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Karlstad 2001

8 replies

Would be great to have a recording...

I was in Karlstad’s show,in november 2001.Someone was there?Someone knows where i can get the recordings of this show?Just mail me please!

I was in Karlstad’s show too,and i´m interest, if there someone knows where i can get the recordings of this show too?
I hope that we could get it

the chances are slim, I’m afraid, although I’d be interested too, having been there :). A bit sad there are no real good quality recordings from the shows... As a contrast, I’ve been to some U2 gigs this summer and wow, their hq ( most of them) bootlegs are available for download the next day. A pity Rox community is not that crafty. But still I’m glad that most of us do share what we’ve got anyway :) So, let’s wait and see what comes :)

I was there with my minidisc recorder however the quality was not at all good and not worth bothering with - others had the same issue.

Just wonder how some of those bootlegs can be so damn good.

Any recording from Karlstad show is wellcome!Just to hear again something from this so special show for me,make me extremely happy!

Someone upload that great show please!!!Ooh what a memories,the best!!!

I was there too... and in that pub where the roxette party was after the show too when mr. G and the rest of the band, most of them, walked in and joined the party!
But nope... I do not know of any recordings from this show.

Yeah!!! I want this recording. I was there too.


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