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Help - Gessle Fonts

14 replies

Does anyone knows where can I get the fonts to “Per Gessle” and “Scener” used in the covers of both albuns ?

It´s an emergency... thanks in advance.


Per Gessle is called “Elephant”, Scener is “Papyrus”.

Thanks a lot Tev.
Gotta go find them !! :)

Both fonts are normally included on Windows XP. I have that one, and they are here. No need to find them if you have W XP operating system.

By the way, do you know the font’s name used on Salvation sleeve? The one used to print “Salvation”. I think that a funny font, and I’d like to have it...

I don’t think I have the Salvation font, will have to check at home.

i’ve got it somewhere.. i’ll send it to you when i find it.

Thank you Rob, but that’s not the font I was looking for. That’s Decorated. Salvation is printed in that font on the back sleeve of Have a Nice Say.
I’m looking for the font on the front sleeve of Salvation SINGLE. Where the title is printed in yellow...

Anyway, thanks!

Yeah i just realised that myself today, sorry about that.

hi! do you use mac? if so - i can send you this font - if not: maybe you get help here and can download the ttf


Can I ask what do people do with the Roxette fonts... remake single covers or what?

I once used the ballad hits font (a very standard one) on a poster i made, to promote this album. I spreaded the posters through 2 cities in Netherlands :)



Thanks you, but that’s not exactly the same font I’m looking for. I don’t use Mac, by the way! :-D

Actually I thought that the font used in the front cover of “Per Gessle” was (some type of) Bodoni (?)... (Whereas the one used in the back cover was (some type of) Garamond (?)...)

@ tevensso: if it isn’t too much trouble, could you please send me that “Elephant” font which you mentioned, so I can try it too?... :) Thank you so very much already!

@ Staffany: the font used for the title in the “Salvation” single is ITC Ziggy :)


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