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I remember You - Why is it Missing from the USA ??

17 replies

Does anyone know why this track was missing from the US Version of Joyride? I tind it to be one of the best trax!

They removed it so people would buy the European version in Europe even though it was higher priced.

heh, smart move. I think the song REALLUY adds to the beauty of the album. Marie at her best, the song simply rocks :)

Remember reading ages ago that Per thought that this was the worst Rox song ever. Strange. I like it

i like it, i think its great vocals how marie sings best.

He may think “I remember you” is the worst one. But it has one of the greatest guitar solos Roxette ever did.

I remember Per saying that Clarence insisted playing the song during the RS tour...No wonder it was dropped out from the setlist if Per dislikes it so much...However, it would have suited the tour since it took ages to tour again after CBB world tour :)

Be interesting to get specifics on why he dislikes it so...

Also interesting to know that Clarence has so much imput as to what Roxette plays live.

it’s one of the greatest ever, I think ! What a pitty that Per did not like to play it live. Marie’s vocals are so breathtaking and sexy in the song ! Just imagine how she would move on stage while singing it ? *gosh**aaawww*

@Bunny: agree it would be electrifying. ;)

jesus.....that song soooooooooooooooooooo gets me moving when out running or @ the gym! Specially whejn Marie trills ”you got me ruunnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn”....swoonsum stuff! I always thought it had mammoth hit potential.

I love this song....

Once there was the question in the “just ask per” page from the Roxreview: “What do you think is the worst Roxsong”, he answered “I Remember You, it never worked live”.

hm, I have the LP and CD (I think both USA) and you’re right, they’re not on there, you know I never really noticed before.

I have heard the demo, when Per sang it. The name was “My heart goes boom boom”, it had a different chorus, but the verses were the same. Very neat.

I love that song!

@tevensso: thank god they changed the name. That sounds so lame.

where can i get the demo? ;D


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