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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Why is it so quiet?

11 replies

Why haven’t we heard anything from the roxette front for so long? I guess Marie is up and around again and Per has probably tons of new songs written which are ready to be recorder (or maybe most of em have already been). Why wait so long?

Regarding asking this question: And you call yourself CommonSense????

LOL!! :DDD That’s a good one, Marie-Claire!! Zeer goed! :DD

I dunno. If Marie is well, then they should move fast.

Oh please don’t start about it again, there was already too much of threads like this one :S


Well said, I agree 100% with you. I don’t understand why people is still opening threads like this...

Marie should record a new version of “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND ME (I’m still under treatment Mix)”, Maybe that would help...

LOL Staffany!!!!!!

It’s too bad Marie doesn’t have an official site with regular messages like Kylie, or she could leave a message that says LEAVE ME ALONE I’LL MAKE AN ALBUM WHEN I’M GOOD AND READY!

@ Sparvogamarie, I like that....

BTW are you back home now... ?

Can this be archived before it get’s out of hand??

Why is ’smalltalk’ so damn boring and repetitive?

its kind of better to ignore the Roxette section at the moment, as there is nothing to discuss, and no news. You’ll find more interesting discussions in off topic....although TDR is pretty dead all round these days. I’m sure it will liven up as soon as we get a new release (probably from Per)

I’ve always been suspicious..


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