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Discussion on Crash! Boom! Bang! poll

30 replies

First Girl, Love Is All (indeed a very underrated song), and Go To Sleep are all great songs to me. I was truly surprised thate First Girl got booted do early. C!B!B! & HAND are the best two albums, IMO.

It was a fun poll.

And am I right in thinking all the albums of original material were already done? If yes, can you post the winners?

Results from the Crash! Boom! Bang! polls from 5th of January to 4th of February indicate the following results.

The unofficial worst song on CBB = Place Your Love

The following songs were voted out in the shown rounds:
2nd Round = I Love The Sound Of Crashing Guitars
3rd Round = Do You Wanna Go The Whole Way
4th Round = Vulnerable
5th Round = The First Girl On The Moon
6th Round = Love Is All (Shine A Light On Me)
7th Round = Go To Sleep
8th Round = Lies
9th Round = Harleys & Indians
10th Round = What’s She Like
11th Round = I’m Sorry
12th Round = Fireworks
13th Round = Crash! Boom! Bang!
14th Round = Run To You

The unofficial Best track on CBB = Sleeping In My Car

Well... what do you think of our collective taste? :)

I always knew that the CBB poll would be a tough one. I’m looking at these results and thinking that any song (with the exception of Place Your Love, Do You Wanna... and Love Is All) could have finished anywhere, and I’d be pretty happy with it. I, ideally, would have liked The First Girl..., Vulnerable and Go To Sleep finish higher, with I’m Sorry and What’s She Like down lower on the list, but hej... it’s not my decision :(

And I think the final would have been a lot closer if Fireworks had’ve made it into the final instead of Run To You.

Place your love is very underrrated.

thats true, but one song had to go first & there all just so damn good! For me it would’ve been PYL or Vulnerable.

Still its interesting that the last 4 songs were singles!

**cries** Run To You was better ;) so what’s the next poll?

My favourite 3 songs reached the top 3 so I’m very happy :-) There were no real shocks to me and I agree that the singles from this album were very well picked. Well done EMI (did I just write that?!)...

When I met Marie in 2000 she told me that this was her favourite album. If Roxette are able to make more music, a brand new album in the style of Crash! Boom! Bang! would be an absolute dream...

All the best, Rich ;-)

i would have liked First Girl... to be higher up - a think it is a really pretty song.

I would have changed Harleys&Indians and Go to sleep. I am fine with the rest though I prefer Run to you over SIMC.

its not my fave track on the album, but saying that it represents the album as a whole best.

yes this album is definetely a masterpiece. The only song I am not so fond of is Love is all - which I find too long, but still nice in the beginning :)

hi to everyone

my favourite one is ”Vulnerable” anyone here really like this track like me? If so let me know :-D

Umm..Vulnerable has begun to grow on me...Possibly cos Roxette seem to like it so much themselves: first it reappeared on Rarities, then on Don’t Bore Us - Get to The Chorus, and finally on the Ballad Hits...Although it really did not make any impact on the charts except in Sweden...

It appeared on DBUGTTC and TBH because it was a single. :)
I never liked Vulnerable and I won’t ever do. Awful song, awful video, good-looking Per though.


you know its a great song a masterpiece hats off to per gessle

I still think that CBB is Roxette’s best recording though I do like Tourism, too. Actually, Fireworks and Vulnerable are the only songs on CBB that cannot bear.

Sleeping In My Car is a worthy champion. It’s one of Roxette’s best uptempo songs!

CBB is my favourite album. There are so many good songs, I only like Vulnerable and C!B!B! a little bit less than the others. But for me rank1 should have been Harleys and Indians.

hi again

ok those who dont like vulnerable i’ll tell you what just listen to this song all over and over again you’ll like it especially kiwein1

@ Kiwein1

Well that doesn’t quite apply to DBU because Fireworks & Run to You were bigger worldwide hits and were not included!

@ juni

Yeah, been giving it another and another chance and have started to like it some more!

I´M SORRY is the best.

Yeah! I’m sorry rules!

Do you wanna go the whole way is also great!

In my opinion, Im Sorry should have won. Almost everyone here thinks that “Crush On You” is THE Roxette single that never was released, but I think that not releasing Im Sorry was a bigger mistake. The whole song is so special ( esp. Pers part!)

@animalkingdom: of course not, but I guess it was so in the case of Vulnerable. I wouldn’t have chosen it to appear on any Best Of for sure though. Too cheesy in every single way.

All songs are really great. If you tell me to choose ONE the best song from CBB I’ll be confused. A half of songs on the album can pretend to be “the best”. SIMC as the winner is absolutely ok as well as for ex C!B!B! or I’m Sorry could be.
For me the worst song is Go To Sleep. IMO it should have been voted off earlier, at least before The First Girl... and Love Is All.
Love Is All is a very beautiful and underrated song.

So I´m not the only one to love I´m Sorry! Cool. I love both English and Spanish versions. Very beautiful intro.

in the end cbb deserves alot more accolades than joyride every got, cbb was the frist true roxette album, not them trying to be the beatles or anyone else

that is so true.. makes you wonder, what would have happend if CBB was released in the US properly..... where would that have taken them??

With promotion straight to stars!

I am rather sure the album would have sold platinum like LS and Joyride did.

SIMC & Run to you were destined to be big on the radio in the States.

The CBB era was Roxette’s best time. Great album, great tour, cool looks and for the first time something like a more or less accepted status as established pop stars.

Hi MiracleMan... C!B!B! & HAND are the best two albums for me too :-) HAND & RS have not yet been done. The winners, so far, are Surrender, Listen To Your Heart, Things Will Never Be The Same, The Rain & Sleeping In My Car. Best wishes from Rich ;-)

hey kiwein1

Gosh what kind of roxette fan am i watching? Vulnerable must be released on any best of roxette album. Im totally against you Maybe you’re unvulnerable or something That’s too bad when someone is a she. Too bad

“Im totally against you Maybe you’re unvulnerable or something That’s too bad when someone is a she. Too bad”

What? ;-)



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