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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Well, i think it's time to hear some Per's news

5 replies

Yesterday searching if there’s anything new on Per felt similar way like last year did about Marie. Well it was completely different situation and expectations but the feeling is similar. SO i remembered that just one week before knowing about The Change i wrote what i transcript below.

So just for fun and hope i started the same topic maybe next week we’ll get to know something ;)

This time i’m expecting Per at his best (Mazarin) very sing-along songs with strong choruses lots of guitars and very enjoyable music. In english is a big plus!

Thanx for your time... again,


Subject: Well, i think it’s time to hear some Marie’s news
Roxryder-V2002 9/16/2004 15:41 Edit

Don’t you feel or need some news of Marie, it’s like well i can’t wait any more (i will the time it is needed) but today feels like reaching the limit of no Marie and the eternal waiting,

I’m starting to think that the news will never appear on the frontpage. Too much nothing that one get used to it.

Of course i know sooner or later she will be back and we’ll be reading a lot of her and her projects, but today nothing in concrete for a long time.

I just needed to tell someone who cares about this issue.

Thanx for your time,


Don’t think this will make Per announce ANYTHING. As we all know the last two albums he’s worked on have been done in complete silence, only being announced a couple of months or so before release.

I think we’ll just have to be patient. He’ll announce the album when ready.

i think that didn’t help Marie annouced anything at all, but it happened. So...

September there will be an annoncement for a new album, which will be released in October, with perhaps a single release at the end of September... which he’ll perform at the Metro concert at the Globen!

very good suspicion ally i like your style lass ;-)

Gabriel was put in the naughty corner this morning, because he played with Per’s lucky guitar this morning


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