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(Decent) things you don't like at Per and Marie

65 replies

I’ve been thinking for a while to bring up this topic: everybody tends to talk about how great m & p are, but I’m sure we all have our little dissapointments towards them. Since such a thread is susceptible to be taken (by some of us) as an opportunity to say unappropriate things about per or marie, I suggest we should stick with decent features that we dislike so that it won’t turn to grey sooner than necessary LOL

So. Here are a few of my dislikes:

Concerning PER: - he never really looks at the audience when performing (WHY?????)
- he appeals to the same writing skills over and over again
- he changes his hairdo way too often
- too much pink on his shirts
- he tries too hard to look younger
- he wasn’t at his best during Join the Joyride tour

Concerning MARIE: - her solo stuff is too much “touched” by her husband
- she wasn’t at her best during RS tour
- sometimes she’s not feminine enough (on stage; hey, according to my tastes only)
-she’s too slow as a writer (I wished she would have had greater contribution on HAND and RS)

That’s not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ Max-Tob: I agree with you!!! There are more things about Marie and Per which I don’t like but I guess it’s better that I don’t enumerate them in this thread because I don’t wanna risk that your wonderfull thread is gonna be archived very quickly due to the censorship on TDR ... :D!

Another point: That they release Greatest-Hits-albums all the time and there is always the same old stuff on it...! I stopped counting on how many CDs I have “The Look” ...! They use their old hits over and over again.

’Concerning PER: - he never really looks at the audience when performing’

Can’t confirm that, really ;-) :-P

Well, the only thing that bothers me about Roxette is that they try to hard to be “hip” and to look younger witch actually results in the opposite.

And it’s quite clear that many fans don’t accept it. Their two last studio albums (HAND, RS) sold a lot less than the other ones (LS, Joyride, Tourism, CBB, DBUGTTC). My point about the albums is:

POP: Pure pop
LS: Pure pop with tight arrangements and some electric influence
Joyride: Pure pop, soft rock
Tourism: Pure pop, soft rock
CBB: soft rock, pop
new songs on DBGTTC: pop, soft rock

Than came the big mistake to my oppinion
HAND: electrick dancepop with techno effects and only a few good real Roxettesongs at the end of the album.

RS: on this album they try to turn the wrong into wright again. The songs are better but they don’t manage to reach the same level compared to the early years.

I think if, let’s say, Bono and his band for example should try to look ten years younger than they are and follow the hip trends in music, their sales would defenetly go down too but U2 won’t make that mistake. (Well, they did in 1997 with the pop album but now they’re back as they should be). Roxette shoud also be more naturel again, and then they could really score again.

Like someone said before, I also think it’s quite sad that Rox officially released 12 albums and 5 of them are compilations with only a few new songs or translations.

DBUTTC, Bladas En Espagnol, Rarities, The Ballad Hits, The Pop Hits, are all albums that repeat the originals: POP, LS, J, T, CBB, HAND, RS.

One thing I don’t like about Roxette is that their fans moan about albums that they don’t have to buy !

>DBUTTC, Bladas En Espagnol, Rarities, The Ballad Hits, The Pop Hits, are all albums that repeat the originals: POP, LS, J, T, CBB, HAND, RS.<

Also on Tourism you can find some old songs like “The look” and “Joyride” and “So far away” and “IMHBL” in a different version...! Moreover don’t forget Marie’s Greatest Hits album, her CD-box, the GT Greatest Hits album, Konstpaus which also includes some tracks which have been previously released, the GT live album and the HAND version which includes the three Spanish tracks! Did I forget any albums which use old material again or in a different version?!

@ chrisjankunas: Of course we don’t have to buy the albums but we complain about the attitude of the band which wants to earn money with old material again and again!


I am guessing you where asleep! Per Joyride tour, how I would pray to re-live that era.... WOW!!!

okok , They dont do enough rock pop, gone to pop, i like marie’s voice better recoreded live (WICF) better than studio sound (looking for jane) her voice is more rich recorded live not ’changed’ in the studio as i have a feeling it has on some songs , ’The change’ was recored live her voice is best on that album i think. TCOTH would of been better recored in a live session.

To me, most critisisms of Roxette compilations are fairly non-sensical as there’s no popular artist out there that ain’t releasing plenty of them.

There always has to be compilations available, because casual CD buyers are always keen to get ’greatest hits’ CDs, not wade through individual albums...

And since ’Don’t Bore Us’ has been out of print in many places for several years, that popular option isn’t open to buyers any longer.

And of course record labels prefer to release brand new compilations so that hardcore fans (i.e. us) will also fork out for it, as well as these new general shoppers in stores... plus of course Roxette has released new material since 1995, so ’Don’t Bore Us’ is out of date.

Per and Marie have always been very generous with new tracks, lyrics, photos and liner notes on their ’greatest hits’ releases.

Nobody is perfect, but take them as they are.
There is no need for negative critics from fans.
Let’s be supportive instead.
They gave (and hopefully will also give in the future) us a lot of great music, they don’t deserve the negative critics.

Max-Tob: I agree with everything you said lol! Except that I don’t care if MF is feminine or not, doesn’t bother me. And I agree she wasn’t at her best during RS, but I have a strong feeling she was already becoming ill at that time. I noticed a few times she lost her balance on stage and when I look back, I think she already had her tumour.

I don’t see what is wrong with saying some things you don’t like about Roxette, we don’t have to sit here worshipping them all day long!

why was marie not on top form for the RS tour , i have a cd and its SOUNDS FANTASTIC, my fave ’waiting for rain ’ and ’CBB/anyone’ she sounds great on the songs

I can honestly not think of anything, well I can but I won’t go there....

@ally: Asleep?? ears were wiiiide open and so were my eyes...His voice weren’t good enough at that time...I mean it worked in studio, but on stage, he simply couldn’t keep up. See the difference between his 32-year-old-voice and the 44-year-old-voice on Mazarin tour...Back then, he simply couldn’t keep the tune AND move at the same time...

@sparvoga: well, my comments were short and boring, I didn’t really say the things I dislike still, you’re right about marie and her performing during RS...i didn’t see her losing her ballance (which is, yes, very possible), but I’ve certainly seen her losing her interest or singing without really being “in”...Of course these are things that can’t be seen right away, it’s more about what an “old” experienced fan can see after attenting many shows ever since 1990-1991...But Marie looked like losing a bit of her strength in 2001...OK, Barcelona was an exception, but apart from that...I don’t know...Maybe it was about age, but I doubt though...Per, on the other hand, was more and more present as a “character” on stage...He didn’t sing great during RS (the big change in his voice came one or two years later...strangely enough...what happened?? hard to say), but he definitely tried to live up the show. I appreciated that.

@others: compilations. fans’ perennial problem. lol...Mine too. But on the other hand, we have to admit that they have always come back with something new after decent periods of time...Per can be blamed for many things, but never for being a lazy writer...If Marie would have agreed, Roxette would have had at least 2 more fully new albums by now...

I think there’s no problem with this topic as long as nobody starts making personal attacks on Marie and Per (or each other...!) Though I do find it hard to criticise Marie since she got ill. There’s something a bit tasteless about insulting a sick person. I don’t like Kylie Minogue but I don’t insult her anymore!

My biggest criticism for both of them is that they can both be extremely cold and unfriendly to fans *at times*. I have to say that Marie was very very kind 99% of the time...but you don’t want to be near her (or even in the same country) the other 1% when she’s in a bad mood. And some of the comments she’s made about fans eg “I’m pretending I’m acting in theatre when I meet them”, “No matter what they do, I’ll never let them in, never NEVER,” and worst of all “Get a life, do something else.”

Per...I’ve never seen him actually be mean to someone, but he’s never been especially friendly to me or my friends (except one time when he was off-his-face drunk, he was lovely that night). And I fully agree with Max-Tob that he doesn’t look at the audience! Though I did read that he said he’s very shy onstage so I suppose I can forgive him lol! He did finally give us a huge smile at the Göteborg concert when we chanted his name (we usually chanted for Marie so he looked very surprised when we cheered for him lol!)

All artists releases Greatest Hits/Best Of´s “all the time” not just Roxette.

...and I think that’s a good thing for average buyers. I own many GH albums of bands where I’m not so sure to buy the normal albums.

sparvogamarie: i think you should not insult any people sick or not i think we all should respect each other aspecially with everything that is been going on in the world. and i don’t think that sick people would like to be treated differently.

It’s true that “Tourism” also has songs from previous albums. But I don’t mind that one, it had twelve brand new ones too, witch is as good as a complete full CD.

I also wonder why some people say fans may not criticise Roxette. Of course they have given us lots of wonderfull music over the years. But this single topic is just about what we think they could have done different. Roxette know that fans are still crazy about them, otherwize we should not be on this forum anymore, they really don’t mind reading stuf we like less about their carreer. As long as it’s upbilding criticisme, and no cheep yelling at them.

So if one has no upbilding critics, they should leave this topic and read/reply some others.

Marie looked really “bad” during the “Have a nice day” time...

LOL Sparv, where did you hear those comments about fans that Marie made? I know the one about the “get a life” but not the others :D

well i can’t blame marie. some fans are really sick.
she is just a human being like us.
we’re not always happy, we get grumpy time to time
that’s the part of being human.
music is about listening and enjoying it not about stalking artists.
i know what you think “they make alot of money so deal with it. well that’s what they do. but that doesn’t mean that they are not getting fed up with it from time till time.
it’s like family, you love them but sometimes they make you go grazy

Per: 1. His dress sense. He’s looking a little better nowadays, but some of the clothes he has worn in the past have been awful. He’s got a much better figure these days, although sometimes it looks like he’s wearing make up.
2.His voice can be a little irritating sometimes, especially on tour
3. His hair. He’s nearly 50, he should get a hair cut.
4. He writes some great songs, but i hate the really “Per” songs like “Jefferson”, “Cooper”, etc

Marie:1. Not really a criticism, but i wish she wasnt as shy. I’ve met her a few times, and because I am quite shy aswell, its been quite hard to communicate with her compared to Per.
2. I wish she would try a different hairstyle aswell.
3. I wish she would have more motivation to work (by this I am referring to before her illness by the way. Nowadays, I wouldnt mind if she never wanted to record another album again, though of course I’d be disappointed)

Thats all I can think of now, i am sure there are more things though. And for those of you that are questioning our right to criticise them....get a life. I’m not 12 anymore, I dont idolise anyone, but i would still consider myself a fan. With anyone that you are close to, there are bound to be things you dont like about them....that’s life.

Frisso: enjoy your happy land where no one insults anyone...I feel another insult it comes....PER’S FACELIFT MAKES HIM LOOK LIKE A WOMAN! There I said it. Actually my brother said it but it’s funny enough to repeat.

LOL Sparvoga: I think that with or without that presumtive lift (it’s still presumtive, isn’t it? lol...tell me it is not a sure fact !! haha), Per has some womanish features...They must be inborn...

And yes, I do not see the reason for which we shouldn’t say the things we don’t like as long as we keep it un-scandalous and fair...It’s a forum for God’s sake...And we’re definitely here for a reason...

I would also say that I’ve noticed that both Per and Marie approach the audience with EXACTLY the same words, AAAALL the time...I mean...they are not very spontaneous when it comes to talking to their public...Per also say to his public that it’s a nice public...(oh, what a surprise for him!!)...I’ve seen singers that push the approaching-cliche aside and try to be more spontaneous...saying something REALLY related to that public...But I guess Per is too tensed on stage to be also imaginative he’ll alwats prefer a standardized sentence...and Marie, well, Marie takes it as a part that she has to play she doesn’t really feel the need for changing “the script”...

Actually I do have a complaint.

The B sides in the Uk were always crap!

INstead of big L (US Mix) we get IMHBL . WOW!!!!

Instead of Spending my time (instrumental remix) we get LTYH . WOOOWWW !!!!

CD2 of Run To You has ... wait for it ... HDYD , LTYH and Joyride. Perfect, especially if you already own these singles and the albums they come from!

Not to mention June Afternoon, instead of the demo we get IMHBL and LTYH again. ! Fantastic!

Then after the successful release of Almost Unreal, it strangely turns up on the next release , Sleeping In my Car. Why ????

I agree that certain songs reappear far too often. Though I have no real quarrel with the Greaest Hits albums - Uk Singles are so crap!

Despite having two cds for Stars in the UK, we still ended up with less material than the Enhanced version from obroad.

1. Stars (ALMighty radio)
2. Stars (Album)
3. Anyone - WHY?????
4. Stars (Video)
5. Stars (Almighty radio) - AGAIN !!!!!
6. Stars (Almighty something)
7. Stars (Xtreme)

compared to

1. Stars (Almighty radio)
2. 7Twenty7 (Demo)
3. Lucky (Demo)
4. Stars (Album)
5. Better Off On Her Own
6. Anyone (Video)

BAHHHHHH !!!!!!!

Well of course it’s never gonna be officially confirmed if Per had a facelift, but I saw him doing an interview for some awards thingy he was on last year, and I was thinking “He looks kinda weird....he looks like someone cut off his face and pulled it back and stapled it behind his head.” Then I thought about it and I was like “Hey...isn’t that called a FACELIFT???” In the same interview they showed a clip from the Mazarin tour, and he looked about 10 years older not to mention he had big lines under his eyes which are suddenly gone. Then I came on here and there was a whole topic about it!

I’ve been insulting Per a bit much, better balance it out with something about Marie. I hate that she’s had the same darn hairstyle for about 12 years. Sure it looks good on her but TIME FOR A CHANGE MARIE! I mean, she calls her album The Change, but I’m waiting for the change of hair. Longer, different colour, just not the same blond crewcut!!!!!!

Yeah I also think that Marie would change his hairstyle! I think she look very good in her hair on the Den Sjunde vågen cover. But I dont now if it would suit her now.

its amazing how ridiculously cruel some people can per. roxette isnt about image or dance numbers its about the songs and the songs are great. Marie could be bald and i’d still love her and per is great live. for all the critcism of per during the join the joyride tour, you have to remeber theyr were also promoting the album non stop along with touring it does get tiring. Marie during rs......well she was ill probably during the entire tour and never knew it so you can’t be critical of her and honestly i think they both sounded amazinf during the rs tour

Its not about being cruel, its about having an opinion. I think if anyone says they love EVERYTHING about Marie and Per, then they are either lying or an obsessive lunatic

There aren’t that many things I don’t like about Per or Marie. I don’t know them as people (I’ve never met them or even seen them in person!!), so I can’t comment on their personality.

Per does try to look a bit young. He lost a lot of weight in 2000/2001 which has left him with a few too many wrinkles, esp around the eyes.

I think Marie should try and grow her hair a little longer. No one has seen a recent picture of her though, so maybe it is a little longer though.

Nothing really different to what everyone else has said.

i think marie hair just alittle longer , Not long though, maybe a little longer than RS tour. wouldnt be marie if it was too long.

I’ve never been thinking of the possibility of Per doing a facelift. Strange.
I’ve nothing to say about Per’s or Marie’s personalities since I’ve never met them. And I haven’t been listening that much to Roxette so it’s hard to say something about Marie...
There are many things I like about Per, and luckily only a few things i dislike. Since I don’t like that people comment how other people look or what they like, and I wont do that about Per either. But anyway...
- He always uses the same phrases when talking to, or thanking, the audience. I’ve only been to GT and no Rox-concerts, buit still...
- He’s got his special “moves” on stage which he’s had since the 80’s. Well, Per, we know them by now, sometimes you could change?
- When he sings live, he uses the same way of singing a song no matter when he sings it live. Maybe it’s not like on the album, but it’s like every other time we’ve heard it live...
I respect that Per might be shy, that it’s really hard to be on a stage in front of a giant audience, and that his routine makes him doing what he’s always done when he’s nervous. Still, that’s a few things I’m not fully contented with about Per. This message became long...

They don’t sing enough stuff in Spanish :P :)

Seriously, the people who can’t handle criticism of Marie and Per shouldn’t view this topic if it’s gonna upset them. You can tell by the title that there’s going to be negative comments inside, so don’t click on it! Start a new topic “Things we love about Per and Marie!” (Oooh I just gave myself an idea!) Marie doesn’t see this site and if Per does, I think he can handle a little criticism and would probably have a chuckle about it. I’d be the first one to complain if people really were making “cruel” comments, but honestly, complaining about their hair is hardly cruel.

That idea is not very original, just look on the archives :)

Very interesting topic, i’m happy we’ve already got two pages of polite discussion ;)
Reasonable criticism isn’t an insult. P&M are humans and not perfect like anyone of us. I haven’t met them so i don’t know exactly what kind of persons they are and can judge them only by what i’ve seen/heard/read.

-“Recycling” use of the material. Quote: “Rox officially released 12 albums and 5 of them are compilations with only a few new songs or translations”.
This brings in below problems:
-Too much of GH albums. I understand it’s not about Roxette themselves, all the artists do so. I dislike at all the idea of “The Ballad/Pop hits”. If they wanted too much to separate ballads and uptempo, they’d better have released one 2cd set. But the way they did it, it’s looks like an open, shameless, blatant demand ’We want money!’ The tracklisting of the compilations “DBU” and “...hits” doesn’t vary much... I suspect there was something about the contract with EMI, i cannot imagine another good reason. The same is with the dvds.
-Spanish lyrics which are dreadful according to the Spanish-speakers. If i were on their place, i’d be more curious to get to know what i’d be singing about. English texts also could be checked by a native speaker without any harm to Per.

Even if he feels like a young boy, he will never look as 20-30-years-old again no matter how hard he’ll try. I think he cares too much about his look, i’m afraid it can become (or already become???) a kind of obsession. Per, relax! I want people to recognize you without a caption “Per Gessle” in some 5-10 years!

I agree with Max-Tob in everything about Marie except her feminity. I think she’s feminine enough. I also would like to see her with a different hairdo with longer hair. That must be some new style for her. I wished she’d never smoked, she’d have been healthier then, but anyway i’m happy she gave up smoking.

The never ending run of greatest hits albums. And, the crappy ’play to radio 2’ listerners string of singles they released here in the UK.

And their laziness (obviously, pre-Marie’s illness) disappearing for years between albums!

At least, this is what it felt like to a UK person without the internet or a fan subscription of some kind.

@Sparvogamarie: No, of course commenting their hairdos or how they look isn’t cruel, and I’ve got nothing against other people who do it, I just don’t do it myself...

Have you ever thought about the fact that Per sings “hoping that you IS missing me too” in the “Spending my time” demo?
It’s rather cute actually ;-)

Cicci: That’s ok, my comment was to Cowboy not you!

I thought of something else: About Per: In interviews Per always talks over Marie and interrupts her! It’s very rude!

About Marie: Her music is too influenced by the men in her life. Her early solo work was all Lasse Lindbom’s style, Roxette is all Per’s style, IETSV and The Change are Micke’s style. I think DSR is the only album she made that wasn’t controlled by a man (and according to most fans, her best).

@Sparv.: Marie is a very nice human being, but her personality is not very strong. And well, contradicting myself a bit, it’s HERE where we can find her very feminity...She was usually ruled by the men...DSR is her best album in my opinion. The only one that fully expresses her as a musician, really original, even though too gloomy (but this was the point back then, isn’t it?)...Still, do not forget that it was also inspired by a man...She told us what exactly happens when a woman like her gets ruled my the wrong man...

Per has a very strong personality, in spite of his hyper-care for his image. He’s like a montain. Can’t be moved. One needs a vulcano to move this man 2 cm to the left...
This is good and wrong at the same time. He needs to be got right, otherwise he can’t sleep. lol...

Yes I agree, another criticism I would make of Per is he is a bit of a “one trick pony” - that is, he is very talented but only in one area, and if he tries to do something different it doesn’t work (eg. with HAND, they tried to do dance and it just didn’t fit them at all).

Marie reminds me of a girl I knew, whose favourite band was always the favourite band of the guy she was dating. She would change her musical tastes to suit him and after they broke up, she suddenly hated that music. Then she started liking the same as the next boyfriend. Marie seems like that, she just takes on the style of the guy she’s sleeping/working with. I love in En Andra Chans and she was saying “Micke and I speak the same language when it comes to music, we’re so alike, we have the same tastes bla bla bla.” I was thinking....yeah right Marie, if you married Eminem you’d become a rapper, and I hate to imagine what would happen if you married Marilyn Manson. Goth Marie... *shivers*

hmm it would be nice, marilyn manson and marie.
maybe she would be performing at festivals i go too.

I know about the first comment :”get a life”
but not about the second where did you hear that one?
and es MF can be a bit cold like “holding a distance”
and its too many GH albums

I think you’re darn right about Per interrupting Marie! I’ve only seen a few interviews with them together, but once you wrote it I fully agreed.
Perhaps that’s both Per’s and Marie’s fault, I mean, Per for interrupting but Marie for letting him interrupt. I’d go crazy! I suppose that’s how it can be with their co-writing/musicmaking too...

I forgot about the interruptions, he does that all the time. It must piss her off, I’d also go crazy. It’s not something you can really argue about on TV though is it?

Frisso: yeah MM and Marie would be a great combination lol. I’d pay to see that festival!

About interrupting: In the beginning I thought Per did it because Marie’s english wasn’t so great. I have some older interviews and MF would struggle for words and Per would finish the sentence. But I’ve seen Swedish interviews and he interrupts just as often. Besides Marie became quite good at english after about 90/91. I heard there is an interview where Marie tells Per to shut up, I don’t know if it really exists but it’s my holy grail LOL!

wait, I have heard about that inteview....if you google it you’ll probably find a transcription.

PLEASE if you find it, put out a link!

@On a mission
Perhaps the problem is that Marie isn’t that good at telling people what she really thinks. Maybe I wouldn’t call her weak or so, but I think Per can be rather... dominant and perhaps even overwhelming sometimes.

I can’t find it. It will be on one of the fan sites. I have a feeling it was a HAND era interview though.

oam: very well said about disappearing, laziness etc.
’play to radio 2’ ? what´s that?

my my aren’t we all getting catty on this thread! to much thought is being put into this, i could give a shit if per and marie are fighting the signs of aging! we all are, you moisturize as much as i do. all people have some degree of vanity.

as far as music....well they’re the rock stars and we aren’t. they must be doing something right!!




I think this topic is really thought-provoking. although not meant to cause a storm in a teacup, it certainly does :D

What annoys me about Per at times is the fact that he tends to joke off the questions you hope to be answered seriously. Then, there’s too little communication between him and the audience. I am not only referring to maintaining eye contact ( which happens :D:D:D).

Marie: nothing really, or let it be the fact that during TV interviews she will switch off at times and turn to her manicure - if you know what I mean - always fiddling with something, or simply looking at her nails and stuff. This is pretty harmless, though :D

LOL Gyllene Tjej, you are right about Marie looking at her nails and wriggling in her chair. I have some funny interviews where the camera zooms in for a close up, but she moves so often that suddenly her face is out of the camera and it has to zoom back lol. I’ve also seen her scratch herself, pick her teeth, poke in her ears and play with her hair. I have one Russian interview where she looks really bored and she sinks so low in her chair like someone watching TV and just glares at Per.

What I really don’t understand, and I think this thread should be only and exclusively about their career, is that if the do have to release so many GH albums because of their record deal or whatever it is, why the hell they didn’t release the MTV unplugged, a Live album, since they sound so great live, a Remix album, a good B-sides album, a Live Dvd etc... and by the way I think they’re kinda lazy when it comes to go to the studio to record toqether, because in 20 years they could have released at least 2 more albums of new songs. But this is they way it is and has been and there is nothing to do about it but buying the albums that we really want to buy. So if it was up to me and I had had the skills that Per has to make good hit songs I would’ve seized more. Today I was listening to The Sweet Hello... and I realized how wonderful that song is, as many others that could make great impact in the charts, but for it to happen somebody has to be willing, and I think the threw the towel quite early.

>>why the hell they didn’t release the MTV TV unplugged, a Live album, since they sound so great live, a Remix album, a good B-sides album, a Live Dvd etc...

I think MTV Unplugged was never released because it’s owned by MTV, not Roxette. Live album - ugh, I hate live albums and I’m glad they’ve never done one. Remix album - they did that, Dance Passion. B-sides album could be a nice idea. Live DVD - well they have released a few live videos before DVD times, and RS was never recorded to make a DVD apart from a low quality net stream.

’play to radio 2’

I meant, that singles released are always the boring ones, that cater for a ’radio2’ (ie, uncool) audience. EMI do nothing to avert this and rox don’t seem to care.

I don´t like Marie doesn´t want to inform us about her health.

well i have met her at sevral times in sweden
but never found her in a bad mood and never found her being mean to me she never is mean and so get a life
and that,s on the dvd äntligen intervieuw

so really get a life


Maja, how can you say Marie is never mean just because you met her a few times? Have you been with her every minute of every day to be able to say she’s never mean? I’ve met her a few times, and most of the time she was very kind and sweet. But a couple of times she was not so nice. Of course everyone has their moods, and I’m not going to talk bad about Marie by telling you what she did. All I can say is she’s not always an angel.

Fans who want to think Marie and Per are perfect superheroes who never have a bad moment in their lives are the ones who need to get a life.

I must admit there’s little I could justifiably say in terms of constructive criticism of Per or Marie, altho reading the stuff that Sparv said about Marie I’d be terrified to approach her, lol.....even if she is one of my vocal heroines! But hey, everyone is allowed their ”off” days. I loved what Marie said at the start of the C!B!B! Tour documentary....she appreciates that fans meeting her means sooo much.

And Per had a face lift?? I thought he’d just lost weight! LOL......

I loved Marie’s look during HAND.....loved that edgy make-up and photography. Bit like Belinder Carlisle’s real album. But anyone who knows me knows HAND by far my fave Rox era!

I guess my only *gripe* would be there aren’t enough live! a sucker for the live! stuff. I must too loved-up when it cums to Roxette, lol And I love reading the liner notes in the G Hits releases.........they can keep releasin ’em as far as I’m concerned if there’s fresh liner-notes, tee......maybe I’m one of those fans who Marie thinks needs a life ;-)

I hated Marie’s olok during the HAND era or at least the album cover (I quite liked WICF cover) I thought she looked too old and a little mid life crisis look. But then for Room Service she was transformed into a beauty!! I loved it !


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