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Per Gessle & TDR

5 replies

I wonder if Per surf on TDR and if that is so, how often does he do it? What do you think about it?

He’s of course here daily, since this is The DAILY Roxette... :D

Per often says in interviews that he visits The Daily Roxete:)

Must be to have a laugh at us, or to see when the activity over here declines so that he knows it is time to start working on a release...

@ Santi:

I don’t think Per is the type of person that never really stops writing music.

I didn’t imply that. I’m a songwriter too in some sense and it does not depend on when you need it to write songs, it depends on inspiration and if you’re used to it you can write daily I guess (I can’t :D). What I meant is that you can write songs and make demos, but to plan a release is a completely different thing. Means putting all together and record it in a serious way... and all that.


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