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THE ROXETTE BOXSET 2006 (Celebrating 20 Years)

40 replies

Jude: There’s something to be said for “cleaner, sharper sounding music”.

If one plays a musical instrument, one can hear it almost right off the bat.

What I would like to see:

DVD Collecton
1. Complete MTV Unplugged Show
2. Look Sharp! Live from Borholm (Full Concert)
3. Live-Ism (Full Concert)
4. Crash! Boom! Bang! Live in South Africa
5. Room Service Live from Stockholm
6. 2006 Documentary

CD Collection
1. Pearls Of Passion - Re-mastered
2. Look Sharp! - Re-mastered with unreleased tracks
3. Joyride - Re-mastered with unreleased tracks
4. Toursim - Re-mastered with unreleased tracks
5. CBB - Remastered with unreleased tracks
6. HAND - Re-mastered with unreleased tracks
7. Room Service - Re-mastered with unreleased tracks

8. New Album or at least an EP with new songs

What does everyone else want to have?

a huge tour and a lot of promotion events *dream*

do you really think there are so many unreleased tracks left? woult be cool...

I’d settle for the videos remastered and finally on DVD!

Plus remastered early albums would be cool! :)

No if they do release a boxset I do expect alot from such a release- boxsets are usually targeted at fans and should therefor consist of things that might be of interest to them! Remastered album... mmm maybe as long as there’s decent (unreleased) bonus tracks on... a special demo CD or 2 wouldnt be bad either!

Oh and I want to see all those unshown home-style movies of Roxette’s studio recordings - those are always fun to watch!!

But please - EMI should actually spend money on such a project and not feed the same shit over & over!!

Well, Pearls of Passion and Room Service remastered seems somewhat pointless.

Room Service is a tad to new for that, and Pearls of Passion has already been remastered.

The rest I agree with.

And I’d like a Dance Passion remastered.
+ add a bonus CD to that one with the vinyl tracks that has never been released on (Roxette) CDs.

I want a Live Room Service Tour DVD in the box at least!That’s enough for me,i don’t care the rest.I WANT A LIVE DVD FROM THE RS TOUR!!!

Oh god do I really need ANOTHER copy of The Look and Listen To Your Heart? *sobs hysterically*

LOL@Sparvogamarie :)) Maybe a copy of Surrender this time?

I would like those Roxette home videos and behind the scenes as someone mentioned. And interviews. I guess I haven’t seen many such recordings. :(

There are promo documentaries for Room Service and Have A Nice Day. I remember seeing part of HAND documentary on MTV, and there were the Room Service interviews with making of the video stuff available on the Web as streaming videos... quite bad quality and rather unwatchable for dialup ppl. And personally I would love to see as much live or semi-live (live vocals) TV appearances and promo performances as possible... Especially old ones. I’ve seen How Do You Do! live in the USA, one of the few ever done live HDYD performances, it’s fantastic, band at its peak. I wouldn’t like to see the complete Borgholm concert, as Marie had obviously overworked at that time and her voice is in a far from best condition. I’d prefer european ’89 concerts, I’m sure some of them were recorded. And if I’m allowed to dream on, I’d love to see a brand new acoustic concert that wouldn’t stress our good old roxers and give them ability to perform old and new songs with grace and dignity. I’m not saying that M&P are too old to jump around the stage for 2 hours a night for several months, but for Marie at least that would be a big stress for sure. So it would be a fabulous anniversary present for all the fans, an EP or a single with a small acoustic concert on a companion DVD. That’s my wish for the new stuff.

mbroxer, your idea of a new unplugged style show sounds nice.

There has to be something in the making!

I am not longing for remastered versions of the CD albums. Only Look Sharp! and Joyride have a poorer sound if compared with the latest albums. There’s no need to remaster HAND or RS: they were recorded not much time ago, using the best technology. I hate when record companies release and re-re-release the same stuff over and over again to push the fans to buy the same songs a thousand times!

I wouldn’t like the “rarities” being only available in an ultra-expensive box-set. That would be mean, because many fans (like me), specially outside Europe, are not able to spend big amounts of money. I think the idea in the original post is not very good: a box with all those DVD’s and CD’s would cost a fortune. I prefer if they are sold separately.

I’d like a CD set (maybe 4 or 5) with all the hits and main album tracks + unreleased songs + demos + alternative versions + remixes never available before. An extensive booklet, too, plenty of info and previously unknown photos. I don’t want all the albums again, we all already have those.

Regarding the DVD’s, I’d like some official live releases. For example, Sweden Live and Look Sharp Live! both on one DVD (maybe double), The Johannesburg concert (in my opinion, CBB was the best Roxette tour ever, that show was brilliant), and MTV Unplugged (but that one is up to the crappy MTV, sadly). I never understood why the stupid MTV didn’t release Roxette’s Unplugged officially. We got Alanis Morissette, Alejandro Sanz, Diego Torres... why not Roxette?

I am not very excited about the RS Tour on DVD. That’s the worst tour, I can live without it.

I agree with Room_Service on everything except everything he said

@spar: LOL i would like more verisons of the look and listen to your heart and while we’re at it lets have a re re re mastered version of joyride

anyway joking aside.....i like the idea of a boxset with stuff re-mastered that needs to be and dvds of live stuff especialy the Room Service tour as that just had the best song since Hotblooded starting a show!

oh and EP of 4 - 6 songs, how long does it take to make a few songs? sleeping in my car took about 10 mins? why not 6 more sleeping in my cars? ;-) but no more plumbing disasters please!

room_service: ever thought world doesn’t turn around you? ;)

I don’t necessarily need a Roxette box (I don’t even own Marie’s box :O) but I suppose it’s a nice thing to have for fans/collectors, specially if it comes with some nice extras. Extras will surely make me decide if I buy it or not.., I also know I always look at the CD boxes of different artists when I go to a record store, don’t know, they are nice, I think they are also good presents for that somebody who always liked a band but doesn’t have all albums.

Hey I like Strest idea of having a compilation CD with remixes that was previously only available on vinyl... maybe adding a couple of new remixes or/and remixes that’s been commitioned but never released (ie. crush on you).

just wanted to add that of course, it would be nice to have something NEW - box aside! But I’m pretty sure we will.. either in a new GH or.. whatever..

Judith I also tend to look at the other artist Boxsets... really wouldn’t mind getting Eurythmics’ one but it’s a tad bit expensive here (R1300... about $200 US) so I’ll rather wait a bit. Personally I don’t own MF’s boxset either but think I order one soon as it’s rather reasonable these days!! But in all honesty I have VERY high hopes for the ROXBOX with things included that we as fans can’t even conceptualize right now... I’m basically hoping for some REALLY nice suprises (as I’m sure all of us is!!). And how about keeping the contents of the Box secret - not revealing what’s inside until the DAY of it’s release... that would really build excitement amongst fans! Just try think of the last time you went to go buy a ’new’ Roxette&related album without having a clue what it included... it was a journey exploring these new & fabulous things - I haven’t experienced something like it in a while!!!


Ever thought world doesn’t turn around me? Well, I don’t pretend that. I am only saying what I think. It doesn’t mean the record label should do what I want. You are wrong, I am not so proud and arrogant. In that case, I would be moderator...

PS: I realise you have a nice “hobbie”, pointing at everything that I say. Do you think it bothers me?You should get a life, girl.

Room_Service; don’t take everything so seriously - nobody’s got anything against you! Sometimes people have a different opinion and one cannot prevent that... instead agree to disagree!! That’s part of growing up!!

I sent to Per an email.
It would be great a book/cd of every album.
Some pages (10 or 15) to tell the making off and jokes anecdotes about every record of every album.

It would be great too!!! :D

Please no re-releases. They should just release DVD material for the celebration.

Only DVD material would be rather boring to be entirely honest...!!

That´s Roxette... always releasing the same songs again again again again and again... to release a song to be number one in USA they can´t... but release the same song again again again again and again, this they know. To tour outside Europe... no way... to ask us from South America to buy compilations again... oh yeah.

To the hell with this Boxset idea... release new material... new DVDs, new albuns... do not try to get our money with IMHBL and Joyride again.

Roxette is a very strange band... always doing the most stupid moves they can... and they blame EMI USA. Yahaa

I won´t buy any stupid Box or compilation... if they release a new album, I´ll be the first one to get it, but more from the same? IMHBL? Joyride? The Look? LTYH? C´mon... we are not a bunch of idiots.

PS: BTW... if they release a new album, I hope it´s not going to be via ITunes, only available for people left-handed who hate grapes, are bald , and who lives in Tinbukitu.

Only DVD material may be boring, but i’d rather have DVD versions of the live shows released, rather than a new compilation disc.

Hopefully the RoxBox is going to be full of surprises that no one ever thought of :-D

In general, Roxette’s catalogue is in major need of a remaster. The earlier albums – Pearls Of Passion, Dance Passion, Look Sharp!, Joyride, Tourism, and Crash! Boom! Bang! – could all benefit from upgraded audio. Maybe even ’Have A Nice Day’ ...which I’ll get to shortly. ’Room Service’ seems to be mastered a bit differently, in my opinion. Perhaps that’s just the production, but I’ve always imagined some of the songs sounding sharper. “Milk And Toast And Honey” comes to mind, but I’ll blame that one on the production because the “Shooting Star Treatment” sounds fantastic.

’Pearls Of Passion’ does in fact need an updated remaster. It was last remastered in 1997. That was 9 years ago, and mastering technology has improved very much since then. One fine example of this is Bon Jovi’s 1998 ’Slippery When Wet’ remaster. In 2005 it was remastering again (by the same mastering engineer as in 1998) and the differences are striking. A lot of your remasters from 1996-2000 can sound even better yet, and I’ve bought many remasters from 2002 to 2006 that showcase this.

Actually, what I would like to see is Roxette’s entire catalogue be remastered with bonus tracks in DualDisc format with 5.1 audio. I know this will probably never happen, but it’s a dream. Probably the most that will happen is remastered albums with bonus tracks... which I suppose will work fine for now. It would be nice, however, to have each one released with a bonus disc including all remixes and b-sides relevant to that album era. Again, this is dreaming.

But 2006 is definitely the year to do it. ’Joyride’ (which marks it’s 15th anniversary this year) and especially ’Look Sharp!’ sound rather dull and flat. There’s so much more potential in new masters of these earlier recordings. ’Crash! Boom! Bang!’ could use a nice upgrade as well. Listen to “Run To You” from 1994 and compare it to the 2003 master on ’The Pop Hits.’

While ’Have A Nice Day’ may not be in the remastering league it may benefit from one, although it sounds crisp and sharp as it is, in my opinion. One such example that would back this would be Eurythmics’ 1999 ’Peace’ effort which received a 2005 remaster with bonus tracks. I was quite surprised at the improvement in sound quality for a 1999 album. Fans were whining about the remaster, but the tracks, to my surprise, are much louder and have more punch. Listen to “I Saved The World Today” and “17 Again” as examples. They sound so much better! More range, more bass, and more depth.

I definitely think it’s time EMI actually invests some money into a better Roxette video collection DVD. But looking at their past releases, they are too cheap to invest in upgraded sound quality in the form of 5.1 audio. I’m referring to recent video collection DVD releases by Pet Shop Boys, Duran Duran, Culture Club, and Human League. While the audio is excellent in newly remastered stereo, a 5.1 upgrade would have been a nice treat for many fans. So I guess I wouldn’t complain about a proper stereo remaster for a Roxette video collection. The audio in the earlier videos was really a disgrace on both Roxette video collection DVDs. What were they thinking? What a wasted opportunity and quick cash-in from the guys at EMI!

The concerts upgraded to DVD format in 5.1 would be nice as well. Isn’t this the way to go nowadays? I have a feeling, however, that EMI probably has a lot of the masters hidden away in their vaults forever or have since lost them. They’ll probably do a cheap VHS to DVD transfer (in which you can see the tape lines and degrading colours) if they do make it to DVD. I won’t be surprised!

Anyhow, it’s fun to ramble on and on every now and then. :p

Thanks for that interesting and intelligent post. I believe that if they’re going to remaster a few albums, they might as well remaster them all. This way, the listener can enjoy each album without severe changes in volume and clarity.

Here’s hoping :)

Perfec... Plus Rarities!!!

Off-topic but.. I just realised I “celebrate” 15 years of being a fan “officially”* this year @_@

* I liked Rox since I heard The look / LTYH on SPanish radio but didn’t start to collect for real/buy GT/Marie stuff etc until 91

I also wanted to add.. am I the only one who doesn’t give sound quality THAT much importance? :S

I forgot about ’Rarities.’ But hopefully the “rarities” found on that disc would show up on a more comprehensive rarity compilation for a box set.

Judith, actually I think only a handful of people really care about sound quality. I’m one of those people. Everyone expects different things from music. I love to listen to mine at high volume and in excellent quality. If it doesn’t have the punch, kick, and clarity then I don’t really have the urge to listen to it that much. It’s amazing how much remastering can change my opinion on material as well. There are numerous songs that I’ve grown to like because of excellent remastering. I was able to enjoy them in a new light.

But everyone is different I guess. :)

5.1 remastered albums would be awesome. I also really pay attention to the audio quality.

I have been trying to rip Roxette albums nowadays as 5.1 audio. But it’s complicated since the CDs are encoded in only 2 channel and stereo. I still haven’t been lucky. Hopefully i will get it some time soon, lol.

However, so far, i have managed to encode all Roxette albums into WMA 9.1 Lossless. It sounds really awesome. You guys should try to do it too. But i suggest getting an external hard drive or an extra internal hard drive for only WMA 9.1 Lossless Roxette song files because since it’s lossless each song file bitrate ranges from 2800 kbps to 3200 kbps, which in turn makes files as big as 100 MB.

If you really love to hear all the details of a Roxette song, you really should rip the CDs in WMA 9.1 Lossless files and get a addicional hard drive to store only those lossless Roxette files.

Also, if you have a decent sound card that can play music through a 5.1 speaker setup using DTS NEO 6 and THX, you will never regret using all that hard drive space. It will sound really nice since, although WMA 9.1 Lossless is not 5.1, DTS NEO 6 technology, splits the Lossless quality audio files into 5 different channels plus the subwoofer, making you have a 5.1 feel to the songs when using a 5.1 speaker setup.

Just as a note: all my Roxette song files ripped from my original albums, are ripped as WMA 9.1 Lossless (bitrates ranging from 2800 kbps - 3200 kbps) at 24-bit and 96 kHz. Just the best short of 5.1 encoding. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

don’t get me wrong, I DO appreciate when for example I can listen to a CD version of an LP, but for example I didn’t buy the remastered GT CDs .. just wanted to know if I was the only one :D

no you weren’t the only one, i didn’t buy them either

Nope Judith & Vixz... you guys aren’t alone! I am considering buying the remaster of the self titled album with the Billy EP but that’s where it’ll end!

“5.1 remastered albums would be awesome”

That would be nice to see/hear, listening thru DolbyProLogic just isn’t the same.

Maybe i’m missing something, but it sounds like you are saying that the WMA 9.1Lossless rips sound better than the original CD versions? how can this be? Or are you comparing to standard mp3/wma etc??

@Robs: Well, if you play the original CD directly on the sound system or computer with a 5.1 speaker setup using THX and DTS NEO 6 then the CD will sound exactly like WMA 9.1 lossless ripped files also using THX and DTS NEO 6 as they are being played in a 5.1 speaker setup.

The reason being is because Lossless means that when the files are being ripped form the CDs there’s mathematically no loss of quality or information during the rip process. So, if you don’t want to keep inserting CDs in your computer, rip all your favorite CD or songs into WMA 9.1 Lossless. But as i stated before, it’s better if you get a hard drive only for these song files since they can be as big as 100 Mb due to the fact that there is no loss of quality and info, which in turn makes the files have really high bitrates (above 2500 kbps) especially if they are also incoded as 24 bit and 96 kHz.

Addicionaly, if your sound card has THX and DTS NEO 6 tech, then you will really feel the WMA 9.1 Lossless or the original CD quality music in 5.1 surround environment. It’s really nice. :-)

Hope that clarifies it all.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Ok thanks for clearing that up. I thought that’s what you meant, just wanted to clarify :-)

@RobS: Any time!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

reamstering BAH, unless you’re an audiophile you’ll never truly recognize any difference, if you want proof take abba gold, then go buy the remastered millenium 2cd set and compare the sound on the songs, unless you have headphones on the nuances removed from having the music digitized is minimal at best, in fact sometimes with older recordings they even sound a bit cleaner, if anyhting i’ve taken cd’s and put them back on audio cassettte and they’ve sounded better than the remastered cds

That’s not true. Just compare the original “ABBA Gold” released in 1992 and “The Definitive Collection” released in 2001, and you’ll realise the difference is HUGE! I am not talking just about sound quality, old CD’s also sound very low. Even if you put the volume to the maximum it sounds very low. It doesn’t mean ALL the Roxette albums need to improve. Just Look Sharp and Joyride need to be remastered, because the quality of those CD’s is poorer if compared with the latest albums.

“That’s not true. Just compare the original “ABBA Gold” released in 1992 and “The Definitive Collection” released in 2001, and you’ll realise the difference is HUGE! I am not talking just about sound quality, old CD’s also sound very low. Even if you put the volume to the maximum it sounds very low.”

Exactly! The 2001 remaster (I have the 2002 DVD release) sounds so much better! The music is much louder and has much more punch. And yes, this is true about older CDs. They were mastered at a much lower volume. Many of them sound low and flat.

I guess that makes me an audiophile. :p


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