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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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19 replies

Well, it’s just a pity that he doesn’t answer any questions anymore - just because I think that there are some interesting questions left. And I really can understand that he doesn’t want to answer questions about a tour or “when do you come do my country, bla bla..”


Is it PER who wrotes the messages at or his management?

uh, it seems he has nothing better to do. than he could answer new questions!

Per writes them of course. Maybe he has better things to do, like promotion, than answering questions (over 2500 now) that repeat themselves into infinity?

Isn’t there anyone who can sort them out? So that only the interesting questions remain? I am quite sure there are a lot of good questions as well as boring and repetitive ones.

Who is sorting them out?

He access the admin of the website where the questions are stored himself..

I wonder why _now_ somebody should sort them out and in the beginning when the section opened everybody was giving for granted that the questions were being (badly!) sorted out.. and that was why Per only answered some of them.. and it was never like that.. so make up your mind! :D

I agree with Kiwein, there was the same problem at the HAND site, nobody sorted the questions and Per got fed up with the inane “When are you touring Corfu” questions and even said something like “I thought you guys were going to ask decent questions.” Then he gets bored with it and gives up after a few weeks.

Per if you are reading this: next time you’re kind enough to do “Ask Per”, ask a volunteer to sort out the questions so you only get sensible ones! We are not all brainless zombies but unfortunately it looks that way when you only get asked “When are you touring Corfu?” !!!!

we can do that, but then you’ll see the others complaining that “their question has been deleted”

wait a minute, those others were already complaining from day 1 even though nobody was deleting questions, so imagine if we really do ;)

I suppose Judith is right, but then again, “now” is not “then”...People have experienced the fact that he does not answer anymore and they also have to go through that nice warning made up by Kai when they are told not to ask anything about touring and promotion and stuff. So i guess there are already enough rules to follow, people know them, but simply feel like breaking them or ignoring them. I guess no one would dare to complain if his or her question about touring or promotion or single available in a certain country would be deleted. If the deleting rules would be clear enough, they should just hold their tongues, that’s all. If they are shouting around here, they should write their question here and everybody would “judge” it. Anyway, it’s really simple, in theory at least: if one writes something like “come, come, come in my city” one should expect it to be deleted.
Even though this wouldn;t have been a choice right from the start, I guess everybody learnt a few things along the way and if some people didn’t want to learn them, it’s really their problem. It’s totally disrespectful toward Per to ask questions that it was told to you now to ask.Maybe you didn’t know it from the start, ok; or maybe you hoped he will answer anyway, ok again. But now you know he doesn’t and you should reconsider changing your attitude.
The filtering questions issue came back to life because the problem with asking silly questions still exists. Deleting is not meant to diminish “democracy” around soap “q&a” section, but to punish the deviant behaviours and prevent the chaos (I guess it’s already too late anyway...) Everybody should follow the rules and keep a decent, respectful and fruitful communication between us and Per.

“Per writes them of course. Maybe he has better things to do, like promotion, than answering questions (over 2500 now) that repeat themselves into infinity?” by Tevensso.

Are you sure that he has better things to do, like promotion and those things. Those things are important, of course, but you don’t think that answer his fans questions is important? He is who he is thanks to us, he’s got all the money and the things money gives, thanks to us. I think it’s more an obligation, he has to do it, because, in some way, we made him. That’s my opinion.

I can’t stand the “we made him who he is, so he owes us” attitude. You’ve chosen to buy the records/DVDs/whatever; you haven’t been forced to do so.

If noone feels able to help the Poor Guy (PG), I will declare myself ready to do the sorting-out-job. I can imagine, he feels a bit disappointed about the situation being. But nothing will change if nothing is done.

Jud: I say: let em complain! They will anyway.

Max-Tob said it much better than I did. People broke the rules so there should be no problem if the mods at least deleted those ones. I never understand why Per bothered with those...couldn’t he just click “next” and not waste his time with the crap?

You (well not necessarily you, but whoever volunteers) could also sort the q’s into categories, eg. Soap related questions, Per’s interests (motor racing, wine collecting etc), personal questions (Do you wear boxers or briefs), adoring fan worship (Oh Per I love you waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!), “When are you touring Corfu”, desperate Marie fan questions (Is she ok???? When is she coming back?????) and spam. So Per knows what he is getting and can pick and choose what he wants to read and answer. (I’m guessing the Per Worship section *g*)

@Debora: I’ve read more than 500 of these questions and I have to say No. Answering these questions is not important. “How is your gold fish?”, “Is Marie REALLY well?”, “How many guitars do you have? And why?”, “You are stupid, why do you keep making music?” etc etc etc. Not to mention “When do you come to X country?????” Sorry, but I can see why he kicked it.

I can’t understand why people can complain about this. It’s up to Per if he wants to answer questions o not. No one pays him for that, so he does it just because he wants to wich makes it even more special. It’s really nice from him taking time to write down some answers or giving us information.
Personaly I like the way he does it now, once in a while he leaves those messages in the website or answers a few questions. I find much more interesting the messages that he leaves than the answers to the questions wich are mostly the same.

’mostly the same’ - well, this is the problem actually...hehe. Some of us think that the q&a section could be, in theory at least, much more interesting than the messages he leaves on the front page exactly because Per can be asked interesting q’s and therefore provide interesting a’s. As simple as that. Asking questions and receiving concrete replies is a circumstance full of potential that could beat any other kind of interactivity. I will never undestand why people feel the need of forcing their familiarity with per by asking things that would embarrass them even in front of their very close friends. I will never know why people make this confusion between getting familiar and being allowed to ask idiotic q’s. It’s like some of us are not asking questions, but vomitting questions that would never ask anybody else! Gee!

I don’t even think that per stopped answering only because the q’s are stupid, I guess there were more reasons, but this is not the point. I still think that we, the fans, definitely have to deal with a principle problem: it’s totally unrealistic to dream of a more familiar connection with per by asking things that are simply UNDER his human and musical level. it’s another way of underrating him and it’s the best way for him to realize what is the real level of his fans. So, I guess it’s very much our (principle) fault even though he has probably stopped answering because of many other reasons and he will probably answer more stupid q’s when he’ll have the time, simply because he naturally believes that this is the real profile of his public. People, didn’t you notice that Per always takes things the way they are and he NEVER avoids the stupid issues and q’s simply because he deals with us “as we are”??? If a good q comes across from time to time that wouldn’t make him think we are more intelligent! It’s just the mass of the questions that makes the rules and that puts a label on us!! we shouldn’t expect avoid the idiotic fans simply because he is not interested in filtering anything, but to do his job under the circumstances!!!

..well, sorry for getting so angry...I suppose I am just selfish after all. He only answered one of my q’s and two of my wife’s. And also two of a friend of mine that asks the best possible q’s in the whole world.

thomas, just delete the stupid ones as you get to see them. not a special effort for doing it, just erase them if you happen to have them in front of your eyes. Let people complain.

Well-said Thomas, MD, Max & Judith! GOd I miss intelligent conversations on the forums too!!

ChrisWilliams 3/15/2006 21:52 new

I can’t stand the “we made him who he is, so he owes us” attitude. You’ve chosen to buy the records/DVDs/whatever; you haven’t been forced to do so.

PM: Lets not forget that the fans have power too!

BTW Thomas & Judith - can’t you guys publish the unanswered q’s... I need a bloody good laugh!!

@purple: well, if someone would ask me, I would say that publishing the unanswered q’s is not really a nice move...It’s easier for me to talk in rude terms about “idiots” on the whole, but I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone particularly and make fun of anyone’s question. A general warning is enough I guess.
And one more thing: some people don’t want their identities and email addresses revealed. Some things should be done “in the shadow” and sometimes we should trust moderators. I trust thomas and judith anyway.

Ofcourse Max - I was just being silly LOL! For a while I thought it was just a general problem of a lack of language skills but i realized now that some people is just REALLY thick! Such a pitty!


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