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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Per Live September....

19 replies

Anyone from outside Sweden considering going to the Metro 10 year concert on September 7th! ?

yes, I hope so.. Some Czech fans are going to come again!!! If eveything with the tickets passed well:) See you there!

Yea, me! :D I’ve booked the tickets, flight and hotel. I’m right now only waiting for the sep7th to come ...

Ally, would you be going? I am actually seriously thinking about it! Do we know any more information about it yet?

if it had been in the summer holidays, or perhaps even on a weekend i wouldve considered it, but i wont be able to make it. I’m not too bothered about seeing per live anyway. If it had been marie it would have been a different story

Seriously tempted here too... but applying for 3 visa’s might just be pushing things!! Sucks having a South African passport!!!

nah, It seems like it won’t be worth it.

It would have been perfect if the show was on a Friday evening, makes flights more expensive being in a week, unless of course you travel with Ryanair (£29)!!!! KLM £138! It sucks living up here....

But we’ll see....

I thought about it

But I don’t think they’d let me in the country without getting a note from Utah’s governer saying that my shots are current, yes they know they unlocked the cage, I don’t have rabies, and that I’m old enough to be out past dark O_o

@ Ally. If I wanted to go, I’d have to pay around £200 for a flight from Guernsey to Gatwick and then flights to Sweden from there. It sucks more living on this rock!!

awww bummer....

I’m going! Just bought tickets :)

@ Ally-still might go. I’ll keep you posted. See if I can speak to some friends who work at the airline between here and UK and get some cheap flights.... Hopefully!

I would have considered it, but it is falling in ther middle of my holiday, when I am on Kreta.

I´m from Sweden but i´m going

I am waiting to see how much I get paid next week!

It’s not really worth it ...of course to see Gessle, yeah, but for just a few songs... hmmmn Then, with Ryanair’s cheap flights, one is kind of tempted *thinks about it* :P

Was tempted for 48 hours, not bothering now... will wait to see what happens on an album release... :)

@Spooks: Don’t forget, permission from your husband and the blessing of all of his wives... (-; (Just kidding)

Roxtex: That’d be even funnier if I was actually married *lmao* Very nice jibe... I like :o)


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