie said something, and Molly said “There you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth.” The LOOK on Marie’s face at being called a horse....hahahahahah!!!! I don’t think she knew that expression.

I have the LTYH performance on Hey Hey but in shocking quality, you can barely make out the picture.

The amount of video stuff this person has is amazing - lots of it Australian too:

search under ’oz’ to find Australian stuff.

i forget whose site this is, but he/she posted a message on the forum recently and included this link.

I am in the process of working out what I can offer to swap with him/her but I think it may be hard to find anything that isn’t already on the list.

I’ve swapped with this guy, he’s super nice!

I got about 5 tapes each 4 hours long worth of Roxette footage, this guy was great!

I also have that Hey Hey interview. It was really short but I remember also watching it over and over when I saw it :) They were also on a little while later in 1994 and Molly showed the tour dates and Fireworks etc....

I used to record Molly every week hoping Roxette were going to be on :)
Watching and recording them live on their 1st Aussie promo visit in 1989 on Countdown Revolution was exciting. I remember Per in a limo saying hello to the camera as they arrived, though I never recorded that bit.

The thing that always bugged me is that Molly did a long interview with Rox and they only showed a few minutes. There was a small part of the interview in TV Week, and two small pieces on Hey Hey. They said once they’d be showing the rest of the interview over a few weeks, but it never happened!!!

Did anyone enter the TV Week competition to see Roxette in Stockholm in 1993. I was devastated that I didn’t win and to this day can’t believe anyone put in a better entry.

ME TOO!!!! I’m bonding with you now Brent....I was so devastated, I cried my frickin eyes out. And that stupid girl who did win...she didn’t even look HAPPY in the photo! I wanted to poke her eyes out. I wonder if she was even a fan.

OMG I so remember that comp and also thinking I had a great chance of winning lol I don’t recall the winner though, dumb bitch who ever she is ;)


Yeah, i bought two mags, one so i could cut out the entry form, and the other to keep. I don’t ever recall seeing the person who won? I didn’t buy the following weeks issue if that’s where it was.

Yeah I have fond memories of Rox on Hey Hey.



P.S. have thought of bribing someone at Channel 9 for a copy of the Hey Hey Perfomances/Interviews.

OH MY GOD Roxette’s comeback was just on the radio this morning!!!!!!!!! They talked about Marie’s illness and the radio DJ even wished her well. I nearly fell off my bed, Marie’s illness hardly made the news here!

Oh my God - where did u hear that? I have been scouring the papers and litening to the radio to catch some news of them but I don’t expect it lol!!

What station sparvoga??? You mean they mentioned Roxette and didn’t bag the shit out of them???!!! It can’t be!!! ;)

LOL, you guys crack me up!

So what station was it? I’d be the same if i heard them say something. I’m over the moon when they play a song :-P

It was MixFM in Melbourne. During the early morning entertainment news, the DJ Tracy Bartrum who is very well known here said “Swedish duo Roxette are making a comeback”. I damn near fell out of bed. She said “Lead guitarist Per Gessle said...” and read the quotes from the press release. She then said they had taken a break because MF had a brain tumour, and she wished MF all the best with that. She said Rox are the biggest band from Sweden since Abba!

LOL - isn’t that the same old thing they always say? Still it’s so nice to hear them getting a mentione here - the only thing I ever see is the occasional old track on Music Max or VH1

It was an improvement from what they usually say! Years ago Tracy Bartrum was reporting that Celine Dion cut her hair short and blonde. Tracy said “Sounds like a Roxette reject...ooh, that’s a tautology!” It’s amazing what cancer can do, Kylie Minogue was a big joke and suddenly she was a hero when she got cancer! Nobody can make fun of you anymore!

Yeah - its a bit sad that that happens - like we knew Marie and Kylie were great chicks before the cancer - it didnt just prove it to us

Anyone else hear something? I have a feeling Tracy reported it because it was a little close to her heart - her father has brain cancer too so when she found the Rox news I think she wanted to support another brain tumour victim. Still cool for the bit of promotion they got (at 7.45am when everyone was sleeping...)

Let’s hope things pick up when the new material comes around later in the year. It’d be really nice if EMI could support them this time.

I’ve been told by my cousin that they’re playing Roxette songs alot in Melbourne, she says she hears one at least once a day!! Must be a city thing.

Hmm I must be listening to the wrong station. I rarely hear them. Though they do have a thing called “High School Hits” on weekdays, and I heard The Look the other day, and another day The Big L. They mostly play Belinda Carlisle.


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