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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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C'mon (skabal sampler mix)

4 replies

Well ... my boyfriend did this one to me (skabal sampler mix) with the audio of the reportage of the SVT and I want to share it with you what seems to them :)


Hmmm . I just don’t know what to make of this song. I haven’t a clue as to whether I like it or despise it.
The edit thing was quite well done.

....and Jo-Anna says??? It would be great to get this snippets, too. Could you do this for us?? (or your brother)

i made the snippets for both songs... check out comments in the news section, in the artcile about this tv show...



there is a bit more c’mon in my c’mon - i found more parts to put it all together :)

@Jackeill: if that he lacks a part ... but ... it was impossible to join them ... since they were not remaining very nice, as he says the title, is the mix!



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