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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Some things I don’t understand...

Many artists are not a half prolific as Roxette, or both Per and Marie solo…well, just check their demos, unreleased stuff and such. Do you want a close and popular example? Ok…A-ha. Pal Waakatar has not the same abundant creativity as Per...but hey, damn Coldplay lead singer (I say ‘damn’ because of the following) said a lot of compliments to them in a radio show recently, stating they were never a girl-band as many people thought, they were misunderstood, they’re role models and inspiration sources to them, hunting high and low is so great (and well, yes it is indeed), and etc…

I don’t hate a-ha, in the contrary…I really love them (as well as Coldplay, who wouldn’t?). But I don’t understand how roxette can’t get such publicity and reputation…and people, we’re talking about a radio broadcasted live compliment from a popular up-to-date singer…

Per and Marie have a lot of recognition, even living quite in the ‘shadows’ of show business today, they’re not unknown in America (if u dare mention their names in a group of friends – even if people may think that ‘roxette’ it is actually Marie’s name) and they’re plenty active and welcome in Europe if u stop to think about it. So…why there aren’t new roxette releases? Why there isn’t at least, an Unplugged Album, after 4 years of non-new-recorded-stuff released (hey…the additional songs from the repetitive Pop&Ballad Hits are cool, but are really old stuff)? Would that be any hard to Marie handle an unplugged show? Not a pushing question...just a curiosity...

I’m that angry coz a guy just a few days ago asked if roxette was over…coz he never heard of them anymore…a-ha is always being celebrated in media, always remembered…and I don’t recall them being a half popular as roxette was…I’m serious! Roxette was a fever, a-ha just a nasty cold if we compared…their last album (lifelines) was top crap!! Only 2 songs half-‘listeneable’…Room Service had a much warmer reception all over the world, MATAH keeps on playing everywhere at least one time/month…no song from ‘Lifelines’ is heard anywhere…

Yes, I’m mad!! What the hell is wrong at all????

I may assume you are aware of the fact that Marie had (an presumably still has) to deal with [the effects of] serious illness.
She had a braintumour removed.

That is one of the major reasons Marie (and thus Roxette) has been out of the picture.
In the mean time Per has been busy:
In 2003 he released Mazarin and in 2004 there was the tour with his mates of Gyllene Tider.
At the end of 2004/begin 2005 Marie had the energy to make her solo-album The Change, but that was a very personal album.

Going back on the highway, that is called Roxette, is consuming much more energy than the solo-projects and I doubt that especially Marie is already fit enough for that.

So give them some time.
I am sure both Per and Marie want to perform as Roxette again, WHEN that is normally possible.

If somebody asks you, what happened to Roxette, you can tell this story and for more background-information they should just check The Daily Roxette-archives.

and we are now waiting for Mazarin II, oh anyone getting excited?

I guess here in southamerica Roxette was so famous they were on radio & TV Too often , The concerts had a Big coverture so people get a little tired & THEN get in action the “grunge & cobain fever” so many of those who were singin’ “nananana” (& many so bored with it) just follow the next tide and becomes to look back to Roxette as “80’s shit” ... IMHO of course.

I guess, it not so easy to perform in the Unplugged Show as it may seem to you.

IMO, the music of Coldplay and A-ha have something in common...


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