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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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25 replies

thanks all!

can anyone suggest a good site (or a couple) where I can get good facts and figure on both Roxette and GT? I mean like single / album sales, tour figures etc etc.

I am writing an article for a UK music mag and want some facts to go on it.



I believe it may be rather hard getting accurate (and truthful) info on album sales from the Internet. Single sales seem hard as hell to find...

There have been sale figures on the net but to me they seem just made up! For instance, one website sited that HAND had sold some 3,5 million units when more official numbers indicate around a 2-million figure... The Ballad Hits sold a little over 1 million, for sure, as well as did Room Service.

Joyride tour was seen by 1,5 million people according to the Live-ism tape and Room Service tour by some 200,000 people according to some of the official Roxette websites (can’t remember which one, though).

I remember Per saying that Marie Dimberg said a while back that the total single sales were around 20 million already...But has there truly been a big seller since the 1995 figures of 15 million sold singles??

Album sales are probably now around 43-44 million (BEE 1m, HAND 2m, RS 1m, TBH 1m added to the 38 million figure on the DBU booklet).

cheers - as I thought. Any clues on GT?

Hmm..not more than F5F was the biggest selling album in Sweden last year cerfifying 3 times platinum...You know, not _that_ interested in Gyllene Tider :)

i think thast Halmstad pärlor sold about 450 000 - 500 000 copies, moderna tider 400 0000, puls about 200 000, Gyllene tider 100 000, finn fem fel 120 000 - 200 000. Instant hits sold about 100 000 - 200 000 copies if I don’t reacal it very wrong.

Joyride and Look Sharp has both sold platinumin the US wich is 1 000 000 copies. The look and It must have been love has sold platinum also.
chek ut for exakt facts on the US sales.

Thats all the figuers I’m pretty shore about.

Then I have also heard figuers that says that Joyride sold about 13 million in the world, C!B!B! about 6 millions. And I think it says in one of the roxette albums (i think Ballad hits) that Hand sold 2 million copies.

Roxette has been awarded buy EMI for selling more than 40 millins copies and that was after or befor the Don’t bore us and get..... album. So say that roxette have sold between 45-50 million copies

13 million copies of Joyride and 6 million of CBB sounds a bit like wishful thinking to me. The last thing (a year ago or so) I’ve read was 11 million copies of Joyride, 10 million Look Sharp!, both 5 million copies of CBB and Tourism.

I agree with Burke.

By the way, I think the latest GT collection states that Halmstads Pärlör has sold around 592,000 copies in Sweden...Possibly making it the biggest selling album in Sweden ever...

And I wondered if Look Sharp! is still the second best selling album in Sweden? Was it beaten by Gyllene Tider?

And maybe someone knows the sales of Pearls Of Passion?

I dont think”Look Sharp” is the on the top ten of biggest selling records here in sweden. THE biggest selling record of all time in sweden is-believe it or not- Aquas “Aquarium”.

Thanx for explaining. Well, maybe Look Sharp! was the best selling record in 1988...
Anyway, another question, how many people did attend Crash!Boom!Bang! tour?

Thomas might help you with GT.. ? :)

I have heard that “Nordman” has the best selling album in Sweden ever but that was a few years ago and I am not sure.

:o And how much has Aqua sold?

I like to get my Roxette information from here:

Some parts of it are in Russian, but the parts you really need to know are in English.

n-Somnia: That sounds very reasonable to me. Where did get your information from?

BTW: Really nice website! :-)

I stumbled across it a while back and thought it looked very familiar... The layout of the site is very, very similar to another site that no longer exists (I felt sad when that happened). I looked at this one and it brought back the fond memories. :)

from pers lips

7 million look sharp
9 million joyride
7.5 million cbb
5.5 million tourims
4.5 million eu hits
3.8 million copies of hand
7 million copies pretty woman soundtrack
4.5 million copies of room service
balla hits 1.3 million
pop hits

i thought look sharp didint do that well in sweden

Maybe you dreamed about Per’s lips but most of these numbers aren’t correct...

LSharp is after ABBAs The album 2nd best selling album in sweden ever.

POP 0,8
LS almost 9
Pretty soundtrack between 9 and 10
J more than 10
T 6
CBB almost 5
Rarities 1
95 Hits 6
BEE 1,5
HAND 2,4
RS 1,5

Joyride tour attends 1.700.000 fans in 108 shows

Pearls of Passion 0,5 million-1 million
Look Sharp! - 9 million
BSO Pretty Woman- 10 million (thay year 9 million)
Joyride- 11 million (some people says through years 12 million, in 1991-1992 were 10 million)
Tourism- 6 million (in 1992 5 million)
C!B!B!- 5 million
Don’t bore us... (1995-96)- 5 million (some people says 6 million through the years)
Baladas en Español (I’m spanish, oleee)- 1 million
HAND- between 2,2 million and 3 million
Room Service- 1,5 million, I think
The Ballad Hits- 1 million more or less
The Pop Hits- it seems the tiny promotion did less than 1 million
Others I don’t know sure, I think Don’t bore us... from 1999-2000 sold 500.000 units

In my heart, Roxette has sold soooooooooooooooooooooooo milions and billions... And for me it’s the most important thing.

@ coyboyusa

You’re either a pathological liar or compeletely high or you just, sort of, “HAVE TO” know an answer to everything...From Per’s lips - yeah, right!

4,5 million units of Room Service?? Yeah, for sure!
7 million of LS? Even the 1995 booklet of GH states it selling more than 8 million copies..

And wasn’t it you who once said that the US version of DBU sold over 900,000 copies? That’s pretty much for an album that didn’t even enter the BB Hot 200 Chart...

Anyway, it must be real fun making up those figures!

:lol: I really have to agree with animalkingdom. No offence, coyboy, but this is a bit too much. :-) Room Service: 4.5 million copies? In 1995 *CBB* had something like four million copies and CBB was a hit record in Europe - quite in contrast to RS.

Does EMI even have this info, it seems we’ve been told the same figures since 1994!

I would really like to know what the current official figures are.


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