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Roxette DC-Hub

12 replies

Hi Everyone!

This evening at 23:00 GMT+1 my new Direct Connect Roxette hub is being launched. I hope this becomes a populated place where al of the fans can share their unreleased and rare material.

3 simple rules:

*No official material (for example. Albums or Singles)
*Keep the positive vibe
*The user itself is responsible for the material he or she is sharing.

Hope to see you this evening.

Point your favorite DC client to:
You can obtain such a client at:


coooooooooooooooooool !!!!!!


Oh finally. This is a good news. :)

My boyfriend has DC and uses it all the time (he’s on DSL) but I’m not sure if he’ll let me fill his comp with rox stuff :(( I’ll try to persuade him...

Yes, it´s a good news!!!

Finally Roxette will have a hub!!!!!

great, i will post some info on my site about it :)

hub name?

Sounds super cool - only problem is that i don’t see myself joining anytime soon as my connection leaves much to be desired for... however i do have some stuff that i might want to share with other fans at some stage and was wondering if I send the owner my stuff on CD/DVD we can trade for rare material that might pop up on the hub...?


the name of the hub is: Share-Your-Rox.


Sure no problem. You can send the discs to me if you like. Please contact me by e-mail


Cool then - I’ll just have to hold onto that thought as i’m awaiting some goodies ;)

And if I have not access to p2p to networks?

How can you have no access to p2p?

Very simply!
The system administrator have covered traffic on loading of files from Internet

Stranger, try passive mode of DC. And anyway, if your system administrator is so mean, why call DC “SUXX”? ;) It’s your admin who sucks ;)


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