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I'm doing a Roxette cover of Silver Blue

15 replies

Hi there - been a lurker for a long time on this fab site. I hope it is ok to post this message in the roxette section, it’s a little rox related...

I ADORE blah blah blah and also silver blue - in fact I have soooo many faves it’s too hard to choose - anyway, I decided to make my own version of Silver Blue...

I started work on it a couple of hours ago just to test some ideas.

It’s nothing like the original and it isn’t meant to be - that is great as it is!

I would just like some opinions of what I have done so far - good or bad.

The vocals are really really rough at the moment, just a simple echo but need more work - and more instruments are needed too and effects... there is a lot I want to add to the track.

Still, if Per is allowed to release his demos of Rox trax then I guess it is ok for me too lol


here is the link to listen for anyone interested


good ;)

Great job!!! I really liked it!!! Sounds like you’ve really been working on it a long time. Those sounds remind me of a Savage Garden “To the moon and back” remix.

I think the echos are too loud and confusing - but it is cool that you didn’t merely just copy the song with only different vocals - its quite interesting !

How did you make the music ???

Thanks guys for the comments...

I put the backing music together in Reason, and then I arrange the different tracks in Acid Pro. Once the tracks are down I roughly record the vocals and add a quick echo - which is why it sounds too loud and confusing lol - I haven’t worked on anything in depth yet, literally this was put down in a couple of hours.

Interesting about the savage garden comment, because for some reason they always did reminded me of Roxette! I don’t know the remix you speak of but it sounds cool.

Thanks again guys


wow, this is really nice! Keep up the good work and (please cover Bla bla bla) you broke my heart too!

i hate all the remixes popping up from nowhere, but all FAN projects are really really welcome!

It was good, but it could be even better. Dance style music is difficult to mix right that the sounds are tight and “creamy.” You have produced great new atmosphere into the song! Mediamaffia, you could use my help if you want to=)! Just send MIDI tracks to me via e-mail and I´ll try to mix it again. Would it be fun?

I am considering doing Roxette/Gessle cover also. And I need your opinions.That discussion is here:

Nice work....

Hey - i like your pics forst of all - I know that is not to do with the discussion lol - I have heard your tracks on tiny small speakers because i amaway from home for the weekend = i will hear them properly when i get home in a few days. They sound good... i have songe inspired by roxette a;so but not as many as you... one called just can’t say goodbye - i will post that and see what people make of it... soon.

Thanks for your comments and i will reply properly soon as i get home


Fantastic! I agree with those here who say that you’ve come up with something quite original (a bit ironic I suppose, given it’s a cover!). It sounds great to my ears, but if I were to offer one criticism, I’d suggest keeping the original vocal (making a remix, rather than a cover, I guess)... might not be possible given the change in tempo without it sounding silly, but I think it would work. Keep up the great work!

I really like the music but I am not too fond of the vocalpart either...

nice work mediamaffia! Keep on arranging the track, hope you can link the final version for us to hear.

Greetings from Chile!

I think its great!

To MediaMaffia: What is your band’s name and website? I’ll add you to the Roxette cover list. Peace :D

To Jale: Where are your Roxette covers I didn’t see them on your site. Sorry.

Oops Jale, I noticed you said Roxish style, pardon about that.

Hi guys - all of you - thank you so much for the comments!! :o)

Like I say, Vocals are NO WAY even remotely done yet - just added quickly as a test hehe

I hope to make them sound better - I will also post 2 tracks that are done by me that were INSPIRED by roxette only, in other words I WROTE then but wish that Marie and Per would record them hehe - I know I dream this and it will never happen, but they inspired me to write the words and music...

I have had a busy weekend so when I have done more to the track SILVER BLUE I will post it for you to hear more...

I don’t have a website just yet but will find somewhere to put my music for anyone interested

Love to you all xx


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