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New cd in 2006

11 replies

Heja all,

I just heard on a national radiostation in Belgium that Rox will release a new cd in 2006.
It was a sort of press release.

Anyway, since I haven’t been following the Rox news lately I have no idea whether this is true or not..

I hope they are not confused with SOAP or some greatest hits..

So, has anybody heard that news to?

Thanks !



I’ve got the feeling they are actually talking about SOAP, but the radio has maybe been given “Roxette” as a make it interesting for the broadcaster to announce...

Or maybe they are adding up 20 years of Roxette?

Or maybe Rox ARE releasing something... greatest hits? :))))

Previous info given to us by sources as TDR and Per’s own words in interviews suggest and indicate that Roxette will release a decent new Roxette collection in the US in the spring of 2006. :-)

Take care!
SOAP on!
Carlos E., New York.

we do love compilations, don’t we?

I guess they are.. guessing like many of us :)

“Roxette - The best Sommer Hits ever made and more” ;-p


I´d like to wish live DVD and signing of albums from Marie and Per.

@LittleSpooky: Oi ?? Learned Portuguese? ;-)

Take care!
SOAP on!
Carlos E., New York.


How about The Dance Hits? (TDH) :) hmmm...

They would not have known about the Rox releases for 2006 back then, would they? lol


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