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Someone who knows....

17 replies

which number one Strandvägen in Stockholm Per lives on?? I really want to know that becuse I would to try to send a letter to him...

my english are (or is??) so bad..I know it.. :-/

Someone asked here before, you just write Per Gessle, Stockholm Sweden and he will get the letter. Same for Marie.

Pardon me... I need to go and beat my head against a brick wall now.


Are you sure? Is it so easy? I’d like to send a letter to Marie, but I didn’t know this before...

i don’t think you can just send the letter to per gessle sweden.

You can certainly write to Per Gessle, Halmstad - it works!

I don’t care about Gessle, I want write to Marie!!!


Letter to Gessle? “Dear Per, how many millons have you earned recently...” I won’t write to him, there’s nothing to tell him!

“You can certainly write to Per Gessle, Halmstad - it works!”.

How do you know it works? Did he ever reply?

Staffany: I dont care about what you think about Per Gessle. I have a lot to tell him so I think its worth a try to send him a letter even if i dont think he would answer me.


Yes, you can tell him a lot about business, and stuff like that. Very tender...

I smell flaming Faezdel comeback again...

Yeah I’ve heard people have sent to Per Gessle, Halmstad, Sweden and got a reply from him so he did get the letter. I have no idea if Marie even reads her fanmail at all, but it can’t hurt to try.


I won’t take part in your games...

well i don,t like per or gyllene tider
but if you want to write to him go a head
i don,t mind i thought it was number 14 not sure
but writte it on the letter there will be a neighbour out there who drops it in the right mail box

well i only write to marie she writes back when she has time so it may take long i think that,s the same with per

ps no i do not share her adress before i know its on the front page of every rox site


@Faezdel: You *are* a game.

Santi - yes he did reply and returned two photo’s of myself/my son with him signed - now that was good.

Wow!! How cool is that! :D Congratulations!!! ;)

I heard Per is pretty good at writing back if you send something to sign, he quite often sends it back. I’ve never written to him but I’ve heard a few times he’s returned signed photos and stuff. Marie....I’ve never had a reply from her, and I only know a few people who have ever heard from her. And that was before she was sick, I imagine now it’s even harder to get an answer.


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