The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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10 replies

I hope Roxette tour in the USA again! I would love to see them perform!

they’ll tour the US when hell freezes over

@ncurran: You know, a band called “The Eagles” said something like that years ago and they finally made it and they called the Tour (and Live CD) “Hell Freezes Over”? :)

Besides there’s a town in Norway called “Hell” that freezes over every year.. :P

Hi Pam. Welcome to TDR! Dunno if you know this but Roxette is on hold at the moment because of Marie’s continued recovery from a major operation. Maybe there will be another album in the future, maybe not. A tour of the USA would be unlikely. All the best from Rich ;-)

IF they ever tour again I fear that it will be Sweden and Germany only.

Pigs will fly and hell will freeze before they tour outside of Europe, and yes i will eat my words if it comes true.

@Santi: I believe it was said when talking about a reunion. They didn’t believe they’d get back together. ;)

Yes, you’re right, my mistake! ;)

If they come back to travel, they can’t forget to stay in BRAZIL, we love ROXETTE.

Dream on Andre. They are even more likely to tour the UK than Brazil.

It won’t happen, they could not even come to the UK last time...

Hey Rich! Thanks for the welcoming! I do understand that Marie had major surgery/operation. God Bless her and I hope that she recovers greatly!


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