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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Face it - IT'S OVER!

89 replies

After several joyable years roxette is now finally becoming past tense. I’m positive no more albums will come and no more international megahits will follow.
Marie has been fortunate to live after a long and tough strugle for life, but unfortnately the medicine and treatment really screwed up her beautiful face and she has no longer “The Look” which made it all happen back in 1989. Her voice, however, still remains to be as gorgeous as ever, so I hope she continues to sing.
Per on the other hand has really grown way too old to be a hippy and it really doesnt suit him no longer to be “hip”. Too bad when someone just don’t know when to quit. I defenately had a great time listening to their music when I was growing up and on more than one occasion it helped me through rough times while listeniging to the lyrics.
After the Greatest Hits album nr #637 it became clear that there is no way they can squeeze out more juicy songs from the factory and it must be said that the latest songs haven’t quite been as strong as the early ones.. they all started repeating themselves and therefor the time has come to drop the curtain. Be brave, listen to the good ones and let go of hope that someday there would be a new album.
(And for the record, could you blame them? They’ve seen it all, done it all and now it’s time to enjoy life and family.. they worked very hard!)

I’m not gonna comment, I’m just gonna giggle as enraged idiots argue with you! good post. oam

Maybe it is over... but maybe not! And I still think that another Roxette album could be something very special ;-) All the best, Rich

It’s a bit stupid topic... Roxette will come back or not if they decide or not... no one knows.
Other thing: “A thing about you” or “Opportunity nox”, for me, are two of the best Roxette songs ever. Not cause are the last ones, they surprised me anyway :)

In away I agree however there’s still a lot of unreleased roxette material available to keep us happy for a while if EMI ever choses to release it.


You said “no more international megahits will follow”. Let me give you an example: ABBA’s last album, “The Visitors” was not as successful as its predecessors. The first single off the album didn’t hit the #1 spot on the UK singles chart (both singles off the former album were #1’s). But, musically, was the best album ABBA ever produced. Mega-hits doesn’t mean the best music in all the cases. And Björn and Benny still produce music today, thoug they are going to be 60 soon. They have written very successful musicals, like “Chess” and “Kristina från Duvemåla”... Age doesn’t count at all when we talk about music genius. I don’t think Per is too old to produce good music. It means “maturity”, and that’s great when you are a composer.

”...the medicine and treatment really screwed up her beautiful face and she has no longer “The Look” which made it all happen back in 1989”. Do you think they had success just ’cause Marie was attractive? It doesn’t speak well of them. It means they didn’t have any talent and all they have achieved is due to Marie’s sex appeal...

In my opinion, Roxette will be like The Rolling Stones. They will never officially split up, Per & Marie will come back together, from time to time, to record a new album for our delight. Don’t expect a new album every year like before... but there will be more, I know it.

I think you have been very brave to post a subject of this nature in this forum NickNL74. I commend you for having the courage to share your true feeling and not submit to the outdated and sentimental notion that Roxette are demigods, with the sun shinning out of their arses. Well done.

I think you are spot on with the remark about the image though. In the beginning, their fresh, snappy rock/pop sound combined with their striking good looks made them very successfull. That’s all gone. Yes, they are older. Yes, they have worked hard and mabe the desire to promote and tour isn’t as great as it once was.

I’d like to think it’s not over yet. After all, next year is Roxette’s 20 anniversary and I’m sure they’ll do something special for that. (Please Per, not another Greatest Hits, please).

Hope not true NickNL :((

I agree actually....i really dont think roxette will record another album, and i’m not too bothered actually, as long as they continue (especially Marie) to release solo records

“I think you are spot on with the remark about the image though. In the beginning, their fresh, snappy rock/pop sound combined with their striking good looks made them very successfull. That’s all gone.”

I totally agree with that. And I have to add that it caused me pain to see how Per tried to look fresh and trendy in 2001. It did not suit him anymore. The point is that being stylish and trendy is/was simply part of Roxette’s success. In a way it’s sad, but the good looks and the feeling for fashionable clothes are/were part of the image of Roxette, it was even part of their music and the lifestyle their music stood for.

There is a great danger of becoming ridiculous if you don’t adjust your music to your age. Marie knows how to do it, no question. (Per - as a solo artist - does know it, too.)

I agree as well to the bit about IT’S OVER!

I would like to think there will be new releases and boy it would be so great to get a new Roxette album esp after all that has happened with Marie and such like....

So until any official announcements from Per, Marie or EMI I’ll continue to be optimistic!

ow what a happy little topic lol

Well, actually I don’t really care that much about a new Roxette recording since Marie became sick. :-| Also, I am pretty happy with her solo stuff. I really hope she’ll continue to make music.

Still, I agree with Staffany. I also think there won’t be an *official* split up.

I always said I think HAND and RS, specially HAND, lack inspiration, you can feel inspiration, lust for what they do in their other albums, with the CBB culmination but after that....

I don’t think they lost inspiration as artists because both Per/GT and Marie released wonderful albums after that, I just think there was too much Roxette and they got tired of it.

Neither do I think “It’s over” because of their age/looks. Their success didn’t have anything to do with Marie and Per’s look, none of them is a model. This is about music, not about catwalks. And really, people who listen to Roxette have gone through the same path and suffered the same consequences of the thing called AGE. I doubt any of us (well except for some Gessle-girls maybe? ;)) listen to Roxette&co because of their looks, leave that to teenagers...

They might come back, they might not, but if they do they really have to WANT to. It’s not about the hits, it’s about making good music and having a good time making it.

Just listen to Mazarin (even not one of my faves) and to HAND/RS, Per is having fun in Mazarin, ... or listen to Marie’s IETSV or TC, her soul, heart, feelings are in them. These are almost gone in those two albums. The highlight of the past years - Roxette speaking - was the showcase they did in Barcelona. Marie was at her best there, comparing it to the Globen and Göteborg concerts.. where I thought I’d fall asleep (not sure how it was in the rest of the tour but I heard it wasn’t the best of Roxette’s tours).

i think it’s terrible to say that because of marie’s sickness they won’t perform anymore.
marie looks great and dont SCREW with her.
look at mick jagger and steven taylor. in the real music business looks aren’t that importent.
so maybe they will not make any big top 40 hits so what.
madonna, rolling stones and rem don’t have big hits.
it’s about the album. only young people buy the singles. most of the time
and please leave marie the hell alone!!!!!!

All I can say about this topic is, “Oh ye of little faith”. :(

@frisso: I don’t think NickNL meant it as an insult. I doubt there are lots of people here who really care for Marie’s looks. It’s all about her health.

i agree, there songs off TPH / TBH were there best in a long time i think.

@Burke: Indeed, no insult.. thx

@others: can’t remember saying anything about solo’s... thought I only mentioned roxette... oh well..


I agree with Judith. I think if they just take their time, and maybe record another Roxette album because they want to, rather than feel like they have to (a la RS/ HAND) then they could come up with something inspirational again.

I think that their age is irrelevant, if they can come up with songs that suit them, they will be strong. Good songs are hard to hold down in terms of success...I think weaker songs are then helped by youth and fashion (just look at the charts today...)

Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. But, I think if Marie truly didn’t want to do another Roxette album, she would have said well before now. Maybe they are just taking their time and maybe waiting for the right time in their lives to do just one more album.

Nick: I got your point. I agree Roxette is over but not because of their looks/age. I think Rox is over because they don’t really seem to be that interested in the project anymore. Inspiration. And I only compared the latest Roxette work with the latest solo /GT work to explain my reference to inspiration :)

(not sure if your comment was for me, but guess, I go to the eye doc tomorrow, need new glasses - even though I need them to see from far, not to read ;))

wow, this didnt turn out to be the immature flamewar I expected.......thats kinda cool actually. oam.

I think you’re opinion is very silly!
At first did you see the last pictures ofMarie??
She lookED not so great after her illness but now she is beautifuler than before!!!!
How want you to know whether they will record a new album??
And Per is also great after this long time! He was great and he is great!!!!!!
I think the same about Marie!


think they are on the change record label website. name of it escapes me just now. oam

[edit] still cant remember, ask judith.

its Mary Jane Records.

@Judith: Do you think last GT album was well inspirated? In my oppinion, it’s very poor and it sounds like “always”: same formula, same sound, same everything.

I know some people will hate me. But I don’t care ’cause this is my sincere oppinion.

Oh my god this makes me angry!

Sure, I don’t think that there will be any more Roxette.. But that thing you said about Per not knowing when to quit! That pisses me off! What do you meen by that? He is still (after 20 years in the buisness) Swedens best writer, singer and artist..
And if he will continue to make music, he will still be the best! Whatever he does, it will be loved by hundreds thousends people!

It’s over when it’s over...

It might be so that Roxette is over, but it is definetly not beacuse of their looks like you seem to think. I mean look at Mick Jagger and company. they do not looks so good but still they rock (at least their fans think that).
And to say that Per is to old to be hip is........well i don´t now what it is but I mean it has been a long time since Per was so hip like he has been the last two years (at least in sweden). Maybe roxette is over but it is definelty not beacuse of their looks and “old” age.


How come these posts just keep on appearing? I mean haven’t we been thru this many times already?

There’s always just a different writer with strong words describing the situation like a know-it-all. I mean where do we need this information? People here aren’t stupid and I think they tend to follow the front-page quite frequently (Per’s comments about his future etc.) Has he said Roxette is over? Has Marie said it’s over?

@ Judith

I think that Room Service lacked inspiration but definitely not Have a Nice Day. Lots of new sounds and electricity! Great songs with brilliant string arrangements! :)

The first time people started saying Roxette was over was in the beginning of the 90’s, so about 13 years ago and look what they have done after that!

Maybe they will not score the big hits anymore, since the last top 10 hit has already been quite some time ago.
But that doesn’t mean they are finished.

Time will tell, but seen the fact that Marie just brought out a CD and that Per has been amazingly active for the last 2-3 years, I tend to believe that they still have the drive to make something beautiful in the (near) future.

And why speculate on it?
If they think it is completely over, I am sure they will let us know.
Try to be positive for once!!!
Always those negative comments make me sick.

@ James_Earp

Sorry mate, but I don’t think your Rolling Stones analogy is a fair comparism.

Roxette established their early success on their fresh, snappy image and good looks.

The Rolling Stones did not.

Take a lot at the videos and publicity photos from Roxette’s early career. Trendy clothes, fashionable hairstyles and a massive play on the term “The Look” and you’ll see what we mean.

LOL.. some of you take it WAAAAAAAAYYYY too personal.. Chill out!! :-)
It’s just an objective opinion to brake the useual “what’s you favorite song/album/photo/colour/icecream/video/greatest hits album/cartoon/etc” stuff... come on

@ others: I think you guys got the point.. nice to see how well you’re responding, I thank you for that!

@ Judith: no offense reguarding the glasses.. lol

@ animalkingdom: You make my head go *plop*.... defenately lacked inspiration. Besides, some things are better left unspoken..

I agree. I too sadly think Roxette are over. I hope they do a special farewell tour and visit their fans around the world, play their hits and call it a day. I don’t want them to drag out their careers any longer if Roxette will no longer be the main focus on Per & Marie’s life...which it isn’t and has not been for some time.

People keep referring to the fact that ’looks’ play no part. They do. I don’t want to see a chubby ill Marie Fredriksson on stage and that’s coming from a fan!

You all make references to Mick Jagger? He’s a guy. It’s different. I’m sorry but its true. Once women lose the ’look’, its over. Also, he’s in rock n’ roll. Not pop. Roxette are popstars and Marie does not look that part I’m afraid.

I say, dedicate a whole year of celebrations and farewells to our favourite pop group and call it a day. Think of it as a celebration of amazing music, not the end.

Hi all
Knowing Per (well, it’s a way of saying), I personally don’t have to worry anymore about Roxette’s future.
Which is a way of saying that I trust his decisions concerning Roxette-projects. Which is also a way of saying that, as I/we know him, he wouldn’t let any come-back occasion pass by. Which is, furtheron, a way of saying that if Marie will be available, Roxette will go on. Which is also a way of saying that if she won’t be ready for a new worldwide project, it won’t be any. And finally, it’s a general way of saying that Per learnt a lot from his latest successful experiences, as well as from the whole Roxette-project rolling between 1999-2002.
I doubt he still misses something concerning this matter. If there were indeed mistakes in the more recent roxette strategies - as some of you suggested - he wouldn’t repeat them.
Moreover, he will surely take his time to make a careful analysis of what exactly his latest successes meant and if it’s something there that can be applied to some further projects.
If I thought it possible for him to go wrong some years before, I definitely doubt he will go wrong again because of a weak strategy. If he/roxette will fail, it’d be for some objective reasons only, that cannot depend on writer’s/performers’ skills (as I understand we are talking here about the very quality of roxette music and not about its eventual mass-success; so I won’t count the PR problems that may come across).

I’d rather say that roxette/marie/per’s music will be from now on a matter of MOOD. Per is doing his job lately guiding himself after his inner moods, coming his own way, meeting his own expectations. While Marie did this thing all the time. I also guess that Per ceased to see Roxette as being a matter of “let’s reach No.1” that actually might have been the reason for which roxette-projects got more and more impersonal and started to look very much like a job, not as a vocation. Per, of course, needs both: the job AND the vocation. Marie tends to need more the last one.
But on the other hand, it’s hard for a man like Per to overlook the possibility of reaching a huge mass-success. Still, what I believe now and I didn’t believe a few years ago (when I didn’t follow roxette evolution anyway), it’s that he finally found a ballanced way to look at his projects: solo/gt/rox: leting himself out a bit more and realizing that this thing do not push the listeners away, on the contrary.
If a new roxette project will come, it will be definitely different from what we got till now.
If a new PG solo album will come (which I think it to be way more possible than a roxette one), will got something a little weaker or a little better than Mazarin. But I doubt he will ever abandon the writing skills and the mazarinish-feeling he “just” got. He’ll go on this way. He likes it.
So no new HAND and no new RS on the way. That’s for sure.

Image: was roxette a matter of image?? I didn’t realize that. Joyride days showed me two people in their 30s, always looking a bit too tired than other stars...That’s why I liked them.
While the RS-image seemed a celebration of Per’s losing weight and Marie’s going back to her basic 90’s image. I think I didn’d dislike their look. It wasn’t unappropriate. What made you guys say they looked a bit ridiculous was the gap between their image and the RS sound which was weak and not convincing enough. When people listened to the album, they suddenly seen in the new M and the new P a sort of ridiculousness. People expected a big come back and they got bubble-gum (oh, i feel SOO sorry I have to say that about an album that also contained “It takes you no time..”! It’s one of the best songs written by per, in my opinion).

Present image: we shouldn’t discuss Marie’s present image. We shouldn’t dare to say she looks good or bad. She was sick. Her album does not promote an image. It’s how Marie looks now.

Per’s image: Per is not just an image. Not anymore. He is a presence. He has a presence. A presence imposes by itself. He looks more appropriate than ever. He will go on this way for many years. It’s just the beginning.

Roxette vs. Rolling Stones: Roxette grew up year after year after year (it was mostly about Per’s growing up as a musician and also about the changings in marie&per’s professional relationship). So they didn’t succeed in being constant. Bands like Stones, U2, REM are more about constancy. They are still on top (now I am refering to U2 at least) because they didn’t lose fans during time. They seemed to have found the right combination between constancy and innovation. They stick with their image AND their targets. But I think Roxette has changed the targets in time. It would be interesting to see a survey or a panel about who bought roxette and why during the last 15 years. But I doubt EMI does something like that. btw, how the EMI guys measure the changings in the music market? by counting the money? that’s all?

But then again, I think Per has a great intuition even though he sometimes can be quite unsecure.
It’s wonderful that he was very successful in the last 2 years. It was a great, strong impulse for someone like him. I guess we’ll have the chance to see more somewhere in the near future.

In short, I do not doubt that PG-related music is in good, strong, secure, fine hands.


Not even worth making a comment on....

oam: I fear the discussion will turn into flame soon, I hope I’m wrong ;)

Latest Marie pictures:, (from the docu :))

Ohhh nice pictures! :)

I was thinking about the image thing last night... well I love the Room Service artwork, although I guess they both did make lots of effort to look young. But if they did return in 2006 with a new album then maybe that wouldn’t really be necessary. Per had a lot of success with a ’natural’ approach (the music and the photography!) with Mazarin. So maybe a Roxette album could do well with the same winning formula? Maybe they could stop appealing to the young and start appealing to the middle-aged? Ha ha, there are plenty of older people to buy music!! Anyway, a mixture between CBB & Mazarin for the music & artwork could work very nicely I reckon, and not so much pressure to look young or sound trendy. Just some thoughts from Rich ;-)

I personally also think that Roxette is history. We might see a CD in 2006 with some unreleased stuff (maybe demos?!) and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if EMI are doing their usual salestrick and rereleases all the Roxette albums in “remastered” versions (in a box maybe), but a new, fresh album I seriously doubt. I don’t think it is to have a negative attitude to think like this.. I think it is more a realistic attitude.

It´s over or it´s not over? Who knows! Time will tell us. I read on internet Marie plans to work with Roxette. Why they can´t have a new international great hits? Marie´s voice on her album The Change is still great! By the way I love all albums of Roxette. The last album Room Service is a great too. I never forget on their concerts!! It was my the greatest moments in my life!! Now Marie looks very beautifly and youngly.

...yes but I think we all know the situation.

Why make such a big deal out of it? I mean “Face it - IT’S OVER!” with capital letters...Pretty provocative!

And taking something personally has necessarily nothing to do with the fact that you argue with someone else’s.

Oh, and whoever said about the remastered Roxette albums. I think that’d be nice! Some of them sound very dated, therefore it wouldn’t such a bad idea at all. Besides, I am sure they’d squeeze in some bonus material as well as extra tracks like they did with the 1997 edition of Pearls of Passion.

animalkingdom i agree, BUT maybe EMI are waiting for the new roxette album then release them around that ;-).

Look Sharp! needs remastering, but Joyride, CBB, Tourism sound pretty okay to me.

Only time can tell - every and each discussion about this topic is so useless.

Well... I don’t think this topic is more or less useless than any other topic... ;)

Ohhhh I would love a remastered JOYIRDE!

Topics that handle topics that we don’t have any influence on are always useless IMHO.

Off topic:

”...unfortnately the medicine and treatment really screwed up her beautiful face and she has no longer “The Look” which made it all happen back in 1989.”

Has it ever come to your mind that this is the world wide web? That is, this forum is accessable for evrey person in the world! What if Marie reads this?
You might wanna be a bit more decent in your choice of expression the next time.

@ Nick

Marie’s looks made it all happen?

I doubt that!

@Kiwein: Well, then 99% of all topics on this forum (and most other forums as well) could be deleted. But I don’t believe it if you say you never discussed a (in your opion) useless topic?! Just because you think this one is doesn’t have to mean that other people don’t think it is interesting. Or?! Well, let’s leave it there. Have a good day! :)

No, I didn’t say that other ppl shouldn’t discuss these kind of topics.
It’s just that I personally never discuss or think of any topics that I can’t affect. It’s a waste of time - I started doing that because when I was younger I always spent MONTHS thinking of things that COULD come or COULD happen, whatever..but in the end, we don’t have any influence on the things that happen to us so we don’t have to think too much about it. :) Fate, I guess...good day to you, too..

I don´t think Roxette will be like Rollings Stone or Pink Floyd. I think a new Roxette album will come out next year and it will be the last their album. Then Marie will enjoy life, family, friends....


Sometimes she will go to studio. It won´t be fan´s madness like in CBB time. Per will play with his band.

Wasn’t going to comment on this really, but can’t resist now. No one will know for sure if it’s over or not until Per/Marie confirm it themselves. Per said last year, that they will continue with Rox, when Marie feels ready to. It’s been more or less confirmed that Per will do a solo album again this year, be it in English or Swedish, either of which will be great. Like a few of you have said, I think there will be more chance of a Rox album next year for the 20th anniversary. I not really holding much hope though for a tour, but you never know. I don’t think that even EMI would release another Greatest Hits collection. It’s only been two years.
As far as I remember, when Per signed the 10 year contract in 1996, there was a certain amount of albums which they had to release. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think there is another album to come off that contract. Not sure what after 2006 will bring. I really don’t think that there will be another 10 year contract offered to them, but maybe a smaller one? I’m sort of getting off the subject now, I feel.
If it’s over already, then they’ve finished Rox’s career with a double CD collection. If it’s not over, let’s hope EMI and Rox are willing to do some promotion for the album. If they are to try and have a bigger fan base, maybe have a more “live band” feel, like C! B! B! for the next album. I think Opp Nox was a “you either love it or hate it” kind of song (I LOVE IT!), but there was a lot of songs in the early days which a lot of people I know loved. Mazarin is also the same. Lot’s of simple songs, which sound the same played live with a band. Anyway, if they do decide to do a new album, I don’t think that they will check here to see what style of music to do the album in. Every album they’ve done (perhaps with the exception of Room Service) has seen a progression of music style (C! B! B! followed by HAND!), so for the new album, I think that it’ll be more “live band-ish” than Opp Nox style. That’s my view anyway! Heres hoping for a new Rox album!!!! And let it be their greatest album yet

I kinda agree with the fact that Roxette will not record anymore. And to be totally honest with you, I visit this site cos it’s fun to debate about them. What ever bullshit it is. So when someone says their sort of ’over’ as a group, I really believe it. Sorry...

“As far as I remember, when Per signed the 10 year contract in 1996”

>> I guess Marie also signed it.. unless Roxette has consisted of Per only since 96 ;) Or am I missing something?

@ Judith. Sorry just my mistake. I only read an interview with Per in an old Roxette Review, which said that he signed a 10 year contract in London which sees them on the EMI rota for another 10 years at least. It was just before TWATG was released. Don’t know much about the business side of things, so I would guess the Marie signed it to!!!!!

Nothing is over! believe me!

I think we found Per...


well the profile says its a female. Maybe Maries worked out how to use a computer after all these years....

@ally: I think you’re on to him there! ;-)

Per, beware, we know you are Zelda! ;-)))

Per and Marie old??
Per out of inspiration?
nobody who saw any of Mazarin or Gt25 concert can think such way...

Per writes better and better..Marie sings better and better..
There are new fans after The pop and ballads hits album...
it’s aint over until it’s over..

Marie writes better than ever too... She doesn’t only perform, she’s a awesome comproser as well!

@ ncurran..... well I did think Per was a little strange! :)

to NickNl74 and other fans: how you know it´s over? Has Marie said it´s over? She didn´t say it!!! Marie must say it´s over not fans!

I’m with you Zelda. It’s NOT over..... Hasn’t Rox done this before? Taken a long break, released a couple of GH albums, done some solo stuff and then came back with a big bang?!


@ Ally, well we all saw Vix’s ’doctored’ photos......just kidding. oam.

I was also thinking whether to post here or not.

Well, I agree with the one that said we have no influence on topics like this. We are just make guesses and express our opinions. Nobody, except Per & Marie, really don’t know when and how they will come back. And maybe Roxette don’t know too.

This situation that Roxette is now reminds me of the gap between Crash! Boom! Bang! and Have A Nice Day. I guess, there were people that Roxette wouldn’t come back. But they released two Greatest Hits albums and came back:)

Fingers crossed for the new Roxette album:)

I really don’t think Roxette is over yet, but it’s all riding on Marie’s health. It takes years to get over cancer, and you have to wait about 5 years to be officially cleared from it. Roxette is a big commitment and she probably doesn’t want to start working until she is certain her health is 100%.

About her face - well first of all it’s really low to insult a person who’s face is deformed from cancer treatments. But her face will return to normal one day, I have a good friend who took cortisone and she had the same swollen face, she is now very beautiful. Marie will look normal again and in her docu you can see her face is getting less swollen over time.

@realsugarsexmagic: Thanks!! Youre actually one of the few people who READ instead of flaming around..

Appears to be a whole lot of people here on the forum that DONT read and start accusing and bitching right away.. no wonder this forum has become worse than the average gayscene.. my god.. dont you guys have a LIFE?!

I only shared my vision with you and now look what has become of it.. it’s just pathetic!!

Ofcourse both Per and Marie are brilliant singers, writers AND composers, but look at what is ruling the charts these days.. things have changed, people have changed, generations have changed.. in THIS time a wonderfull band such as roxette was (and IS) has a hard time keeping up and has no longer value.. Their all britneys, christina’s destinies, justins and eminems now... so, once again.. FACE IT! There is no way they can compete with all of these one hit wonders with sillicones and muscles... the whole industrie has become shallow..
In other worths; hat off for all of you who are true and stick to this forum. (btw, thanks for burning me down)

its gotta be said, people do bitch about the most rediculous of crap here Nick, and you make some excellent points. But you do a hell of alot of bitching yourself.

I think many would agree you’ll be quite welcome here. oam.

This is your opinion and I respect it, but I don’t share it. Roxette is NOT over for me. I assumed that if they come back, they won’t be as successful as they were long time ago.

Per’s too old? Well, who’s not older than before? Do you really think talent has to do with age? I don’t think so. On the contrary, Roxette is MUCH BETTER than modern singers.

Marie doesn’t look like before? Roxette’s success doesn’t have to do with Marie or Per’s sex appeal. This is talent. This is music.

Real fans are always there in the good times and in the bad ones. Things will never be the same, we all know that. If they come back, they’ll do it for themselves, because they want it, and for the real fans that are still waiting for them. And if they don’t, we won’t like it, but we will keep listening to their music. They didn’t say anything yet, that means there’s still a light of hope.

@Nick: You’re totally right that Roxette probably won’t ever be successful again, but then we’re talking two different things - if Roxette will come back or if Roxette will be huge again. I think they will probably return in the future (as I said above, depending on Marie’s health) because it’s their career and it means a lot to both of them. But top of the charts? I seriously doubt it.

I agree with most of your points but if you say their career is over cos Marie’s face is “screwed up”...that’s a really low comment to make about a cancer patient, and she’s not screwed up - she’s swollen and as it’s been said 1000 times here: she will return to normal when her medication is finished!!!

So Roxette was only beautiful faces and number 1’s or is also Music?

NickNL: I‘m disappointed of you :(

Roxette is everything ,Santi!! ;-)))

Why do we bother to comment these sort of topics?
How melodramaric can this be?
Jesus .. brings some popcorn ... the milk is spolling the raspeberries too

Some of you guys really oughtta learn ’how’ to read. It for sure would decrease your bloodpressure :-D

IF (and only if) you understood what I was saying, THEN you’d understand that what I meant to say was nothing less than how the world sees roxette... once again.. initially it was not my (personal) opinion.. Later on I gave mine by telling that I think they are still very good, but with all these britney’s spoiling diner, there is not much left to eat...

Actually it’s kinda cute to see how some of you really get off when replying... even better than I had expected! Pure entertainment.. how about getting a life?!
Still: HATS OFF for all of you who replied seriously, thanks for understanding my point of view.

Everyone, lighten up. Please, have a beer go out. Have two beers, have lots of beer. oam

@Nick, if you feel so angry don’t waste time here.

Minus the irony, everyone just have a nice day

:-) oam

Let this thoughts! Marie is ok and she will continue with Roxette! If not, Marie would say It´s over!!! Do you know, how Marie must feel if she reads this forum sometimes!! WE DON´T KNOW IF MARIE READS HERE!!!!!!!!! What does Marie must say?? Every month I am ok, I am not Ok??

I think Marie’s skin is thick enough to laugh her ass off when she reads all this crap.

Didn’t Per said, it’s just “Time-Out” with Roxette ? That does not mean anything real. Just be patient.
I’m sure, they will do something again. We are just so worried and sometimes angry, that nobody tells us anything about ROXETTE’s future.

I know, its hard, but we have to be strong. I’m sure we will be surpriced when they ever will be back with some great hot stuff ! :-)

With ALL my love to MARIE FREDRIKSSON !!!

yea lets break out a couple of cold ones that would be great

*glug glug glug* ah.....

btw Juni (off topic sorry mods) did the june afternoon tab work for you?

hi oam
thanks again for tabs been trying to play them but it didnt work out is it me or.. dont know

QUOTE: TO be fair, I said I do this ages ago.
How old were you at that time?

I guess, the show is over...


I am the same age as I am now. 20. I honestly think its a correct TAB. However, its very hard to follow these things without notes to give you the timing etc etc. I’ll post some more info in the relevant thread.

[edit] found one mistake

Hi guys... I’m a new one on this forum, so I’ve taken time to read through all your comments on this topic. I find it extremely similar to the topics in Gyllene Tiders forum...

I respect Per and Marie as singers/songwriters. I doubt that they will do a 100% come-back with Roxette, but I don’t doubt that they (especially Per) will continue to write immortal songs, because he has a gift and that gift has nothing to do with his look. And actually, how much does it matter if it is Marie or Per or both, you can still enjoy their wonderful voices, knowing that they are good friends, lead happy lives and do what they love the most. Music will allways be a part of their lives, no matter in what form it comes out.

Don’t you think they know that the fans of Roxette want another record? But as Per said in an interview: Life has changed, you don’t have the same valuations now as you had 10 years ago. They both have families and children, they both have careers on their own and I think they both - if they ever pick up Roxette again - will do it just for fun.

Hope you don’t get pissed at me, I just let out my thoughts. But remember: The songs are immortal, it will never be over...


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