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Has Will Young sampled a Roxette track

15 replies

Is it just me or has Will Young sampled Harleys and Indians (Riders in the sky) for his new song Switch it on????
Seems to be really similar what do you think??

I haven’t heard Will’s Switch It On...

Have a listen to the sample. The music does sound a bit like Harleys, I have to agree. Very cool ;o)

sounds like it, but it’s a crap song....

This song is a crap indeed.


It’s terrible :s
It’s a bit similar to “Harleys and Indians”, but not enough to say if has been sampled. I think it’s more a similar arrangement of the song...

sounds so much better than harleys and indians ;)

better ?!?!? LOL i only liked his last song fridays child.

I’ve never heard anything of Will Young before. I didn’t say that the song was great, I just think it sounds better than Harleys and Indians.

It’s not a bad tune, when you hear it a couple of times, it’s the kind that grows on you!

have u seen the video.....more homoerotic than a porn movie! quite laughable. A piss-take, I mean ”inspired” by Top Gun, with Will being Mr Cruise, of course. I must admit not really a fan of his altho my partner thinks he’s ace. We both agree on the video being awful.

I can see the influence of Harleys on the song.....but Will’s song ain’t a patch on Rox!:-))

I saw the video on TV yesterday it’s not bad....

top gun is homoerotic if you ask me ;-D

I can hear it, sounds more like ’i want candy’ though :P heard him sing better

this is worse absolutly terrible song


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