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New and international Fanclub

40 replies

I read a lot about the FC in the last time. Why shouldn´t we create a new international Fanclub?

Here and in the other forum are a lot of good and strong Fans that should not be ignored. We hold on to Roxette even if we didn´t know if there will be a future.
My idea is that we could- if we really want- create a new FC with help from all the countries around the world- an international FC where everybody has to say something, bring something and get something: a lot of work and fun.

Who will help me to creat it? Mail me!

I think that Tev and co should be a perfect leader for it
look aat the enormous job they did and still do with TDR

Yes, all of us know about the great job they do. I don´t think that they have time for a new FC too, or?

Other people deserve a chance too, not always Tev and co. as usual. Don’t be so selfish, please.

As I said in the other topic here about the FC, I think a good way to organise a new FC, if the’ll be one, would be like this:

DIVISIONS: Spanish, German, English, (Asian if needed)

Then most people in the world could find a division that he/she can communicate quite easily with. Then ofcourse, the headquarter would have regular contact with the divisions so that all questions and other matters (like FC-shop deliveries if the’d be one) could be taken care of as fast as possible.

Fanclubs are ’white elephants’ with the internet these days! I rather wanna see more movement on official sites like & for example!

I am with Purple on this.... fanclubs are old hat unless you ARE willing to keep sites updated all the time, and do something to attract people...

Before the internet it was great to get a Roxette review etc... I’d spend hours looking at them, and I’d treasure it... now (smack me if you wish) the last few I’ve flicked through in 10 minutes and thrown in the bin, as they are worthless....

I get all my news, gossip and pictures from the internet etc... and so when a magazine does arrive it’s out of date often by 12 months!

In fact thinking on it I am sure those members of the FC should be entitled to a FULL MEMBERSHIP REFUND as the FC has not fulfilled there obligations by supplying the 4 Reviews a year as promised as they start of the membership!

The conditions changed some years ago regarding the 4 reviews. The text changed from “4 reviews a year” to “4 reviews”. I don’t know how the law sees this, but to me this could mean you might get the 4 reviews in 10 years :P

But I agree a review is nowadays obsolete. Those who have internet, well, get the news simply fast. Those who don’t have internet (whom the review is mostly “targeted”), get the news way too late “oh and by the way, there was a GT tour last summer, yes, 2005. You didn’t know? What a pity you couldn’t go!”

With a new FC I almost though about a archive where you can buy stuff that you can´t get in the shops. I know about the wonderful websides that are created now- I won´t change it. For example there can be the official homepage with a shop inside where members can buy the stuff cheaper and you can get special offers for the concerts......

I know that magazines are out of time. The internet is the future, but a FC is also needed!

Do I see it right that the only thing you want to achieve with a new FC is a working shop? Nothing else but a shop?

Only a shop is not what I call FC either. For me it has always something of a “tradition”. Jesus I wish my English would be better to explain. But I think it is something different to be in a forum or being a member of a FC.

I think a current Internet side is important, a good shop, newsletters online and snail mail and maybe rewies about tours, fans etc. There is so much you can fill reviews with.

Well, that are only my thoughts....

Can we get new suggestions instead of people posting the same damn things over&over! Glad I’m not Per having to read/answer the same questions again & again!

and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again


ok you get the picture

again and again and again and again and again and again

This is what I think. Like it or not... but feel free to comment. I might be totally out in (or is it “off”) the blue here.

PS: I also posted this on the soap-forum, so if you read it there, you don’t have to read it again.. *smile*

A fanshop would be really great, if the prices would be cheaper than to buy the record in the store. Maybe the price that ginza or CDOn takes, but with the diffrence that the Fanshop would be able to ship to the whole world. And also, it would be nice if this shop had some merchandise aswell and not just the official CD’s. Like fanclub t-shirts, caps, pins and so on.

The fanclub should mainly work with the fanshop, and when special events come up, like a tour or releaseparty or something like that comes up, it should organise contests where members can win “meet & greets”, tickets to concerts, tour merchandise and so on. And after a bigger tour, like Room Service or Mazarin, GT25 and the Äntligen tour, the fanclub could put together a special tour review (perhaps in paper, or just put it online) for the members with pictures from the concerts and some exclusive backstage stuff to make it really nice. And speaking of contests.. I think some minor contests would be nice even if there is absolutely no news or any conserts coming up. It would keep the fanclub active for it’s members instead of just coming to life when there’s something going on.

All these things has been done by the existing(?) fanclub, but it’s quite obvious that they aren’t able to handle it. The goal should be to make it as easy as possible to handle the administrative parts, so that the persons running the FC can focus on getting things done.

The Fanclub should have it’s head quarter in Sweden I think. Now you say it’s just because I’m from Sweden... but it’s not. It’s because I believe that it would make things a bit cheaper. For example, as far as I know the existing(?) fanshop orders their things from EMI Sweden, have it sent to the Netherlands, and then they pack it and send it to the customer. That is not the best way to work I think, and it sure don’t help to lower the price.

The fanclub should also have working divisions in carefully chosen parts of the world. I think a good way of organising this would be to have one (or two) division(s) in a english, a german, and a spanish speaking country. Maybe one in an asian country aswell if needed. I don’t know how many fans there is in that part of the world that don’t speak either english, spanish or german aswell so that’s why I put a little questionmark on that one.
Anyway, the head quarter would deal with the things that has to do with the whole fanclub, like most of the fanshop things and the main contact with EMI Sweden. The Divisions would have contact with the EMI offices in their country, have the direct contact with the members speaking their language. For example, the spanish speaking division would have the main contact with the spanish speaking members, and the english division would answer questions from the english speaking members. When it comes to tours and contributing to the contests and so on, all divisions + head quarter would ofcourse work together.

I think it is vital for a fanclub to have their own website, but the content should maybe not be anything more than the following:
- A short presentation of the band(s) it reperesents and a few resent pictures.
- A possibility for newcomers to hear snippets of the most wellknown songs, aswell as some goodies that hasn’t been commersial singles.
- A link-site with working links to good sites where the visitor can find the info they want about the band. Plus a short description of what the site is about.
For example, a link to this site, and the description could say “The official site for Per Gessles projects (solo, Gyllene Tider & Roxette). News, Q&A, rare downloads and a great forum in english where you can chat with other fans from around the world. Complete discographys and biographys. Mostly in english but with some parts in swedish.”
- Information about membership. You know.... how to become a member, what you get and what it’ll cost you and so on.
- Information about running contests, what you can win, when the contest is over and things like that. Perhaps even a list of previous contests and it’s winners.
- Contact information with valid e-mail and adresses to both the head quarter and the divisions.
- The fanshop merchandise ofcourse. Complete with pictures and prices in the most common currencies.
- Maybe a FAQ.
hm.. and perhaps some more thing that I can’t think of right now. And ofcourse the website should be available in both english, spanish, german and swedish. So the divisions work would also be to translate the content in the website from english to their respective language. And the english speaking divisions work would be to correct the head quarters swenglish.

Now... this is all I had to say at the moment. Now.. comments please. Does this make sence? Is it possible? Ofcourse this site, and maybe TDR, could have links to the fanclub page for the contests and merchandise stuff... co-operation!

Now I’ll shut up for a sec. Happy now?

Well I just don’t read it if I am not interested....

Baby-C I really like youir ideas, but do you have any plan how to manage that? I have really no clue how to get things started. And we shouldn’t forget: There is still an official FC....

@ Harplinge96:
Well... I really haven’t thought just that far yet. *smile* I just came up with the ideas as I was writing, so I don’t know if it is possible to make it real or not. I suppose it is if there are people willing to do the work it requires.

As for the existing, or not, fanclub, the first step should ofcourse be to get them to leave over the members and existing fanshop stuff as well as any existing money reserve to the new fanclub.
Or new.. it could just be that someone else takes over the management of the existing one, and then re-construct it to match what we want from a fanclub before re-opening.

The problem is though that there don’t seem to be any way to contact the current FC-staff. And it don’t seem as they read anything here either anymore, since I think they would have replied to some of the “hate FC”-threads that’s been around for a while. I know they used to do that before...

And if I was running an FC - I would sure reply to threads like this one, with pretty serious discussions about starting a new FC.


@ Baby-C:
OK, everything starts with an idea. I was just curious how far you are ;-)

I think your ideas are very good! As the FC staff is not able to contact I would do it over D&D for example! Because things must be clear with them.

Yes, I saw the FC also not in the forums for a long time. Normally I use to read at TDR more and being very active at R2R.
So I think if the FC would be still here they would say something of course!

Maybe you could start something like a list with people who would be for a new FC and so one. It is always important to have a lot of votings in such things.

Just a note: I don’t want to start a war here. I am just so sick that great people like Marie and Per got such a FC!

Purp: Take a break for a few and don’t read the topic then.

The issue I had with the FC as it stood: I am in the States and never got my “news zines” before the end of some of the contests. For example: There was a word search to find all of the albums Marie had released to date, then return it for a chance to win a copy of one of the albums. Now for me... that was great since I can’t buy her single stuff locally. Except for one thing: When I got the zine... it was 3 months PAST the date to return and my entry wouldn’t have meant a thing.

Some place where I could find music that won’t ever be released in the States, at a reasonable price, would be nice. As it stands, SOAP doesn’t do dick for me. Why? I DON’T LIVE IN SWEDEN / EUROPE.

I’m about to cancel my subscription to that because it’s useless (I can get the news just as well here on TDR).

i thought what you want to create is a new INTERNATIONAL fanclub, but you only based on the European fans. What about me here in Botswana ? what about all the rox fans in Africa,Australia,America? We knw that Per is sweddish, but the fact is not only the sweddish listen to him and Marie, we all do.make a fanclub that will appeal to all the Roxette fans worldwide.

I realy lyk Baby C’s ideas, i think he/she shud be part of creating that new fanclub.

the ideas are nothing new, the current FC is based on those ideas plus the review :)

@ Baby- c Your ideas are really good!! I worked a few years ago in a FC and I know what they shoul do and how it works.
I also wrote to the actually FC and offeret them help, but
always the same thing: they don´t answere!

I got some really nice mails from different countries who enjoy the idea to create a new one.
The international shop idea was one important point for me, other will follow.
I can´t work alone in a FC- there´s a lot to do, for this I´m searching new conections.

When you think about it the fault does not rely with Holland, EMI are really to blame for perhaps not giving the support to the people who run it....

Usually case as long as the artists make money why care about the little things....

re: fanstore presumably faster from Sweden, because the cd’s come from Sweden? Not so anymore; as far as I know nearly all releases of the last 4-5 years were actually pressed in Holland.

re: new intl. fanclub/ gr8 idea... but think support from EMI would be necessary

Running a new FC? Or making the one we have better? Count on me. And don´t forget about a brazilian division.

Thanks for your support. It would be nice to hear you with an @mail.

When I have enough good and serious contacts we will make a meeting to see which work everybody can take.
At the moment I´ll wait for the answere from the management.

I know not all of you will agree with me, but if you join us it would be great, if not- let it be!

Has anyone ever wondered why the still existing FC has failed? Why are you so sure you would make it better? Maybe there was something in the background you don’t know. You all sound like it was very easy to run a fanclub. *...*

First of all. Thank you all for liking my ideas.

I know that they are not that “new” as Judith says, but then again, I don’t think the current FC is that bad in terms of it’s structure. I just think that it could be run better. I for one don’t really care if it takes 2 weeks or 2 months for me to get an order, just as long as there is somebody answering me in a nice manner on the other end of the e-mailadress. I think that goes for most of us.

So, I think that would be the most important thing for a new FC. To actually be present. To have answers to it’s members, even if everything does not work out as planned all the time. As long as people concerned knows what’s going on, you can accept many things. In other words... an FC need to be service minded. And that, I don’t think the current one are at all. They have always treated their members with arrogance and a sence of “they are the best, and all others know nothing”

And for the contests... since it would all be internet-based, everyone would have the oportunity to participate. Ofcourse, not everyone have internet access every day or every week even, but still, it would work a lot better than having it in a magazine that might get lost in the post or whatever. And by having closing dates in the contests like... 1-2 months forward, I think most people have had time to notice it.

Then.. the international part.. I wrote that the divisions could be spanish, german and english SPEAKING. I didn’t say that the divisions would have to be in those countries. The spanish speaking division could just as well be in Argentina or any other spanish speaking country in the world. Just as the english speaking one could just as well be in the US or in Australia. So.. there you have the world. Not just Europe.
The thing is that I don’t think it’s good to have one division in each country. That would make it far to hard to administrate it all.
Perhaps the main divisions could have some subdivisions though... I don’t know.

But yea.. if there’s even going to be a reason to go any further with this arrangements, i.e: A new FC, we have to know what the management says about it. I suppose it would be no trouble to start an unofficial fanclub, but since we do need the co-operation from the management, it would be nice to know that we have their support right from the start.

A name list?? Hm.. oh well. Maybe we could do that.. but wouldn’t it be best to contact the management first, just to hear what they have to say about it?

What surprises me is that no member of the official fanclub has bothered to reply to this subject.
Do they ever visit The Daily Roxette?

For the latest news, they have to, because it is not available on their website (

Out of interest they could at least share their view with us, the fans.

Their lack of interest and the lack of reviews coming out (who wants to have an review with over 2 year old “news”), the closing down of the shop for months; it all shows that the current fanclub is not seriously busy with Roxette.

If I were EMI/Roxette/ Marie Dimberg or whoever is responsible for the contact with the fanclub, I would have a serious talk with the “official” fanclub and the people above, who want to start a new fanclub to get the best out of it.

At this moment it is clear that the “official” fanclub does not deserve that title.

Let’s hope we, the fans, have soon a good fanclub.

Now this has even been made a feature on TDR! Wow!

I wonder why the FC hasn’t been able to leave a short message on their page saying that the future would be discussed shortly... Well, they don’t even inform their own stuff of what’s going on...

Just checking on the first page. It’s good that TDR write about this. I hope that Roxette’s management (or whatever it calls) will take this problem seriously, and maybe they will accept the ideas of creating a brand new fan club.

please leave your comments on the front page story:

then everybody can read them and we have them all in one place.. thanks :)

@Judith: not 100% sure,

The frontpage is about the end (as it seems) of the current fanclub, while this thread is about a new fanclub. A slightly different subject (although I admit one has to do with the other).

I see it as the same topic because what has to be solved is the current fanclub first, then we can think of a new one (or not) :)

yeah, things seem to move now. That is good. Let’s see hwat will happen. In some weeks we know more :-)

Fanclub weeks or normal weeks? Sorry.. just had to. *smile*

Ofcourse it’s good that they have finally told us atleast that they are thinking about the situation and seems to have the desire to do something about it.

“Fanclub weeks or normal weeks? Sorry.. just had to. *smile*” LOL :-) We will see ;-)

Hi everyone! Haven’t posted for a long time. But I think, that a new Fanclub shouldn’t be done by Fans. I know that this is way to hard to keep it professional over a long distance of time and people change and don’t have time, because they have a life.
The best way would be to create a Fanclub with people who really work for that Fanclub, that means the fanclub is like a company with employees. And they organize everything, but are not really that much involved in Roxette. Because it is hard to forget your personal interest. As easy as it sounds in first place, it isn’t. Of course you have an interest in Roxette and in meeting them and so on. Of course you want to do that ... maybe it isn’t the main interest at first to create the fanclub, but it is one. Nobody could ever deny that. Second you have friends, which are important to you and maybe they are fans to .. so what would you do if you have the power?? Of course to get the best for your friends .. that’s human .. and it would work everytime the same if fans manage the official Fanclub and I wouldn’t blame them, because that the way it is and it would be the same for everyone else, even if you think no, you won’t do it .. you would!
Something I never understood .. almost everyone has a professional Fanclub ...
So why not Roxette?? I think it would be good, if there were a professional Fanclub made by people not involved that much in Roxette and maybe some kind of divisions, that are supported by the official fanclub, which are managed by fans and they can work for people if they like, get some goody stuff (like free cds, special gifts,..)for their work (like writing news,..) and that’s it. And no one could ever complain that only the friends get the meet and greet and so on.
Just my opinion ;-)

Hey Iris - welcome BACK!! Some interesting thoughts there - lets wait and see what happens but I must say that between TDR & SOAP we as fans don’t really need much more for the moment!

Hope to see more ex-fanclub officials around - atleast one can have a decent conversation with these people! :P

Hi Iris! nice to see you here again :D

I’m home now.. too bad about tomorrow :(((


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