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Unbelievable: MTV Nordic talks of Grammis awards

4 replies

The channel sometimes does play Roxette but never ever mentions Marie Fredriksson nor Per Gessle nor even Gyllene Tider...

They now have a news item on the site about the Grammis awards...


“A selected list of winners reads:

Best Artist: The Hives
Best Album: The Hives
Best Song: Raymond & Maria “Ingen vill veta var du köpt din tröja”
Best Rock Group: The Hives
Best Hiphop/Soul: Embee
Best Female Artist: Marit Bergman
Best Male Artist: Christian Walz
Best Newcomer: Anna Ternheim”

Definitely a “selected” list...No mention of the pop group of the year?

That’s a shame!

Actually nordic MTV did mention Per’s success in Grammis on MTV News last year. Moreover, MTV told about Gyllene Tider’s success at this year’s Rockbjornen!!! I was so surprised to hear it from MTV VJ:)

@ They talked about Rockbjornen? And GT? Well that sure comes as a surprise!

Anyway, Per’s success at Grammis was well diminished last year on MTV. I think it was UpNorth where they just said Per Gessle won this and that and this...Didn’t even show him properly! And they didn’t even show the GT video on the show though they air some guy from A-ha who went solo!

although they did meantion the fab Christian Walz...but I agree, it’s bad not mentioning GT


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