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Whose is the best voice: Per or Marie?

41 replies

Per’s voice is the more beautiful of the world!

Marie´s voice is better!!!!!

Marie sing muth better but I love Pers voice more becuse he sing soooo wonderful!!!But I wish I could sing like Marie...

Surely even Per fans must admit that Marie has a better voice...especially if they have ever been to a Roxette concert and heard them singing live together. Even Per admits that Marie is a much better singer.

you’re kidding, right?

It is a completely different type of voice!!

This is like saying: Which is a better fruit, a golden apple or a mandarine?


yes they have totally different types of voices but at the same time, surely it is easy for anyone with musical ears to tell that Marie is a more gifted singer. I think I am even a better singer than Per, and I dont think i have an amazing voice.

By the way golden apples are better than mandarines

And what do you know of my musical ear to talk about that?

And what do you know about fruits anyway.................?

Reminder: keep it nice, pls.

PS: I also prefer apples ;)

Obviously Per thinks Marie has a better voice than him - i wouold quote the ballad hits booklet where it states he was fading as a solo artist and used marie’s bittersweet formula to survive!

Their voices aren’t comparable... Of course Marie’s is better. But some songs are really better when Per sings them :P

Sori sori... :)

I just think that there must be better things to discuss than “this or that”, “who do you love”, “who sings better”, “what do you like most”.... Simply because these are factual statements that for any purpose hinder the discussion. And it is boring. This is a forum to discuss, I think, that’s interaction on this kind of sites.
If this girl loves Per’s voice not a million so-called music critics is going to convince her that Marie sings better, if I like “The First Girl On The Moon” not another million of them is going to convince me that is shit.

Tastes are tastes and that’s something that certainly can not be discussed. Already Romans said that “about tastes there’s nothing written” seeing the vastness of their Empire and how different tastes those people had (and they were eating rotten fish soups... anyway...).

A discussion should be some place to exchange ideas, exchange visions, not biased likings for an impossible fan-love. This forum is just becoming increasingly populated by these threads that only serve for the personal satisfaction of declaring a love for somethign in public. Because you may have also noticed that nearly no one reads what others write, they just read themselves.

It’s just my idea, that if I owned this site, I would start a thread called “Declare your love for whatever you want” and I would instantly cancel this kind of bandwidth waste in any other of the forums.

And I’m being nice, am I not? :)

PS: Whoever has heard Marie singing on a tour wouldn’t be so sure that she sings so much better than other people... it’s very easy to sing well on a studio.

PS2: Neither apples nor mandarines... strawberries rule :P

better voice is... Per and Marie together in Roxette

If you ask who is the best singer Per or Marie you can say objectively Marie, that has nothing to do with what you prefer thats just a fact!
Indeed you can ask which voice do you like more thats a question of sympathy but it would lead once again to the question do you like Per or Marie at best which has been discussed before with no result because OF the fact it has to do with sympathy!

(to ncurran) Pe is a modest person and in chat he told if he is an animal he would be a pig!but if thinks Marie’s voice is the better,’what else can i do?’

Depends if you mean by better... Using the word ’better’ certainly doesn’t automatically mean Marie... maybe ’who has the most classically trained voice’ would...

They are hardly sounding the same, I will always say I prefer Per’s singing.... but for Marie there is something special in her voice, but I have to be in the right kind of mood to listen to her music!

I think that everyone with a good ear for music can realise that Marie’s voice is much better.. her voice is more versatile and she can get to higher notes...
Per’s voice sounds more or less the same all the time...
Nontheless, their voices match very well together almost always... and Per is better when writting songs...

I agree you can’t compare. But listening to when Marie and Per sing live (Mazarin tour VS Antligen tour DVDs) I think that it is always Per who sounds like he is in key. t could be that his songs are not so musically challenging, but I sometime hear Marie’s voice straining - something which I personally don’t hear from Per.

I actually think that Per has a much more distinctive voice than Marie if I’m being honest. But obviously I still love to hear marie...

Maries voice!! It’s much better!!

I don’t see how Per’s voice can be even compared. I can name dozens of male singers who are way beyond him, plus Per makes a lot of mistakes live. Marie has an extraordinary voice, and there’s only one singer I like more than her vox-wise.


personally I think their voices can´t be even compared. marie is a woman and per is a man. they are voices absolutely different. just one idea from me.

Marie. She is technically a much better singer. oam

sorry, but this is not really a topic i can live with. of course marie can sing much better than per. herself told in an interview, that per’s technic is not professional. per can not really sing, he make a lot of faults how to use the air in his lungs. but in addition with the perfect and strong voice of marie does it suit very well. also per sad a lot of times, that marie makes the spirit in his songs. listen to the demos, per can’t really sing!

sorry to all per fans (i am also one, but i think he’s much more songwriter than singer), marie is the really voice of roxette and not per.

Some songs are more suitable for Marie’s voice, some for Per’s voice.
I think Marie’s voice has a bit more then Per’s voice.

Marie can have more techinc,yes but with musical ear or not just with impassion ear i thik per’s voice best,but in some musics Marie’s voice is much better.

This must be a joke!

Per is one of my favourite songwriters. He’s written a vast amount of great music over the last 25 years and is still going strong in that department.

As for his voice; it’s very weak. Thinking back to his GT days, it’s comparable to modern teenpop: The young girls and boys love the lead singer’s looks and attitude despite an inability to sing particularly well.

“Whose voice do you prefer?” - You’ve got 2 choices.

But, to paraphrase the original question, “Whose is the best voice?” - There’s only one choice.

Imagine Per having a go at ’It Must Have Been Love’!

The more I look at this thread, the more i think the question is simply incorrect... Everyone agrees that without a doubt technically Marie is better, it’s obvious. On the other hand it’s not obvious at all that one can like more singing of a person with better voice.

marie of course she has a better voice

she is amazing in her singin

but per writtes great lyrics


both in one sweet and perfect tune :o)) I said all.

Maybee Marie has the better voice but I must say that I like Pers voice better.

this has a lot to do with taste of the listener not only about how well they sing.
Marie has a better voice but in some songs i like per better because its not only about how well they can sing but also about taste.
Thats like asking who looks better? its all about your personal taste

I agree. Tastes differ. I admit that Marie sings better than Per. But on the other hand, there are songs which only Per can sing, for instance, The Look or Dangerous or Gyllene Tider songs. Per gives them something special with his singing. The same goes for Marie. In my opinion, the most important thing is to create the special atmosphere to a song.



Per is the perfect male voice, and Marie the perfect female voice ;) DUH :P

I agree with Chris, there are two different questions - Whose is the best voice: Per or Marie, or whose voice do you prefer. Marie has to be the better voice in terms of range and quality, but tons of people prefer Per’s voice. I mean, technically Mariah Carey is a better singer than Marie because she has a bigger range, but I don’t really like Mariah’s voice at all.

it’s very hard to say wich of them who sings best, I like both pers and maries voice. It depends on wich songs they will sing, pers voice is better for some songs, and maries voice for others.

i agree they both sound good on roxette but per is the best he writes the god damn music ok

Both of them have great and beautiful voices.Per has a personal and unique voive,you like it or not.Marie has an angel voice,perfect clear and sweet.I love her voice sooo much.

I Think Marie has the better voice but Per writes better songs. So Roxette is only complete with both of them. I Think Marie wouldn’t have that international success cause she can’t write that type of pop songs that are played on the radio and per wouldn’t have the success without Marie’s voice.

I like Per´s voice most but i like Marie´s voice also very much.

Of course Marie has the better voice, but Pers is more.. hm.. it´s deeper, I love Pers voice.. He has the best voice of all! I can sit for hours listening to his music and just enjoy his beutiful voice


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