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at swedisch fans

7 replies

please help me.
Can you tell me what Sparvöga means??
I’m learning swedisch but I couldn’t find it out.

Thanks Anja

I think it means sparrow bird, i think !

Yup it does... :)

wasn’t it Sparrow-eye?

Yes, öga is eye, and sparv sparrow. At least according to my dictionary.

Yep, it means “Sparrow eye”, but it was actually a TV-series based on a book, here in Sweden and “Sparvöga” was a nick name for the main character (a little girl) in that series.

But the song was also the music to that show, right?

It was the opening music, yes. I think the instrumental version was used in the series as well... don’t remember. I was soooo young when they showed it on TV. :)


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