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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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17 replies

I must admit that I also tend to skip it, especially since it is right after surrender, which is without a doubt the most beautiful song on the PoP-album.
The difference is too big.
In my opinion Voices is the weakest song on PoP.

Voices has always been a very strange and mysterious song to me, as well musically as lyrically.
Does anybody have a clue what it’s about?

Not really, since I always skip it! :D

Voices is indeed not one of my favorites either.
But somehow the song does fascinate me in a way.
It’s so strange....

I wouldnt say it’s weak. However, I might agree that it’s either not really fit for the album, or at a wrong place...I guess it would have been better to have it as the last song on the album? The song itself is abit different from Roxette’s ’regular’ style, but extremely beautiful nonetheless!

I don’t know but I tend to like a lot all the Roxette songs Marie has laid her hands on...”Voices” is no different! Can’t really give any (good) explanation about the story behind the song or its meaning, though.

But I have got to disagree with anyone who says Voices is the weakest link on POP. It ain’t! ;) From One Heart to Another is! :)

I LOVE From One Heart To Another!

I can’t stand surrender but I love voices - Now flame me ;-D

voices is great!

Especially the “I’ve closed the last picture” part is wonderfull.

I like “Voices”. I don’t know why, but the chorus (“Voices, cracking the night. Voices that cut like a knife. Voices... hear them singing”) always reminds me some Elton John style. Maybe the melody is similar, I don’t know why...

I also like “From One Heart To Another”, it’s perfect for a romantic movie, when the final credits are running!!!

In my opinion the weakest song on “Pearls Of Passion” is “Call Of The Wild”. I can’t stand it, I always skip that song.

This might be helpful: (towards the bottom of the page).

’Voices’ is very nice... but I agree with colinvdbel - it’s a little poorly placed in the album.

Everyone would love it if it was last track on Room Service ;)

Call of the Wild is all class to me; love it.

Ho-hum. No punch, no soul. Completely forgettable filler that barely ranks just above a demo.

How different we are. I adore Surrender and Voices. Call Of The Wild is very much to my liking.

@lonely girl: Just the other way round as me.
But I am not gonna flame, so many people, so many opinions!

Voices is one of my faves for the simple fact that there is something about it that kind of reaches out and grabs me, setting me down to listen.

PoP was a gift to me by a pen pal that I had in Sweden back in high school. She’d put it on tape for me and I wore the damn tape out! Now I have it on CD :o)

I love Voices. It seems there’s nothing special in this song but somehow it attracts me and makes me listen to it again and again.
All the songs in PoP have got, don’t know how better explain it, a magic or mysterious touch.

I like Voices very much actually, the main reason is probably when Per sings “Give me your dreams and I’ll give you my time .... ” sounds soo great! Loving it!


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