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Crush On You & The Almighty Remixes

34 replies

I think that “Crush On You” should had been released as the FIRST single from “Have A Nice Day”. I think that if they had done this, the Roxette return would be much more successful!

Lately, I have been buring a few Roxette compilation CDs for listening to when I’m driving my car.

One compilation I put together was a selection of Roxette remixes. Tracks like, Stars, Real Sugar, The Centre of the Heart, Milk and Toast and Honey etc.

It got me thinking about the Crush On You remixes by Almighty and whether we will ever get to hear them.

Almighty did a great job on Stars. They took a good sounding song and made it into an awesome track.

I can only imagine what they did to Crush On You.

Per: Please reconsider releasing these remixes. There must be a viable way.

i agree

I agree to


Oh me too!!!

Hehe...Wouldn’t it be funny if they were released and then everybody thought they totally sucked? After all this waiting... ;) Doubt that they do, though :D

@ steven

btw, you’ve got a nice section for this on your website... ++

im courious as well!

Hi animalkingdom ,

Thanks for your kinds comments :)

doubt we would ever hear this ;(

Do you think that they would include them as a bonus disc on a future release??

@steven: very nice site, why was it down for so long?

Thank God this topic hasn’t been replied or commented by old school diehard Rox fans whose fantasies rely only on real drums and Jonas’s guitar riffs and Ander’s bass playing LOL
You know what they would say about all this “remix” thing and especially the ones in tracks incluced on the HAND or RS albuns.

Yet: I agree great mixes in fact in the REAL SUGAR mix I find it even more energetic and cooler when I hear that with the origial mix which means that if the original had been given a lot more power into it it would sound even more appealing... Stars remixes remain my all time fav ones and I like the TCOTH mixes ... the vocals seem to be a bit hidden though just the beat and the original arrengements seem to be more in the light!

I still have one question (99,99% there will be no answer to it): why has Roxette never released Crush On You as a sinlge???

Response from Per, 2000:

“As you know we’re in pretty good shape in the studio right now and we hope to have a new album out in October (RS). This is the reason why COY won’t be released as a single (for your info: Almighty have already done some remixes on COY...)”

Couldn’t agree more!
It is one of the biggest (if not the NR. 1 biggest) mistake Roxette has ever made in my opinion.


Yes, it’s the greatest mistake of them...

That’s the single releases from “Have A Nice Day” that I think would be more successful:

#01 Crush On You
#02 It Will Take A Long Long Time
#03 Cooper
#04 Wish I Could Fly

After releasing them, I think the majority of the fans wouldn’t care about “Stars”, “Salvation” or “Anyone” not being released as singles so much as we did about “Crush On You”...

IMO releasing Wish I Could Fly as the first single from Have A Nice Day was a good option. It was winter, cold winter, and ballad really fitted the situation. And Crush On You would have done well in late spring or summer.

I agree as well. Biggest mistake ever in it not being released as a single as either the 1st or 2nd single off HAND. That song still rocks 5 1/2 years later.

1/ wish i could fly
2/ crush on you
3/ you can’t put your arms around
4/ salvation
if a 5th/ stars

My choice for singles... I think it has a good balance in terms of having enough of both Marie and Per, plus up-tempo and ballads
(though PTP or 7twenty7 could easily slot in place of YCPYAAWAG since for some reason most of you don’t like it).

There’s just too little Per in the singles eventually released... perhaps even little miss sorrow should have been a single.

For me it’s this...

#01 Wish I Could Fly
#02 Crush On You
#03 It Will Take A Long Long Time
#04 Stars
#05 Anyone

#1 Crush On You
#2 Wish I Could Fly
#3 Stars
#4 It Will Take A Long Long Time

I have an idea...

Why don’t we try a little reverse psychology?

Per: We DON’T want to hear the COY remixes, so DON’T ever release them... ok?

LOL... You never know LOL.

IF is the season (summer / winter) a issue to be considered when Roxette release singles, they should release “Have a Nice Day” in the summer and “Crush On You” as the first single...

But now I start to think: in south hemisphere “Crush On You” could not make that success that we imagine they would make in north hemisphere, because, as you may know, here is winter while there is summer...

Here is the solution: release singles in the spring or autumn!

as great as crush is i think it would have fallen just like anyone, and anyone is a great song even though it took fans a while to realize it, i think alot of european critics would have rolled their eyes and said, oh here’s roxette trying to be young and popular, and honestly can u imagine the horrendously bad video ackerlund would have made forcrush, i mean stars was a dance video and what did u get, rubber ducks? so honestly I am very happy with what came from HAND, my only wish was it had come stateside so thy would have sold 6 million copies :)

oh and my original wish for hand single were as follows.

1.) Stars: it woudl have hit the clubs with the remixes and probably would have caught ears overseas alot faster than crush
2.) WICF: atmospheric, and if it had a better video again it would have possibly peaked international interest.
3.) Salvation: right in time for xmas, should have had a video with a story set in winter, the whole atmosphere of the song is seasonal
4.) Anyone: only because the album would have been winding down and, they tend to release offbeat single during what would have been a european tour if they had been able to convince emi at that point to finance it, which i still to this day believe was the reason they never ever toured.

Coy... Jonas didn’t do the Stars video... in all honesty I have great respect for that man’s work!!

Yep... I have to agree with you Purple. I’m a fan of Jonas’s work. I don’t think Roxette could find a better director for their videos

It’s possible some remixes will find their way to future single releases... At least I hope so.

Why does everyone think that Jonas Akerlund done the Stars video?? That was the work of Anton Corbjin.

All the vids that Jonas has done have been great!! Hopefully there’s more to come :-)
He should have done the one for Salvation as well, anything would’ve been better than what Corbjin put together.

@Coyboy: You make a good point about the critics view of the song, but with some really good remix’s it could have been a huge hit. Didn’t the Star’s mix’s cause a bit of a stir in the clubs in Europe??

Rob... I’m curious to know why you don’t like the Salvation video... I think it takes the song to a completely different level!

“Wish I Could Fly” was a perfect first single for the album. In my oppinion, it’s the best song on it. This is my oppinion about singles from HAND:

#1: Wish I Could Fly
#2: Crush On You (featuring the sleeve of “Salvation”)
#3: Salvation (featuring the sleeve of “Anyone”)
#4: Stars

I don’t like “Salvation” video either. For me, it’s the worst Roxette video ever. The image is terrible, and the video has nothing to do with the lyrics. I don’t understand what are doing those pumpkins and fishes on Marie’s and Per’s hands. The song deserves something better...

@ coyboyusa

But Salvation was pretty much released just for Christmas, wasn’t it?

Anyway, HAND sold better than RS (but don’t check your own sales data) so how the hell has that got to do with EMI financies? It had to do with Marie & Per themselves, not the record company!

@purplemedusa: its not that i don’t like it as such, but i think that they could’ve had a better clip, what coyboy described would’ve been nice. To me them holding up fruit, vegies and fish just looks stupid, what’s it supposed to represent??. I think that is what really ruins the clip for me. The rest is ok but i just don’t see where Anton was heading with this one??

COY a single?
In fact it remains my absolute fav track together with Beautiful Things (I mean from the very first time I heard the HAND album it took me more than 30 minutes to listen to tracks 2-14 cause I was totally knoecked out by COY I relistened to that one over nearly 20 times one after another basically ... it was a great day that day)

Its very complet to set a list of single from this album that could somehow match the majority of fans preferences: in fact it’s impossible cause this is such a loved/hated record that it seems to be an impossible task

Yet: my personal set
1) WICF (definitively the track that marked a great come back and a wonderful classic ballad as Roxette know how to do)
2) COY (the follow up smashing song a great tune a strong chorus an incredible powerful vocals from Marie and who gives a f..k what the whole song is about! If we didn’t bother with The Look why bothering with this one? - the proble: dancy beat drum and synths and no focus on guitars that would have torned Rox fans completly)
3) Anyone or Salvation (a ballad for a 3rd single to make it good)
4) Stars (this track would continue the same hate/love feeling surrouding us with COY and now even worse witha a more sort of techo sort of like track .. but with great remixes for those who like this sort of stuff)

And that would be it ...enough for 4 singles!

I would have gone for

1 - Wish I Could Fly
2 - Crush On You
3 - Stars
4 - Anyone

Or actually...If COY came 2nd would we have gotten the Almighty remixes then??? Cos I think they were invited in the gang in the late spring/early summer because of Stars...

I am not very keen on this idea of having two uptempo singles one after another ... a change in the tempo is something more singnificant ... Real Sugar and The Centre Of The Heart for example I like the songs but one after another as singles? Ummm no ....

Between COY and Stars there should have been a ballad “Anyone” maybe just to make this more realistic somehow ...


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