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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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53 replies

Per,face it,please!!You read this forum and you know better than anyone.Roxette is over??
Stop with solo albums or GT Tours.You just wanna entertain us with other projects,but YOU ONLY know the truth behind that.
If Marie still is going under treatmemts,and who knows what happens,surely you must been discussed about Roxette future yet.
Please tell us the truth! Don’t fool us with solo albums.
We only wanna know the truth!We just want Marie feels good and healthy! Doesn’t matter if she continue with Roxette or not,we just want the best for her.We know Roxette is a worldwide band and it takes a lot of energy and promotion around the world,is very different to release a solo album.
Per you must be really sincere with us,we deserve it.
Maybe what i’ve wrote sounds bad.I love Roxette with all my heart and soul,that’s why i want and need know the truth!!!!
Thanx Purplemedusa for corrected me (Truth instead of “true” as i’ve wrote before)

I’d like also to hear the truth, but I have no problems that Per and Gyllene Tider go on. In my opinion, it’s good that we can still hear Roxette-related music. Though I still hope that Roxette will come back some day:)

He can’t tell us what he doen’t know.

that they release solo stuff isn’t new, both Per and Marie have released solo albums or with Gyllene Tider in the past, even gone on tour... anybody remembers 96? 97? 2000? that was all in between Roxette albums...

@ TheChange.... I admire your post... well done for speaking up! :)

I don’t have a problem with solo stuff, like Jud said they have always done that. But I do agree that it would be nice if Per would give us some kind of idea about Roxette’s future....ok like Zargo said maybe he can’t tell us what he doesn’t know, since it all depends on Marie at the moment. But....surely he has spoken to her about it and she must have said something about the possibility of returning to Roxette. Like maybe she has said she wants to continue Rox but not work on anything for another 5 years. Or maybe she has said that she really doesn’t want to continue. In either case I think it would be nice to inform the fans so we’re not wondering all the time. If Roxette is over we’ll all get over it but I think it’s not fair to string the fans along with the possibility of them returning...

So let me quote Peter Parker‘s uncle:”With great power comes great responsibility!”
Per Gessle gained the power he longed for when everything Roxette had become, was nothing more than a teenage dream.He did the job, we payed the money. BUT: We invested more than money! Does he do more than his Job? Claiming to be a passionated pop-fan he should remember what he expected from his idols when he was young. A little bit of communication would be fine. And i‘m not talking about some unpersonal pressreleases. I‘m talking about something that equaly reflects what we gave him all the years: Feedback! On everything he did.
He knows more about us than we know about him.
Of course, I know his brother‘s name, he doesn‘t even know mine, but that‘s just empty information.
What really holds us (the fanbase and Per) together, is Roxette. And there, we know to little!
Every good relationship is based on communication. If this communication stops, the relationship is in danger. So I think if he‘s still interested in Roxette, he should realise his responsibility, pick up the conversation with what‘s left of his fanbase and save the relationship. Otherwise sooner or later, there won‘t be much left to communicate to and he would have to start at zero. And having achieved everything he ever reached for, he would rather give up than try it again. He doesn‘t have to dream anymore.

PER, PLEASE, PLEASE, say us the true!! Is Marie healthy????????? I think of her very much!!! I LOVE ROXETTE for 13 years and we fans need the true!!!

We musn’t overlook the possibility that Per simply doesn’t know himself. Maybe the option of more Roxette is still open, only not sure whether and when it will be done again. But I agree that if they know for sure they will release something in the near future, it would be nice to let us know :)

jesus christ, would everyone stop being so melodramatic. Go out in the sunshine :) oam

@goetz&others: per is not a politician. Nobody can ask for his deeds to be perfectly transparent. In rough terms, what he does is usually called art. So, it always implies a certain percentage of indetermination. Who says that he always has to have an accurate opinion about how his/rox new album will look like and when it’ll be out? Did you consider that he might be undecided, needing time and a new sort of strength to configure a new project of any kind? It’s not even important if he enters the studio as we enter our offices. And it’s probably difficult for him as well to make a precise distinction between what is job and what is vocation in his work. It doesn’t even matter after all, as long as the final product is something that brings aesthetical pleasure.The artistic management has commun features with other kinds of management, but it’s also distinct from them. Per owes nothing to his audiences except good pop-art products. It’s up to him or/and his management if he chooses to be “close” to his audiences in order to make it more faithful to his products.The aesthetical pleasure of any kind has its own prize, right? You pay money for it and you take it home with you. Once the album is out there, is no longer “his”. It’s yours. He has no “social” responsibility towards you or anybody else. He doesn’t want to communicate with you through other means except through his art-products. That can stand for themselves anyway.. Of course the feedback is important. But let’s elucidate whose feedback we talk about: I’ve seen that some of you think he often comes here and read your threads. If he does, then THIS is the feedback. And HE gets it. NOT you. Unfortunatelly, the fan-celebrity relationship does not imply two-way feedback and it’s not a normal communication. We can take the art-product itself or a pressrelease as being feedback , but I guess that would be all: it’s totally unspecific.
As for him, if he reads all these posts, he’d think that he just got a good feedback: fans are burning here waiting for some news about an upcoming album of any kind. Would the fans burn less if he won’t give a precise answer about a new releasing? Hard to believe such thing. When the album will be out, they’ll simply buy it. They won’t refuse buying it as a punishment for Gessle not telling a word about it. Why? Because the idols-camp set the rules and estamblishes the very pattern of communication. And it’s normal to be this way, there’s nothing awful in it. Your relationship should be with his MUSIC, not with him as a person (which is also utopic, I know). In short, his respect to his audiences can be shown one way only: good products and good shows. All the other ways of communication are just additional…they deal with the precise requirements of a certain management strategy.
No painter and no writer will ever tell publicly anything about how and when exactly his painting or his book will be ready for being shown to the world. Call it artistical discretion, prudence, heedfulness or whatever. PG won’t bring out something that didn’t yet leave the inner PG. Let Marie regain her strength and let the man have his break. I assume he got your point anyway. And then why are you guys tending to believe that a new material is something that only you care about? If there is room for a comeback, Per will enter that room.
And btw, speaking about communication and good relationships. These things are just babbling if there is no trust involved. Sometimes, at some point, some things cannot be communicated; and all that one still has, it’s trust. Trust him, for God’s sake.

OAM - totally with you!!

BTW: Truth, truth TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not true!!!!!! Ah can we get a spell/grammer check in this place!!!!!!????

Do you buy the artist’s soul when you buy his record and decide to become a fan?
Isn’t it YOUR decision to create a kind of “religion” out of this? So why should Per or Marie tell you anything about what they want for their future? Just wait and see!

Sorry, such “demands” apear so childish, stupid and barefaced to me!
Does someone dictate your life to you? So why do you want to dictate anyone for his life what to say or to do? Don’t you think that especially Marie might have had other problems than Roxette-releases in the past years?

If you want to believe in someone, believe in YOURSELVES!
Don’t make your own luck dependend from what other people decide to do or not to do, and don’t make them responsable for your own luck!

Roxette decided to do music and release it, and you decided to pay for it and listen to it. That’s the “contract”, and it was never part of this “contract” that you become Roxette’s friends or followers. So they owe you just NOTHING because you received everything you payed for (and some of you even more like meetings, fotos etc....)!!!

Maybe they just have made no decision yet, because there are more important trouble in life then the next Roxette-Record! And maye they just have other personal and private goals right now (remember that they are human beings like you, nothing more and nothing less).
And if you say “big power means big responsibility”, then you should also think about YOUR OWN POWER and RESPONSIBILITY!


P.S.: if you don’t like the solo-stuff, don’t buy it! It’s YOUR DECISION to buy it or not, but ther decision to release it.

lmao @ oam....but so true, people need to lighten up a bit.

I think per probably has no idea, and why is he under any obligation to tell us anything. Sure it would be nice to know, but I’m sure he would jump at the chance of making another roxette record, but its down to marie. and i’m sure making a roxette record is the LAST thing she wants to do right now, but you never know in a few years

How many threads did we have aboute this? ::)

When Marie is ready for a new Roxette CD, than they will start working again but we have to wait till this hapens.

And if they decidet not to continue you can´t do nothing!

I don’t know Per have to face Roxette is over... Per and Marie will decide Roxette’s future and other words said by fans or not fans are useless...
On the other hand, Per has always worked in solo albums or GT, not only Roxette. Nobody knows Roxette’s future... Per have to face Roxette is over? Such a foolish comment :)

Maybe Marie doesn´t know if she continue with Roxette and now when she doesn´t know it, so she doesn´t want to say nothing. Maybe she doesn´t feel enough strong for recording with Roxette. I still hope she will continue but I know health is on 1st place, of course.

I actually couldn’t care less if Rox make another album or not, I’m a Marie fan and I’d be more than happy for her to continue solo. But I totally disagree with the people who say that Per shouldn’t have to say anything about Roxette’s future. Roxette is a business and we are the customers, and I think they need to let their customers know where they stand. Like I said above, if Marie is saying she doesn’t want to do anything for 5 years then at least let us know that.

Wow, what a brilliant post by A_T_. I totally agree with him or her! Must be the longest post I’ve read in the last year :D

And I’m with oam, go out for some sunshine and fresh air!!! :D

toooo much words to say the simple truth..
” stop writing bullsssssssssssssssssssssssst”
it’s not about==who is artist who is not...
Lot of artist stop their projects and start other or something else...
It’s about who is who..
it’s about Per and Marie..

Roxette forever!!!!!

Per and/or Marie will announce us when Roxette is over themself.
No need to tell them that.
If they read comments like this, they might think:
Why would we come back, if even our fans think we should stop.

Quit those negative comments!!!

@TheChange.. Seems you know how I’m feeling.. Thanks for this discussion!! =]

Ally77: Thanx!!!
Sommartiderhej...It’s obvious,we don’t want that they stop!!That’s why i just wanna know the truth!
nobody says that they should stop!!!this is not the point!.
As “Sparvogamarie said:
Maybe Marie want to continue with Roxette in 5 years or maybe she doesn’t want.I just wanna hear the truth.I want Roxette more than solo albums or GT tours.i know,they always released solo albums between Roxette’s album.But now,with the Marie illness everything is more serious,so...
they must discussed it. Per and Marie know what will be the Roxette’s future,so we just wanna know!

Obviously i LOVE ROXETTE too!
That’s why we wanna know the truth!!PLEASE!!!
What about Roxette’s future??!!
Just say: “We’ll be back in 2007” or “Roxette is over”. But please say the truth!
The last year in Expressen or Aftombladet,i don’t remember exactly,published an article with the headline: “Roxette is over” Per then said to the Daily Roxette,that it was a ballshit,he never said something like that.But only to The Daily Roxette,what about the rest?All the people in Sweden think that Roxette is over!
So stop with the mistery,say the truth!

Yet more of the same bla bla bla bla bla bla....

Is it just me or is there is any syndrome desease affecting some people’s brains here? This “it’s over” issue is as boring as a britney spears song and equaly repetetitive ... can anyone do somethin’ to stop this? LOL

I just wish Roxette come back some day. And maybe Per & Marie haven’t discussed Roxette’s future seriously. On the other hand any dates, like the new album in 2006, can be given only when Roxette are in the studios recording songs.

I really doubt they know what will happen in the future. Why don’t you just believe what Per said, that there will be more of Roxette IF/WHEN Marie is ready for that? He cannot tell a date because not even Marie knows. She might take 2 years, she might take 5, then they will just get together and record something, they have done that in the past (for other reasons), they will go on doing it in the future.

For me Roxette is not a band all the time/constantly, Roxette is a band WHEN Per and Marie get together and do something. When they are working on their other projects/taking a break, Roxette is asleep, as it is now, that’s why I don’t think one can tell “Roxette is over now” because then it would have been over already a couple of times, and they would have “resqued” the band also a couple of times before.

And yes, as OAM people relax, have a couple of beers, go out in the sun, don’t worry - be happy.. and carpe diem.

I agree with Judith. Marie doesn´t know it and now she doesn´t want to say nothing. She will want to continue with Roxette but when? Nobody knows it? Only time will tell us!


These types of discussions aren’t new to the breaks Roxette takes. I remember in 1997, after “I’ll Be Alright” was released on TWATG, some fans were saying that this must be a goodbye message between Marie and Per, in which case Roxette is over. Not true...

I’m happy to wait for more Roxette. I hope that one day there will be another Roxette album, but I’m not worried about what happens right now. I wish health & happiness to Marie and Per, then who knows what will happen? :-) All the best, Rich ;-)

I have to agree with Breathe8, if Marie didn’t want to continue with Roxette then she would have said by now, so until that happens there may be some glimmer of hope.

Either way whatever happens, I hope Marie is getting better.

I agree with Judith :)

i agree with what Judith said for once :-)

* runs to fridge to get a beer *

In september Marie wrote this message to all fans:

Dear all,

I really want to thank you for your patience and support.


Marie Fredriksson

I think she said all!

@rox-kuryliw: LOL! you need a beer after realising we don’t think that different? :P

On web site there is a one message which is signed by Marie Fredriksson. Do you think is really Marie? I think no.

where’s the message? :S If you mean the guestbook: i doubt it :P There’s also a member in my Dahlgren forum called Marie Fredriksson who is absolutely NOT MF ;) Some people like to play being famous :P

I think it the same like you.

The life too short and the time too expensive!

Per work on his solo projekt and GT,Marie worked on her solo album.
In this time they should work on new Roxette album
nothing else!

Because they together the best!
RoXeTTe FoReVeR!!

Agree so much with Judith!

Only time will tell and please people, stop the raving!

Cheers; Kristzta, I agree to you.
What has Per said in the near past?? 2005 something will be recorded... I think a new rox album...

@Katuska: that is the joke of tomorrow....April 1st....April Fools Day.
Don’t take this ’news’ on serious. There’s so much that doesn’t make sense...I mean, come on, “Roxette feat. Tom Petty”...keep on dreaming!

You know what I always think is the funniest in these kind of topics....the people who write over and over to tell everyone to stop the discussion!!! They say they are bored with it....but why do they come here and read the boring topic, then spend their precious time posting a message to just tell everyone to stop....I don’t get it!!!!
Maybe it’s these people who need to get a life, instead sitting there reading topics that don’t interest them!!!!!

well I really hope that Rox isnt over but The interwiew with PG whivch was broadcasted at radio halland around xmas wasnt positive.
he said ” we are a band whos being played on those yesterday-hits stations” and “I dnt write music for roxette anymore” so who knows
we can just HOPE

In one interview I think in 2003 Per said he wrote a new songs for ROXETTE. I still believe a new Roxette album will come out in 2006!


I think it is rather funny that a bunch of fans that starts the same discussions over and over again discuss about Per’s originality...

@ Sparvogamarie, I think it has something to do with the fact people are sick of reading the same shit over and over again! lol

@ Ally: I understand that, I for one am sick to death of survivor polls and was counting the days until they got to Room Service and finally ran out of albums (unless of course they start on solo and GT...oh crap I just gave them the idea! D’oh!)
That said, it’s not like we’re forced to read every single topic and if you see a thread that you don’t like or you have heard before - go to another topic!!!!

There are so many people here that the same stuff is gonna be repeated whether we like it or not. The same inevitable topics - When is the new album coming out? Is Roxette over? What is your favourite album/song? What other artists do you like besides Rox? If you’re bored with a topic, don’t waste your time telling everyone to stop discussing it, go start a thread about something you do want to talk about!!!!

I agree, and I hardly ever come to this side of the forum now! ;)

lol Sparvogamarie—I enjoyed the Survivor polls myself. (It was probably the most time I’ve spent in the Roxette forum for a rather long time.)

As for the likes/dislikes threads—I assume there’s am influx of new people chiming in there. (I think when I first joined it was to answer a thread like that! Gasp! Lured in by the cliché!)

I definately agree with Judith. If it happens or not, I wouldn’t let it keep me up at night with the worry. Live your life and enjoy what you’ve got for the moment.

IMO people want to stop such discussions cos it’s too sad for them to read that someone is considering the end of Roxette.

Well that might be true Auryte, but as I said they still don’t have to read it!!!! If it makes them sad, they can start a happy topic about Per’s plastic surgery (well....that topic always makes me laugh *evil grin*)


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