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Another compilation by roxette coming?

17 replies

I would not buy another plain GH, but I’d buy it for new tracks etc..

“Gessle says Roxette may record new material this year for a compilation marking the act‘s 20th anniversary.”

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How many compilations do we need? :P
Well if they making another one, they better put some live DVD material in there! And please, no Live-ism. Maybe some of their room service tour materials?

They can do a kind of “Greatest Hits Live” CD & DVD.Including one of the Room Service Tour concerts.

I’d rather go for a Roxette EP than having the same songs again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and ....

Now try read all that in one breath... you might need paramedics on stand by! LOL!

on how many albums do we have THE LOOK and IMHBL already?

i am for an e.p. as well – maybe a new version of “i remember you” or/and “i’ll be alright” would be awesome... or even better: NEW material.


If Per wants to release a compilation so that it’s available for the US market then it’s fine by me. Maybe a new release could be done in a better way for the fans, but I don’t care. I’ll support the project. Per has already given us 16 free demos this year. And after the news of September 2002, to hear anything new by Roxette would be incredible. You certainly won’t hear any complaints from me about how it’s delivered. All the best, Rich ;-)

Per never said there would be a Roxette compilation for any other country besides the US.

So, i don’t really know what’s the issue is, guys.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I’m for an EP too, who would want to buy the GH? I doubt “new generations”* know who Roxette are, and if they know “thanks” to the remixes/covers, then they think that Roxette is a disco music band and when they’ll see what real music they make they won’t be interested anymore... (* and those don’t really *buy* albums, do they?)


I am hoping that they put together a CD full of new music, I think this is the best thing they could do. They would get a whole lot of new fans for sure. I know they probably won’t but I would love for them to do a tour - I doubt they will ever get back to Australia but it would be great even if they played some clubs in Sydney, Gold Coast and Melbourne.

I agree Jud, who would buy it? Nobody remembers them to buy a GH, and anyway, the ones that do probably own Don’t Bore Us or The Ballad And Pop Hits. And the poor fans who are forced to buy the same old songs again and again just to get the bonus tracks...and they wonder why we end up downloading them??

Again, I think Per is targeting a U.S. release with this one. The U.S. needs one. ’The Ballad Hits’ is, as far as I know, the only Roxette compilation still in print in the U.S. I’m not sure why Capitol Records U.S.A. didn’t issue ’The Pop Hits.’

Roxette had their share of hits in the U.S., and a proper compilation would be fine for the market, considering their 2000 Edel ’Don’t Bore Us’ compilation has been out of print for a while now.

Why do so many of you take it as a personal insult that EMI dare to acknowledge that Roxette might have more fans than just us, here, posting on TDR..? The Ballad Hits sold a couple of million, didn’t it? That’s far more than the few hundred who regularly use TDR!

A compilation is for the masses. I love new compilations, as long as they’re nicely designed and have thought put into them. I love them because it gives me an excuse to tell everyone I know that there’s a ’new’ Roxette CD out. And it gives EMI an excuse to comission TV adverts, interviews and all sorts of other activities.

Per’s given us loads of great new music, and will continue to do so. Is there a need to slag him, Marie or their record label off for trying to appeal to people beyond TDR?

Mmm let me see... in 6 years we had 3 compilation CD’s and... urm 1 studio album! If i had anything 2 do with it, we’ll see another 4 studio albums before even CONSIDERING a *yawn* compilation of hits we have already!! I don’t think the concept of a compilation record were meant to bore fans to death!


Are all of you taking part in this discussion living in the USA ?

I don’t think it’s the case, so what is the issue here ? Has Per said the compilation will be released worldwide?

We know that he mentioned the compilation would be a US release since there’s no decent Roxette collection in the US.

So i guess that those of you out side the US don’t have to be upset about a compilation that is only intended for the US market.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I agree with Joyrider!

not for nothing the usa got a compilation and it went nowhere because just as edel didn’t promote it for various reasons per and marie didn’t really seem too enthused to promote it either....they should give it another year, put together a new album and tour exclusively in the states with it, then go to europe and the rest of the world with it. I really wanan see them again in a full stage show with my mom and brother, it was one of the few things we’d ever done as a family and I’d like it one more time


No more GREATEST HITS!! *hack*

I live in the US. I have BOTH versions of DBUGTTC. I still have some left over posters / post cards that LEO sent me from the RNAF run (these are the ones I managed to “rescue” from the Bus Nazis at my former job)

The Look, IMHBL, LTYH, Joyride, etc. But how many different ways can you mix it before it gets OLD. To have those tracks as “standard” on just about every album after Baladas... yikes. I love those songs, yes. They were crashing up the charts like nobody’s business, and they got the notes played out of them on the radio (luckily, not as bad as some of the more recent songs I’ve heard, where I want to take out a gun and shoot the radio).

Please please please... something a little different for the US... we ain’t THAT S-P-E-S-H-U-L!

edit: Massive typos thanks to the cat walkin ’cross the keyboard and touchpad to send this.


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