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A Question 2 Marie?

12 replies

Why was there no 2nd Chance Video?

For the same reason there were no real people in the video to Opportunity Nox, maybe?

I think also the same reason Per didn’t make solo videos for Mazarin - there is an interview somewhere where Per discusses it with Dimberg. He said it’s too expensive to make a video that’s only shown in Sweden, and that the only station that will play it is ZTV anyway. He has a good point, MTV would never play their clips and it does seem a waste of money to only show on ZTV a few times a day. But it’s really a shame that we miss out on videoclips, Marie always makes beautiful clips.

really beautiful video clips !!! :-) by Marie :-*

I don’t understand something there. MTV Nordic shows clips of Scandinavian groups. Well, I have to admit some of them are terrible, but anyway... So why couldn’t they show solo clips of Per, Marie and Gyllene Tider???

Agree, they could at least use existing material (i imagine recording a new clip would be too expensive), ut they could, for example, showa clip from GT of Per’s live DVD’s?

Sparvogamarie, i dont think that is the reason Marie didnt make videos for this album. She has always loved making them in the past, and i think if she felt up to it she would have made them i think. But this CD was was just a low key release overall. I think it was more to do with her illness

does someone where to watch the efter stormen video,bara för en dag etc the ones who hasnt been released iat the dvd ??

@ Kathrin : Great Question
See my past question

Just a guess here, but she’s sick and doesn’t want/is able to record videos? Plus that they won’t be shown on TV.

Her sickness wouldn’t necessarily have to prevent a video. She could either do something like Oppnox, or something like DSVN (clips and photos). Also they could have used the footage of her recording in the studio, or the footage of her performing when The Change was released. I realise she was a bit puffy in those videos, but clearly she showed herself like that in the docu so she can’t be too afraid to show it.

And I was talking about OLD video-clips

I believe that the cost of making a videoclip is involved. Does anybody know how much it costs (in EUR, SEK, or USD)?


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