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Does anybody here have a Roxette's picture ?

7 replies

Does anybody here have a Roxette’s picture when they went to Brazil?
I have looked for it, but I haven’t found anything.
Sorry, if my English is not so good, but I’m learning yet.

Only I have some pics of brasil 1995 and (1999 I do not share them), if you are interested write to me [email protected]

But why don’t you share???, God...

@ Andrerox: I do have from 1999, if you’re interested e-mail me.

Cuz they don’t exist...? :P

@GA: I do not share them (for that they are my personal photos, with one special value, that I am not going to publish in roxamerica for example) the others if (I prefer being realist, and not promising anything that then I do not have or send for mail)


what’s so nice about having the pix just for yourself? I’d call that selfish. Ok, publishing on the net is maybe not the best solution but swapping with another fan seems fair enough, don’t you think?

I have plenty of pix that I took myself, I thought it was fun to share them with other fans.

You could always find a way of putting a copyright mark on your photos, if you ever consider sharing. Just an idea.


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