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Who do you like more Per or Marie?

120 replies

I like PER more than Marie. I love her but Per is more of a cynosure for me :)


Per, Per and uhh oh yes, Per! :)

i like my mum

Roxette = Per & Marie.
I love the combination of the 2, which makes up Roxette.
The solo-work of Per is more my style than Marie’s.
But Marie is a very sweet person!
I love her for that!

I like more Marie’s stuff but when it comes to them as persons it’s really hard to pick...I think Per would be easier to talk to but Marie...She is still Marie :) OK, I say Marie!

When it comes to music,Per
Personal.....Per too,i guess,well,and Marie as a “talk-friend” ,Per’s to play,Marie’s to be serious with :p

Marie’s face + Per’s brain + Marie’s body + Marie’s voice + Per’s Talent + Per’s Money = The perfect human being!!

Marie: in every single way!

I think I’ve always been a Per Gessle fan :)

MARIE!!! She is so wonderful!!!

Marie, all the way. She’s just fantastic. :-)


Absolutly Marie,...Marie and Marie. :-D
Her music is fantastic and Marie as person..she’s sweet and sexy ...what shall I say? I’m a Fan! *lol*

MARIE!! :-))))
For me she’s the most wonderful and sexiest woman on earth, with an fantastic voice and an breathtaking body. :-))
-A woman with this special something-
And not to forget her talent for writing excellent music. :-))


He’s a great guy, his looks, his personality, his sense of humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *oooooooooohhhh*

Marie, definitely.

She is the BOMB! She is what makes Roxette ROCK!!

Marie rules!!! I like her personaily, her looks, her voice, her music.... etc! I love her alot!

Well I like them both, but if I really have to make a choice...Marie.

Marie, Marie, Marie....!!!

It’s simple!
Go to a concert and look what happens when both of them come to the stage. Everyone looks at Marie first..she ROCKS! (-:
OF COURSE I like Per, too..he’s cool and strong! I like that.

I don’t look at Marie first. I try to find out where is Per, with his guitar :)

Ok (-:

oh.. what a question! I can´t choose.

As you can see in all the CDs



ROX ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have always been a fan of per... marie is for me black and white. she never added nothing to roxette. and to her music.

“she never added nothing to roxette”

That means that she indeed added something!
Don’t understand your posting then..

I like Per. He´s the songwritter,
Marie is only the (great) voice.

I like Per more!! He´s the one writing all these wonderful songs that I love so much.. on the other hand ... they wouldn´t have been as wonderful if Marie didn´t sing them .. But anyway .. PER!!!!

wasnt gonna say anything cos i thought it was stupid lol.
BUT per is the shitest singer iv every heard . his lyrics are stupid and he weres nail paint aswell :S MARIE IS BEST LOL***

Gun Marie Fredriksson Bolyos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like both of them. But if I really had to choose.... it would be PER!!!


Okej.... Ofcourse I like them both too... it would not be Roxette with anyone of them missing. BUT, if I had to choose one of them... let’s say I had a chance to meen one of them in private, like... anything... I would choose Per because he’s just so... great!

Anyway... I think he CAN sing! Just have to listen to Vulnerable, I was so lucky demo, Church of your heart, Cinnamon street, A thing about you... and ofcourse all the Gyllene Tider songs. Especially När alla vännerna gått hem.


Marie...if ever she gets rid of the clown

will you all shut up now????
how do you DARE ask such a question!!!!!
they’re both humans, isn’t that enough!

I am definitely a gessle girl, but starting to appreciate Marie a lot more recently. Per manages to write the strangest songs but give them a meaning! And his whole childish attitude just lightens things a little. But Marie has one of the best voices, I think, ever! She is awesome!

Roxette!!! shhhhhh! But I think I like Per ;)

I love both PER & MARIE = 100% nuff said!

@rox-kuryliv: *LOLOL* Hard words, but cool written...hahaha! :-DD

“she never added nothing to Roxette”, hä??
Don’t understand what you want to tell us with this, sorry!

I don’t understand it either, roxing_jane! )-:


Rox-Kuri... (don’t remember the name :S): Your beloved Marie sings his stupid lyrics and without them you wouldn’t even know her.

By the way, what a clever lyrics in the chorus in one of the 2 (yeah, just 2) Rox songs that has Marie lyrics: Na na na na na na na na na na na...

Now it’s getting childy...*headshaking*

I preffer Ms Fredriksson, no doubt about it. Her music is really mature, very different than per´s one. In my opinion, Den standiga resan is one of the best albums ever released.

I prefer Per’s music :p

@roxing-Jane: Yeah, and start slagging Per off like you and the other guy did is very mature... of course...

Per, of course!

2 above person .... Why of course?!!!

Of course Per!

i cant chose

hot bleached blonde looking so cool
has a guitar player I thinks a fool

hot new 1989 solo act her name is Roxette
but AGAIN the guitar player I just don’t get

My favourite is Per Fredriksson.

I’m really impressed by Marie’s songs...I think many of them should be on a Rox album...But, yet, I can’t help being - now, in 2003 like in the good old days, 1989 - a big ROX fan...And if I always choosed Rox instead of Marie’s stuff (beginning with Den Standiga...) I suppose this is because of Per... It’s really curious how I manage to love madly Marie’s songs, but, in the same time, if somebody would come and ask: are you a Marie-solo fan?, I’ll answer NO, NO, NO. I’m a rox fan...and that’s it...I think there’s something about Per...Or about the mixture between them...I wonder if Per would have been such a respected songwriter if Roxette would have never existed...I think it’s about the mixture...And I manage to love Little Miss Sorrow and You’ll all I ever wanted in the same time...

I love both of them with ALL MY HEART... but I can’t deny...


He’s all I wanna be !! He’s my idol and always will be !! He’s a genius !! :)

All the best

OK, as much as I LOVE Marie’s voice, very heavenly, my vote would go to Per, all the way. Why?? Cuz he’s the genius songwriter, that’s why. His singing is very cool as well, and actually I prefer his singing cuz it fits his powerpop tunes perfectly, which I prefer. Marie can rock too, as evidenced on LFJ, Fool, DFS, Dangerous, etc, yet she seems to fit the ballads more like a glove. I haven’t heard any of her solo albums yet, and I know I will love them, even though they are not powerpop, from what I hear. However, the music I like best is powerpop, and Per is a master of the form. TWATG just rules my world, and The LOnely Boys CD is excellent, and of course all those Rox albums kick ass, as does ON. I think RS is the best Rox album, aside from CBB cuz of the mastery of the powerpop form and Per dominates. To me, what I WOULD love and prefer is a Rox album with Per singing lead on every song, and Marie singing harmony, like on ON, SDLHA, the GT tunes, “I’ll Be Alright” from TWATG, that would be perfect. So yeah, Per all the way, as HE IS Roxette, not Marie really. He’s the brains and voice, Marie is a harmonious presence. Don’t get me wrong, I love Marie, but on Per’s powerpop tunes, Per is the main attraction, with Marie a lovely accompaniment.

about marie rocking: dont forget Hotblooded :p and sleeping in my car

Right Vax, those songs kick booty, but I still prefer Per over Marie by a wide margin...

i like both, Marie AND Per! They both make me feeling great when i hear their music! and that’s the key of Roxette! Both persons in combination are perfect!




@Santi: *stillheadshaking*

I love Per in every way! I love Marie too, but Per is just the best there is! :)

Per. Yes, I like Marie’s voice very much, it’s great, she’s so nice and sweet... But I prefer Per for some reasons. Well, he’s a man (and i’m a girl ) ;) He writes cool songs and is very funny person with incredible sense of humour and such innocent ’magic eyes’ of a child (his contact lens make his look deeper, i think).
But the best deal is when they are both together = ROXETTE

Gessle, no doubt, for all that he is :)

To me PER IS THE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Zee !!!! what about SANA ??

Marie’s voice..most underrated female artist in the 20th century!

Gessle for president, cause he writes the song, it’s that easy.

I like both but a little more Per. He’s nice, has a wonderful sense of humor, he’s really my idol :)
Per I love you man!!!!

Fernanda - São Paulo - Brasil

I have to take a choice??? Okej! ANDERS HERRLIN!!!


Per’s the man!!!! ;)

Per and Marie are the perfect mix!

I love both them, Per withouth Marie and Marie withouth Per = No Roxette.

I love you both, from the bottom of my heart

**** MARIE!!!!!!!!*****MARIE*******!!!!MARIE**************MARIE!!!!!!!!!!!******MARIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE**MARIE!!!!!......

marie always marie forever marie and much more marie

per is not interesting to me i don,t like much of his solo stuff i do not have it at all

i do have everything you can inmagine to have from marie

except den ständiga resan docu mail me if you got it want it so bad

Maja loves marie,s music forever and her all her strength to stay with us


Would anyone be really shocked if I said Marie was my favourite?


She’s the QUEEN in my life. I LOVE THIS WOMAN FOREVER!!!

@Sparvogamarie: No (-;

Per is good ...... but Marie is better, if I have to pick one of them. Both are good solo artist but I prefer the combination of both of them.

definately Perrrrrrrr :P

am I blind or I never posted to this topic? :O

Do I need to write the answer? :D

Marie. She is the most charismatic woman ever.

i dont know them well enough but Pers song composition is pure genius theres very few other songs i can listen to a 1000 times.


I have always liked Per more than Marie. Many of the demos when he sings is better than the versions on the albums for example Run to you and Almost Unreal.

Per is also much better than Marie solo.

Per all the way
I like Marie too of course... They complete each other on a certain level
But if I had to choose, it would be Per

Agree 100% with Patty.
Looking at solo-music, I like Per’s style more than Marie’s style of music.
But still I love BOTH of them.


Marie has such an amazing voice. She is so gifted...but I like both of them.

In former days I would have said Per, but nowadays it’s defenitely MARIE! Her solo albums are amazing: great lyrics & great music. It really touches my soul. But when I just want some simple fun I really enjoy Pers stuff also!

Oke, Marie’s voice is fantastic, but I don’t like any thing she’s done without Per writting it.. To me Per is THE King.. He’s just great! Enligt mig så det enda Marie tillför FÖR MIG i roxette är hennes röst... Per is just so much more...

PEr Per per per and per.

I already post about who I like the best before... and guess what, I still like marie more!!!

BOTH!! I don’t like Per or Marie more.I like ROXETTE with Per & Marie!

Per owns Marie.

@mattias: yeah, you’ve read my mind. lol

Mattias: Per owns Marie? Do you think he’ll sell her to me??

There´s no Roxette without Per, so Per is more close to me.

When it comes to (singing)voice absolutely Marie! :) So she´s better as a singer.


Per owns Marie? :-)

I have this picture of Marie in Per’s basement, fettered to a radiator and fed only stale bread and water.

Per, of course!

Marie Fredriksson of course, Per Gessle Doesn’t exist...
Marie Fredriksson has got more heart to Gessle... It’s Right....
Bye, Bye

Well, here in Brazil the people like more Marie. I’m sure about it, because here I can hear things like this, for example: “Você tem o CD novo da Roxette?” (translation: do you own the new Roxette CD?). In English, it doesn’t mean so much to prove what I’m saying, but, in Portuguese that word “da” that I wrote means “of the”, but it’s only applicable when we’re talking about things or persons of the female gender. So, the majority of the people here thinks that Roxette is Marie Fredriksson’ artistic name!

*OOOPS! Duplicated reply!*

@Anarem: are you serious???

Geez, of course not!

To go back to more to the title of this discussion. Per is great, but Roxette were still a product of the media frenzy/video phase and do you think Per’s good looks alone would have got Roxette to the top??

No way, like Eurythmics before, it seems the male partner plays a crucial role in the band, but that last little explosive part needs a sexy fantastic looking woman and that is/was Marie.

That partnership has brought most of us here to this forum. Yes we can wax lyrical about the two individuals, but I would say without marie, Per would still be a homeboy in Sweden, making his records. Marie’s looks and charisma projected them onto the world stage!

Totally agree with you Crev. It’s SO stupid when people write crap like “There’s no Roxette without Per”.....Roxette without Per = Marie. Roxette without Marie = Per. You can’t have the band without EITHER of them or you end up with one person. If someone likes Per more....good for them but that doesn’t mean Marie is worthless. Per wrote the songs and Marie’s image & voice brought the success. Sounds like an equal partnership to me.

So to answer the original topic: I like MARIE more. That doesn’t take anything away from Per and I don’t need to insult Per to prove that she is the best. She’s NOT the best...I just happen to like her more.

Oh my god, thats the easiest question I have ever heard.. Per! Of course! Who needs Marie? No, just kidding.. But I never realy liked Marie..Don’t know why.. Per is the greatest, mostly because he has done both Roxette, gyllene tider and solo.. Whatever that man touches seem to turn into gold! All his songs are hits to me.

some songs are better with marie singing them and some are better with per singing them


so when ’s somebody gonna add up each respective tally, to see who’s the ’winner?’

Then a bunch of us can have a nice gloating session, while the others can weep and gnash their teeth.


Good idea Zargo!! Because of course if Per has the most votes, it proves that he is the absolute best and Marie is a worthless nobody who rides on Per’s coat tails!

you need them both. end of story. I think a more interesting question is where would they be if they’d lacked some of the amazing musicians behind them?

@Sparvogamarie - he does?

Ok, I haven’t voted, I’ll vote for Marie... not cos I like her more, but so we can get closer to a draw :)

Marie anyday.....

I have counted you answers as good as I could..

And here is the result:
Per - 32
Marie 30

And of course there are many answers thats says: Both! But I didn’t care to count those ;)

Marie by farrrrrrrrr :-P they are many who normally stay away from this kind of thing lol

i like both but i like per because hes mysterious......
i think on some songs Per sings better like on Anyone the demo , the original version with Marie singing is so screamy hurts my ears.
But i like Marie too her voice is brilliant in most songs.

Musically, I love them both equally. But I have to admit that I LOVE to look at Marie. She is just beautiful!

Now the results are even :-P 33 / 33

I think this question is silly for a roxettefan!
If you are a roxfan then you LOVE BOTH in the same way!!!
Their own stuff is another question there you could ask “who do you like more?”!
You can’t say Per is better or Marie is better! Without Per or Marie there is no ROXETTE!!!


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