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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Special for Mr Per Gessle!

21 replies

Hello Mr Per Gessle!
I’m sorry, because my English not so good.
I want you say, I very love your song. They helped me in my life. Owing to your songs, i began to stady English. I even sanging your songs in my university. Everybody were delighted of splerdid songs. Everybody even asked me sing as an encore.
I would like to wish you continuing your work with new songs. I think, you should think something new and not “standart”, not like have other. For example, will sing in Russian. I think it is wil surprise don’t only for press, but other people too. Imagine, the Swedish singer sining in Swedish and in English, but suddenly began singing in Russian. I think, it is will be sensation. We have to try everything in our life, because it is one. Even I can write the words of song for you. I have experience. I think you will like they.
Faithfuly, Yuliya.

I remember Per (or Marie?) said in Joyride era that teachers in South American countries played Rox songs for pupils because Rox´s English lyrics are quite simple.

Well, Roxette already did spanish, so who knows if Russian is the next language....

i hope not ... and i hope they won’t sing in german ... i’d prefere french ... robbie williams’ “supreme” sounded much cooler in french i think... so wouldn’t “coucher à la voiture” sound quite nice? ;)

If Roxette ever sing in german....oh my god!!!
That would be an attack of your ears: “Höhr auf Herz, bevor du ihm auf wiedersehen sagst...”
Or anyone:” Jeder, der jemals im Regen geküsst hat...” Perhapes they could do an trio with Marianne Rosenberg.... what a nightmare!!!
By the way,if they singing in dutch, it would be fun, just because of the dutch g, ch en ui...

Why not ? Why can’t Roxette sining in Russian? I don’t doubt into possibilities of Roxette. I think, they can everything.
By the way, Russian very sining language. Well, let they think. They will sining in Russian or not. But i still would like will hear songs of Roxette in Russian. I even can help them in this.

Let’s stay with english :)

Oh, naive girl :) Roxette singing in russian... well not in this life I guess:) Strictly speaking, Per had answered your question/demand during the Room Service Tour. Beeing interviewed before concert in Moscow he was questioned if Roxette would like to sing at least a SINGLE song in russian. Russian fans was eager for that (we always do :). Per said that it is unlikely ’cos “russian is a very hard language”. In terms of pronunciation i think... So the theme was closed.

Tak chto davay, Yulechka, naslazhdat’sia tem chto imeem :)

I am sure when he reads this here, he will get down to his Tits and Ass Studio immediately and start working on a russian Album!!!

why not in german ;), Patricia Kaas just recorded a song in german which sounds amazing, besides the accent would be less annoying

@Yulia:Roxette pereveli i ispolnili Baladas En Espanol potomu, chto ispanskii tretii v mire yazhik posle angliiskogo i kitaiskogo;)
Da, znaesh, est’ odna italianskaya pevitsa, Paulina Mitracchi (Haiducii), ona seichas ochen’ populiarna na rodine so svoey pesney Mne S Toboy Horosho na russkom yazike. No Roxette uvazhzut sebya i na takuyu avanturu ne poidut konechno:)

Yesss... Russian is not a very good idea. It’s not that singable.. I would say...

By the way. Roxette once have already answered to this question. Per said that Russian is very difficult.

It is. Both phonetically and grammatically...

So ... you should continue with your studies of English ;-)

I still want smth. in French...after all these years...haha...even though I know that nothing will happen anytime soon...haha

btw, where is Per right now? I suppose Marie is home, don’t know about Per though...Is he in Sthlm? Am planning a travel and would be nice to bump into one of them (at least)...(kidding...but it’s nice to be in Sthlm also knowing that P &/or M are there) (sorry...i’m off topic already)

Why not in English!

whoops... I forget they already do! ;)

Russian is singable and poetic,but it’s hard for swedish people i guess.
I also watched an interview just before Moskow concert in 2001 and for Per it was so hard to say – “zdem ” –funny
but later when i try to speak on swedish with Per in 2003 ==uurrhh===I was Realllly funny .. :-)))

Russian? No way, stay in english. maybe french, spanish was quite good, but keep it english.

No, French is no good, absolutely unreal;)

It’s almost unreal? :)


Swedish is far more better! ;-)

There could a song/song with French or Swedish phrases in it/them.

And Russian is a really difficult language.

@La Man : Roxette’s song IMHBL played in my english class when I was still in high school. Our teacher play song and we must listening to it so we can complete the lyrics that written in the black board.

the teacher wrote : It —- have —- love, but it’s—- now.

I started to like Roxette during that time, since the song played for many times and it grew on me :)


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