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Church of your heart

20 replies

What does it mean?

i never liked this song, still skip it on joyride, god only knows how this got to be a single !

Er.....that Per believes in the church of some girly’s heart? Must be a scientific term;-) .......... ain’t got a clue. Think he’s just being poetic, praising some lass’s brilliance. Bless. Not one of my fave Roxer moments, and agree totally that it was a naff choice of single....I Remember You, Things Will Never or Watercolours or Excited would have fared MUCHO BETTERO

Awww I liked this song, and the video even more....

Pfff now i’ve heard it all... all i can say is DUH!! I guess somebody’s been skipping English lessons!

I love this song too!!

Well, my (humble) opinion about this is that “Church Of Your Heart” means something like “to believe in someone’s love like a religion”.

PS: my apologizes to the “english teachers” around this thread, if I did any mistake in my interpretation...

beautiful song ..
Things is good but sad..

it means to believe in someone’s and also that this person gives you so much faith and anything that it gives you a reason to live ..and to live happy–you know ==heaven on earth ;-)

if i understand what right is said in one song(alecxandre -you can be teacher about it ;-)))

or if i can use it..
love ..
Es una experiencia religiosa

@Emil BG

We shared the same opinion about the meaning:

“Church Of Your Heart” means something like “love as a religious experience” (és una experiencia religiosa - it’s a religious experience).

Sorry, but I’m not the right person to teach someone about spanish phrases, since I don’t speak Spanish (although Portuguese and Spanish are very similar languages)...

I really like this song. Been searching around for ages trying to find a live version of it from Room Service. No luck. Was it good live?

Paul... I’ll mail it to you tomorrow!

alexandre100 -but Portuguese is closer than bulgarian :-)

-thre were a lots of live mp3 from RS tour..

what are you looking for–mp3 or video clip?

i’m with emil and alexandre, good interpretation!
i like the song myself, especially the harmonica! i think it’s a homage to mr. lennon and company. harmonicas and rickenbackers, clearly a beatles’ influence. i love it!!


spanish is not my mother tounge but I think the traanslation shall be “its a religious experince “

I’ve got a number of songs from Room Service tour, but still looking for a few. mp3 preferably.

I’ve got:

If anyone got any others, feel free to send them along :-)))))



My apologizes if my words sounded agressive... That’s not my intention...

@Alexandre & Emil: “Es” is never with an accent (“És”) in Spanish :P

the harmonica coupled with Per’s heart-warming voice really makes my heart melt and turns COYH into my life’s favourite Roxette song :)

alexandre100 –no probs ;-)

Santi-you will be my teacher until Milena comes back :-))

Its not a bad song i suppose, but certainly not one of my favourites. Its very “Per” would probably be the best way to describe it and it certainly shouldnt have been a single...they should have stuck with (Do you get) excited? or Hotblooded.

As for the meaning, he is using religion as a metaphor. Its nothing to do with religion as such, but just comparing the experience of falling in love to someone having a faith in God. Believing in the person you are in love with, being devoted to them, living your life for them, etc

One quote:

“It’s not they way he BELIEVES IN YOU LIKE A RELIGION” (from small talk)

Yea, a church is someone where you go to worship a religion

of your heart is of someone’s heart

So he believes in her like a religion. I think it was already said, but I thought the quote was interesting from Small talk. :D and it’s on the same album too!

JOYRIDE: the most “gospel” Roxette album!!!


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