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Whole Roxette on one side and Matah on the other

23 replies

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I agree. It’s truly an uplifting song. I love it. :)

You make a very good point, Lawyer, but I would add another song... and that’s I Don’t Want To Get Hurt. For me, this song matches the freshness of M&T&H, and is one of the best-produced Roxette songs. All the best, Rich ;-)

Goog song this MATAH... Here it comes... :)

The type of song u listen after your brain’s f*c*ed out!!

Light, fresh and positive morning song with a beautiful video and a super great demo :P

Positive? this song is not positive...sitting alone and the only thing you look foward to is your dreams? thats the twist in the song...listen again, per makes it sound happy but its not

no - i think it is a happier song. ’here he comes, to bring a little lovin’ honey; to take away the pain inside, it’s everything that matters to me; it’s everything I want from life...’

The song may be about dreaming, correct, but it is dreaming about being with someone, and someone who may not be there, but in your heart and in your soul is feeding you love and happiness.

can only say for me personally MATAH is probably the best song in music history when it comes to ballads

about all the small things that make you happy - personally i haven’t felt that for ages due to all the stressI am exposed to. And then, the soothing video too, simply fab :)

its a happy song but it doesnt stack up against soem of their better ballads

Today in one of my classes I brought “Fireworks” for the students to listen ... they know Roxette very well and they’re only 16/17 years old ... it was funny telling them that the song belonged to them one of the girls just went “I hate Roxette I can’t stand that Milk and Toast and Honey” bla bla bla bla ...” well not a very positive remark but ... amazing 16 years old teens know Roxette music the old and the new/recent ones and have always something to say about it .... it doesn’t matter what! It does give me a complete different sense of how Roxette are in terms of popularity like it or hate it you know them and you know their songs...

MTH ... welll never been a big fav song I strongly fall for the most in deepth stronger ballads from the years before but ... I really find it quite charming and so peaceful it does really bring a wonderful feeling of peace where you can dream and capture the simpleness of all around you and then a simple bottle of milk, a simple toast and honey become the centre of a great state of mind and heart ... however I wish the the drum beat sounded different more natural it would make this song stronger ... yet the melody and the lyrics speak for themselves :)

i dont like milk toast and honey its one of Roxetts most boring songs it doesnt even compare to the other songs in my opinion

It’s not boring, it’s simply wonderful. I like the demo too, in the voice of Per.

I wonder why, when we are talking about how wonderful a song is, someone comes and say “that song is very boring, a piece of shit, it can go to hell...”

LOL, I don’t know why, but it ALWAYS happens!


MATAH is absolutely wonderful... so simple, so happy and Marie sung it in a very very very special way. For me it´s one of their best ballads ever.

The video is ok.

MATAH rules... hoping for more ballads like this in the near future.

The video made me like it more. I enjoy the gentle exuberance and the give and take of the chorus.

@Rox_Nox2003 - did fireworks get much of a response?

And I agree completly about the drumbeat... it’s awful, and for me it drags the song down from great to just really nice.

Well nothing special really!
The sound was nice but considering the way Per sings the song made themgo insane cause it was too fast and for them to complete the lyrics ... so probably they were not able to really enjoy the song in case they thought it was that good!

I’ll try to do the same in the future with another song about summer for my 7th graders .... haard task but let’s see!

Back to M&T&T lol:)

@Staffany: Note that the topic of this post does not restrict the area of choice. I mean, all people can pop in and air their general views, even if the majority are keen on that song, as we are :)

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Well why don’t we ignore the more sobre emotions and be all (sickly) happy...

@Rox Nox2003: are you a teacher and you use Roxette at your classes? What do you teach?

Its a pretty little song, but it is far from being their best.

The song is ok, but not that special.
Roxette has made more beautiful and better songs in my opinion.
A happy song: June Afternoon!


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