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Marie should let us know something

38 replies

Its not that she SHOULD give us an update, its just that it would be nice if she did

I don’t want to start another discussion about her illness, but I really think she should say something about her situation right now, maybe throuh Marie Dimberg or something... We really do not know anything new from her in several months. It’s just too much time without news.
I think that it would be great if she just write on a paper.. “Hey, I’m OK. See you soon...” o anything, whatever she wants...
Maybe we will have to wait until Roxette’20 birthday to see some kind of new material. But I am sure that if nothing happens then... well.. Roxette will be gone.
Love you Per and Marie... stay well both of you!

You do have a valid point....

would be nice, but i dont think it will happen

Did she thank for a prayer chain the fans created a few years ago? If she did how?

edit: oh I just found it:


Dear Marie Davis

and all my fans,

How can I thank you enough for your kind thoughts and wonderful care during my illness. I want you to know that I know that all your prayers have helped me a lot and given me a lot of strength. I’m feeling so much better every day.
Slowly I’m starting to write music again. Allthough the rest of this year will be a resting year, I’m sure I’ll see you all very soon again.

From the bottom of my heart, a sincere thanks to all of you.

Take care and pray for peace,

Marie Fredriksson

Good to see you found her answer.
And she also left us a “thank you” thru the Fanclub some months ago

Yes, but still no news from her for almost a year. It would be nice to hear that she is doing ok

As sad as this may sound, some people here should understand that she’s not your friend, she’s your entertainment provider.
Her relationship to you is strictly commercial.

I understand your point, but I tried to say that it will be nice from her if she had this actitud of tell us something about how she is doing in these days... but obviously she is not forced to it... it is not an obligation . She owns us nothing in this matter, because like you said, Marie is not our doughter, or mother or whatever...

“Marie is not our daughter, or mother or whatever...”. I totally agree with you. But I think that she consider all of us, fans, as her friends; otherwise, why did she share her feelings with us, releasing “The Change”? It’s a very “private, intimate and personal” CD. Maybe that’s the reason why she does not tell us about the moments that she is being through, simply because there’s nothing more to say, all that she needed to say to us (her friends) was said at “The Change”...

[email protected]

I agree whit that Marie is not our friend but I think that everyone here really care about her. And I hope that she would tell us something soon. Many of us really love her and want to know if she is okej.

Laman: I was the happiest person in the world when she sent the prayer chain thanks and it still means the world to me and puts a smile on my face, but that was years ago.

I agree with everyone here - Marie is not our relative or friend, but it would be common human decency to consider the fact that thousands of people are concerned about her (not just fans, but the Swedish public and perhaps others who heard about her) and realise that a few words (not her life story, not a tell-all book, not a documentary, not visiting each of us personally, but a few words) would help a lot of people’s fears. YES we have to support her decision for privacy, but I still don’t see how a message via Dimberg along the lines of “Hi all, just to let you know I’m doing ok” every few months would hurt her privacy. All I’m saying is that after months and years of silence, some of us start to worry and she does have a disease that has a very high chance of returning so we’re not being paranoid.

One thing I don’t get, that my friend Rodrigo pointed out - if Marie’s so worried about privacy, why make an hour long documentary showing her swollen face, her bald scarred head, her family, inside her house, her garden, crying....??

Santi... I can’t disagree more. If Marie did only record/perform for financial reasons she would’ve stopped shortly after Tousim/CBB and lived off the roylties of her success rather comfortably; at that point she managed to get everything one ’needs/desire’ - a family/wonderful suporting husband, international fame & i’m sure some degree of fortune etc. And this came shortly after her much publicized depression during the Joyride tour. Besides loyalty towards her dear fans who she RESPECT, can you think of any other reasons for continuing her public image & her career?

Yes her fans are not friends BUT she DOES care deeply about her fans - it’s been proven MANY times; ie her Antligen summer tour, The tour DVD & The Change was all releases FOR the fans. This women is not affraid to share her life with her fans either.

My explination for her being quiet; we know that she’s got a house in Spain - she is most likely enjoying a little peace & surely if all wasn’t well she would’ve rather stayed close to home/to the fimiliar NOT in Spain of all places.
BUT my commonsence tells me she’s busy with something... Marie is a creative soul that needs expression AND acknowledgement (her fans is her ultimate acknowledgement that she’s doing something right); I wouldn’t be suprised if she’s busy in the recording studio as i’m typing this. Marie’s also got a habbit of going rather quiet before a release - remember all the speculation & silence before The Change? Eitherway I respect her time away from the public light & eagerly awaits her return. (But Im NOT saying that a little note from our sweet Marie stating that she’s doing fine wouldn’t be nice!)

Well said Purple, I think the reason some of us are disappointed by her silence is that she gave the impression of really caring about her fans and especially the Äntligen tour. She was giving out free tickets to fans, organising private backstage meetings for the “regulars” and generally being an angel. That’s why it’s a bit like “Huh?” when she wanted nothing to do with us through most of her illness.

I know she’s only an artist but it sounds so cold to say her interest in us is purely financial. And even if Santi is right, she’s still a human and we’re still human, which means we still care and worry about her and it’s hard to think of her as a singing robot.

That kind of “fan caring”, in the Faculty of Economics they call it “marketing”... :)

Understanding is part of the/our respect towards Marie. I’ve said many times each person is a world and each reacts different to the happenings in life. She will speak when she feels like, when she wants to. It might be tomorrow, it might be in 2 months or in 2 years. I guess there’s nothing else to do than try to understand and accept it. Respect her decision(s).

“That kind of “fan caring”, in the Faculty of Economics they call it “marketing”... :)”

But we don’t LIVE in that faculty, do we?

The year of an absolute silence it’s too long imo. After all she’s been through we’re worrying about her, thats why i’d like to get from Marie a very small note confirming in a couple of words she’s ok.

“That kind of “fan caring”, in the Faculty of
Economics they call it “marketing”... :)”

You are right Santi, and that is how the industry runs - by “tricking” people into having a false relationship with stars (who are usually nothing like the image they portray to the public).

But my point is that to those fans, the caring feelings are quite real and not all of us can simply think of Marie as an inhuman machine. We see and hear celebrities every day and we naturally have human emotions towards them. For example I felt quite sad for the deaths of people like Princess Diana, Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes from TLC and Christopher I know them? No, but I’m sad they died. I don’t especially like Kylie Minogue but it was a shock when she got cancer and I do hope she’s ok. It’s nice to get news about her and know that she’s doing fine. I felt bad for Madonna when she had her riding accident a few weeks ago. Yes they are stars but they’re all human beings and they become a part of our lives. In the case of Marie, I’ve actually met her so she’s not just some image on TV, she’s certainly not my friend but she’s a real person to me. Because we’ve been told so little about her illness, we have no idea if she’s going to be ok or not, and months of silence can lead to wondering. YES we have to respect her her privacy, I don’t think anyone questions that. Again, nobody here has ever asked for anything more than a few words of reassurement now and then. It’s her decision, and we can’t be angry about it but we can say our opinion.

I think some of you have misunderstood me a bit. I did not imply that all she wanted is our money and that’s it. That’s why she didn’t stop in the 90’s, she’s a musician and likes to make music. I personally think that if I was utterly rich I could never seriously stop doing anything and wait for the years to fall until the day I die (I would like to test it anyway, I’ve had enough of being poor :D), and I doubt very much someone like Marie would. So even being rich you want to do things, and she loves music and wants to sing and play air-guitar in front of people.
That this that I’m saying is true, does not imply that she actually cares about the individuals in front of her while performing or that buy her records. That she releases a “personal CD” like The Change does not mean she wants to tell you anything, but that she wants to get rid of some inner something and her language is her music, and releasing it will make her feel better because that’s what she knows how to do. I take “personal CDs” as a kind of therapy.
That she does all this does not hinder that her relationship with fans is strictly commercial. She’s the saleswoman, you’re the customers. When you go and buy a car do you bug the saleswoman with details of her personal life? Probably not and you’d be seen as a bit strange if you did ask or stalk her, even if she’s probably a much similar person to you (so someone with who you can identify much better) than a millionaire singer from a Scandinavian country.
I do believe fans (and specially stalking fans) are the major burden for pop musicians, and they have to set the limit somehow. And for what it seems the limit to Marie is much out of her private life.
About 1 year of silence... when was that Swedish TV documentary broadcasted (En Andra Chans)?

The documentary shows us Marie the latest in summer’04, since then there was no news from her. En Andra Chans naturally was broadcasted later but they didn’t add any fresh info.

agree more news please

I agree with you totally Santi. And I think you answered the question why doesn’t Marie contact us: because we are only customers to her. I don’t know exactly what is in Marie’s mind of course, but I get the impression that her attitude to fans is that they are annoying, and now she’s sick she definitely doesn’t want them bugging her. The point I’ve always tried to make is that even though we must respect Marie’s privacy, it makes me so sad that she has taken this attitude when the majority of fans only want to support her. Sure some fans only want to stalk her and demand that she constantly entertain us, but Judith’s message site and my prayer chain are examples of how many fans just wanted to give her support and strength for nothing in return.

We don’t want news just to gossip about it, we want it because we’re worried about a fellow human being who is important to us.

It´s so sad she´s such selfish :(
*edit* ok ok she´s not selfish :)

post this to dimbberg as I´ve said b4 or someone can mail and ask her (spartvöga or jud for ex)

LaMan last time you made those comments the topic got locked. I also think you are going too far, I am sad that Marie doesn’t want to contact us but it’s a bit much to call her selfish, or arrogant as you did last time.

Some people just don’t read (or understand English)... I WANNA SEE GREY!!

Purple: huh?

btw sparv your mail dosent work

just saw pics of kyile minouge shes back from cancsers and gonna start her tour I know its hard to compare but cant u compare those 2 types of cancers why hasnt mf come back....

the brain is something that controles your whole body so it’s very different from breast cancer. you really can’t compare it.
and marie has a family what is much more importent.

I agree that you can’t compare them but I think it would also be unfair to assume that Kylie had an easier time than Marie. It was devastating to both of them, just Marie had a bit more permanent damage. Great to see Kylie’s back on her feet.

Kylies illness is nothing besides Maries..sorry guys.

I so agree with frisso nothing to add. I’m glad that Kylie doing better as well cos such an illness is such a hard thing to go through... Even if the type of cancer is a total different one.

I am no Kylie fan but it was nice to see those photos in the press the other day, she’s obviously feeling better, I think it is good of her to let the press near for a photo opportunity...

I think it that it would just be nice 2 hear from her!

Yes, it would be nice if Marie wrote a few words to her fans.

And actually sparvogamarie’s friend made an excellent point: why Marie let do a documentary where she shared her feelings about her illness? As for myself, I thought that after En Andra Chans things would be different. But it’s still silence...

Auryte: Yeah I hadn’t even thought of it, I was just happy to get the documentary but then Rodrigo pointed out that it was kinda strange to have such a personal documentary when she’s so rabid about her privacy. He was talking about the interview where Marie says “Some of my fans think they can get to know me. Well they can’t. I’ll never let them in, never never,” and then he said it was strange that she let us all into her house and family with that documentary! He thought it was really really weird that she showed herself crying. She showed us everything, even the scar on her head but then she disappeared into the silence again.


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