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Roxette in Encyclopedia

22 replies

Has anyone seen this before?

I found it to be a well written piece.

Thanks... very interesting... The article also talks about Per & Marie solo career...

For example, it says... “The Change album to date has sold more than 350,000 and has seen several other international radio releases, including “All About You” and “A Table in the Sun.”

Wow, more than 350,000 copies. More than I could imagine (at least in Spain the promo was non-existent)

Congratulations Marie

One member of Roxette has a “light, almost sunshiny voice,” with the other has a “grainy, throatier delivery.”

Try guessing which description goes with who’s voice... quite interesting.

Someone has recently updated it, it looks really nice.

Congratulations Marie it´s great that The Change sold more than 350.000 copies, here in Argentina the album don´t realesed for example, and other countries yet, so is a great number.
It´s a good new for me, i´m very happy!

I think that’s a typo, it should probably read 35,000. There is NO WAY that sold 350,000 copies, and if so, why hasn’t it received any awards?

Who wrote that? Anyone on TDR?

By the way, the spanish version is rather short and has some mistaken fact (“they met by chance when Per was with Gyllene Tider and Marie was starting as a solo artist...”).

i can totally see that album seeing that much, They are ALOT of marie fans out there, its a big world, and i know a few people who bought it after listerening to mine and they dont even like roxette.

@Michael: Well, 350,000 is a HUGE number, take into account that there was not much promotion and many records that do get that amount of promotion in today’s piracy dominated world don’t reach that number, especially if it’s not released worldwide. I think I agree with Thomas, that looks like a typo to me as well. I’d like to know where that figure comes from anyway, to check the source... you know, the Wiki sometimes... :D

nice info.

How many copies has “The world according to Gessle” sold?

Thank you for the information.

Can safely say I had a hand in putting information towards the Wikipedia page. :)

Anyone can edit stuff on that site, as long as they’re a member...and preferrably with the correct information, obviously. :P

Re TWATG sales, Per once said years ago that the target was 750,000 and that they were half way there. I’m prob guessing not much over 500,000 was sold

Yes, I heard 500,000 too, about The World...

Nice article, but obviously written from an US/UK point of view. So Roxette’s work after 1994 and the european charts get only low respect.

“low respect” -> yes, that uses to happen when you sing with duck choirs :)

TWATG sales: 440.000 copies, as far as I know.

I think “The Change” sold over 30,000 just in Sweden... So outside Sweden, only 5,000 copies? I don´t think ...

I hope it´ll be over 350,0000 worldwide. Let´s be optimistic

Nice reading....

exactly, per wrote in one of the official sites ( or, don’t remember right) that the total sales were 440000 of TWATG

I added comments about Son of A Plumber and added about the Joyride 2005 (the Joyride Remix).


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